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» Iqaamatul Burhaan: A new series of fataawaa by al-Allaamah al-Fawzaan
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23-02-2005 @ 8:32 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul Irbaad Abid bin Bashir Zargar (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 153
Joined: Oct 2002

[Q. 22] What is the ruling regarding the one who disobeys the rulers or criticises them?

[A. 22] Whoever disobeys the command of the ruler then he has disobeyed the Messenger (sallallaahualaihi wasallam). As long as the ruler does not order him with sinning, then disobedience of him is the disobedience of the Messenger (sallallaahualaihi wasallam). Similarly if he criticises the ruler, then this is the madhab of the Khawaarij who criticise the rulers, speak about them and incite the people against them. The young rabble who rose up against Uthmaan did not do so except due to the vile Ibn Saba?. He began to speak in the gatherings and incite the people until the foolish people began to rage, and this ended in the killing of Uthmaan (radiallaahu anhu). And what tribulations were the Muslims thrown into due to his killing? Things that would make the hair turn grey due the killing of the Caliph and rebelling against him.

ابو العرباض
Abid Zargar

22-06-2006 @ 1:31 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul Irbaad Abid bin Bashir Zargar (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 153
Joined: Oct 2002
[Q. 24] May Allaah reward you, the questioner says, ?There are some youth who accuse Shaykh Abdul Azeez ibn Baaz and Shaykh ibn Uthaymeen of being the Murji?ah of this age and that they are from the most the deviated of this Ummah, so what is your advice to these individuals??

[A. 24] No matter what they say, this is not strange, since whoever doesn?t agree with their desires is regarded as being upon Irjaa or another madhab. They regard  Ibn Baaz and Ibn Uthaymeen as being upon Irjaa just because they don?t rebel against the rulers and don?t declare Muslims to be disbelievers, which is what they want them [the two Imaams] to do.

However, when they were unable to get the two Shaykhs to agree with their desires, they made the ruling of Irjaa upon them. This is a speech resulting from desires, and Allaah?s refuge is sought, accusing these two Imaams with that which is not found in them. We do not know except goodness, firmness and moderation for them, and [they] stress upon clinging to the Book, the Sunnah and the manhaj of the Salaf - this is what we have learnt and known from them, may Allaah have mercy upon them.

However, when they did not agree with the positions of these people and their incitements to evil, they accused them [the two Imaams] of Irjaa, because the one who doesn?t make takfeer of the Muslims is a Murj?ee, according to them.

ابو العرباض
Abid Zargar

08-07-2006 @ 1:27 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul Irbaad Abid bin Bashir Zargar (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 153
Joined: Oct 2002

[Q. 25] There are those speak about our ulemaa and say that they are the ulemaa of menses and postnatal bleeding, and they tell us not to split the youth of the ummah, rather it is we that want unity of the ranks. Is this from disbelief in what Allaah and His Messenger (sallallaahualaihi wasallam) revealed?

[A. 25] No this is not disbelief but it is backbiting, and insulting the honour of the ulemaa, and this is haraam without a doubt. Backbiting is severely prohibited and it is obligatory upon them to repent to Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic. Then what does speech about the ulemaa bring about except evil and hatred of them with the people and lack of trust in them and where will the people go if they don?t return back to the ulemaa, where will they go? This is very dangerous.

Firstly, It is backbiting which a major sin.

Secondly, it necessitates lack of trust in the ulemaa and bringing down their rank in front of the people and this is not permissible. And the meaning of this is that the people will return to other than the ulemaa, so evil and corruption will result, which is what the people of evil desire. As for (the claim) that we split the youth, then we seek refuge with Allaah from splitting amongst the Muslims. We would love for the youth to unite and be brothers upon the deen and be a united ummah and we call them to this and we strive to untie them upon the truth not to unite them upon what they say, ?we will cooperate upon what we agree upon and excuse each other in what we differ.? This is falsehood!

Rather we unite upon the truth and abandon what we differ upon from that which opposes the truth.

ابو العرباض
Abid Zargar

12-08-2006 @ 5:37 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul Irbaad Abid bin Bashir Zargar (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 153
Joined: Oct 2002

[Q. 26]  We live in a land of kufr which contains many evils and we hear those who clearly slander the ulemaa of this country (Saudi) whereby we hear them say, about the Committee of Major scholars, that they are, ?the committee of major (government) agents (ulemaa).? And they accuse the ulemaa of this country to be people of positions and flattery, rather the affair has reached the extent that they declare them to be disbelievers and say that they are the allies of the oppressive disbelievers. How should we deal with this ideology and how should we refute them?

[A. 26] This does not harm the ulemaa of this country. This speech harms those who say it and the sin and crime of it returns back to them, so do not be envious of them for that which they have fallen into from sin and evil. Do not be sad because of them.
They said about the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahualaihi wasallam) more than this, such as magician, mad and liar. This is not strange at all and does not harm the ulemaa of this country at all, and all Praise is due to Allaah, and this speech turns back on the one who said it with sin and harm, so do not be saddened at all by their speech.

ابو العرباض
Abid Zargar

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