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» Iqaamatul Burhaan: A new series of fataawaa by al-Allaamah al-Fawzaan
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31-05-2004 @ 5:54 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul Irbaad Abid bin Bashir Zargar (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 153
Joined: Oct 2002
Iqaamatul Burhaan : A series of fataawaa on current issues by al-Allaamah al-Fawzaan

Introducing, bi idhnillaah, a selection of fataawaa of the Imaam of the Salafi?s, al-Allaamah Saaleh bin Fawzaan al-Fawzaan, on the issues of Takfeer, Irjaa, al-Haakimiyyah, current day groups, doubts regarding jihaad, a warning from some deviants, the ways and means of Dawah, terrorist activities etc.  

These fataawaa are collected in a book ?al-Ijaabaat al-Muhimmah fee Mashaakil il-Mudlahimmah? by Muhammad bin Fahad al-Husayn.

And all success lies with Allaah!

[Q. 1] Are those who carry the ideology of the Khawaarij present today?

[A.1] Far removed is Allaah from all imperfections! And that which is happening today, is it not from the actions of the Khawaarij? And it is declaring the Muslims to be disbelievers, and more severe than that is the killing of the Muslims and transgressing against them through terrorist activities. And this is the manhaj of the Khawaarij, it comprises of three aspects:

Firstly - Takfeer of the Muslims.

Secondly - Disobedience to the ruler.

Thirdly - Making permissible the blood of the Muslims.

This is the manhaj of the Khawaarij, and even if a person believed it in his heart and did not speak (with any of it) or did not act out any of it, he would still become a Khaarijee in his belief and opinion, which he did not express openly.

ابو العرباض
Abid Zargar

This message was edited by abu.naasir on 6-24-04 @ 4:17 PM

31-05-2004 @ 7:56 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified Youssef Ibn Hoessein (( Eindhoven - Netherlands))
Posts: 17
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Was salam `alaykoem wa rahmatoellaahie wa barakatoehoe

Barakallaahoe fiek

al-Fudayl bin 'Iyaad (rahima-hullaah) mentions:

((I met the best of people, all of them people of the Sunnah and they used to forbid from accompanying the people of innovation)).

al-Laalikaa'ee - Sharh Usool I'tiqaad Ahlis-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah (no.26

02-06-2004 @ 10:51 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul Irbaad Abid bin Bashir Zargar (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 153
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[Q.2] Are the Khawaarij considered to be from the people of the Qiblah? And can one pray behind them?  And what is the general rule regarding those who can be prayed behind, from the people of the Qiblah?

[A.2] The ulemaa have differed as to whether the Khawaarij are disbelievers or merely deviants and sinners. And the opinion that they are disbelievers is closer to the truth since the proofs indicate that they are disbelievers. As for praying behind them then it is not permissible except when they gain authority over a nation, as has been mentioned by the ulemaa. In this case, the Muslim should pray behind them and not abandon the congregational prayers.

ابو العرباض
Abid Zargar

05-06-2004 @ 5:35 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul Irbaad Abid bin Bashir Zargar (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 153
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[Q.3] Is the one who makes takfeer of the rulers and encourages the Muslims to revolt against their rulers, to be considered from the Khawaarij?

[A.3] This is the madhab of the Khawaarij. When an individual holds it permissible to revolt against the Muslim rulers, and more severe than that is to declare them to be disbelievers. This is the madhab of the Khawaarij .

ابو العرباض
Abid Zargar

07-06-2004 @ 11:17 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul Irbaad Abid bin Bashir Zargar (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 153
Joined: Oct 2002

[Q.4] What is our position towards those who make takfeer of the Muslim rulers today, generally and in detail? Are they (those who make takfeer of the rulers) considered to be from the Khawaarij?

[A.4] Those who declare the Muslim rulers to be disbelievers in general, then these are from the most extreme of the Khawaarij because they do not exclude anyone and give the ruling of disbelief to all the Muslims rulers. So this is most severe form of the madhab of the Khawaarij, because they generalised (the declaration of disbelief).

ابو العرباض
Abid Zargar

11-06-2004 @ 9:07 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul Irbaad Abid bin Bashir Zargar (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 153
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[Q.5] There is a person on the internet who calls the youth to throw off the bay?ah of the ruler of this country (Saudi Arabia). And the reason for that is the presence of the banks dealing in usury and the manifestations of evil in this country (as they claim). So what is your advice, may Allaah preserve you?

[A.5] Our advice is that this speech is false and it should not be accepted. That is because this person calls to misguidance and to the splitting of the ranks, and it is obligatory to reject this person and his speech, and not to pay any attention to it, since he calls to falsehood, evil and fitnah. And the presence of these things do not necessitate takfeer of the rulers.

ابو العرباض
Abid Zargar

15-06-2004 @ 11:08 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul Irbaad Abid bin Bashir Zargar (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 153
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[Q.6] Some people are very relaxed with regard to revolt against the rulers. They use as a proof that which occurred at the time of al-Hajjaaj and those who rebelled against him, at the head of them Saeed bin Jubayr (may Allaah have mercy upon him). So what is the response to this point?

[A.6] This speech is totally baseless and rubbish. The Muslims have never ceased to cling to hearing and obeying (the rulers), even if some differences occurred in some periods of time. However the majority of the Muslims have stuck to hearing and obeying. And if there occurred from some of them differences or errors, then they would reject it. And Saeed bin Jubayr (may Allaah have mercy upon him) was from imaams of the Taabi?een and he was unjustly killed, and even if he did rebel then this is something that is not agreed with.

ابو العرباض
Abid Zargar

19-06-2004 @ 5:34 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul Irbaad Abid bin Bashir Zargar (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 153
Joined: Oct 2002

[Q.7] There are some satellite television stations and some forums on the internet which call to rebellion against the rulers of this country. What is your advice to those who are tricked by these deceptions or listen to them or participate in them?

[A.7] Yes this country is one that people have their intentions upon and wish to attack because it is the only country remaining which implements the manhaj of the Salaf us-Saaleh, and it is a country safe from trials, revolution and uprising. So it is a country, and all praise is due to Allaah, which enjoys peace, security and practices the manhaj of the Salaf us Saaleh. So they wish to strip it of the characteristics and make it a land of anarchy, killing and murder as occurs in other lands. So it is upon us to beware of these individuals and to warn against them and not to bring these satellite stations into our home or for our children to see these trials and evils and then grow up on them. It is obligatory for us to protect our homes from these satellite stations and to prevent our children from going to cafés, which have these stations or the internet. It is upon the fathers to prevent their children from going these cafés, which have these evils, since they [the fathers] are responsible for their children.

ابو العرباض
Abid Zargar

24-06-2004 @ 4:21 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul Irbaad Abid bin Bashir Zargar (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 153
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[Q.8] Is the one [Dhul Khuwaysirah at-Tamimee] who said to Messenger (sallallaahualaihi wasallam), ?Be just!? to be regarded from the Companions? Or is he regarded to be a Khaarijee? Noting the fact that he did not rebel against the Prophet (sallallaahualaihi wasallam) and he  did not commit a deed that expelled him from the fold of Islaam.

[A.8] The one who said to the Messenger ?you are not just?, then this was the precursor of rebellion. He rebelled against the Prophet (sallallaahualaihi wasallam) in the sense that accused him of treachery. And it is not from the conditions of being from the Khawaarij that one carries weapons, rather when a person believes in takfeer of the Muslims because of major sins then he becomes a Khaarijee and upon their madhab. And if he incites the people against the ruler of the muslims by his sermons and writings, even if he didn?t raise his sword, then this is the madhab of the Khawaarij. And the Khawaarij are of many types. Amongst them are those carry weapons, those who speak with the like of what this man said to the Prophet (sallallaahualaihi wasallam), and amongst them are those who write, and those who believe with their hearts and do not speak or do anything, but in his aqeedah and in his heart is the aqeedah of the Khawaarij. However some of them are more severe than others.

ابو العرباض
Abid Zargar

This message was edited by abu.naasir on 6-27-04 @ 9:39 AM

06-07-2004 @ 4:03 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul Irbaad Abid bin Bashir Zargar (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 153
Joined: Oct 2002
[Q.9] Is it permissible to openly criticise the Muslim ruler in front of a gathering and the people?

[A.9] We have spoken about this issue many times before! It is not permissible to speak about the rulers because this brings about evil and differing in the society and it splits the unity of the Muslims and cause hatred between the ruler and the ruled. And this splitting and evil leads to rebellion against the ruler and the shedding of blood and matters which have blameworthy consequences.
So if you have a comment about them, take it to the ruler secretly by visiting him, if possible, or by writing to him or by informing someone who can convey it to the ruler as a sincere advice to him, and it should be done secretly not openly and this has been mentioned in the hadeeth, ?Whoever wishes to advise the ruler, then let him not mention it in public, rather let him take the ruler by his hand. So if he listens then that is that, and if not then he has fulfilled that which was upon him.? And this meaning has been reported from the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahualaihi wasallam).

ابو العرباض
Abid Zargar

This message was edited by abu.naasir on 7-6-04 @ 4:09 PM

14-07-2004 @ 2:19 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul Irbaad Abid bin Bashir Zargar (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 153
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[Q. 10] You and your brothers from the ulemaa in this country are Salafiyoon, and all praise is due to Allaah, and your way in advising the rulers in is conformity with the Sharee?ah as the Messenger (sallallaahualaihi wasallam) has clarified, and we do NOT purify anyone above Allaah. And there are some people who criticise you for not publicly rejecting the mistakes, which occur (from the rulers). And others excuse you and say that you are under pressure from the state. So do you have something to say by way of guidance and clarification for these people?

[A. 10] There is no doubt that the rulers, like other than them from mankind, are not infallible from error, so advising them is obligatory. However trying to reach out to them from the gatherings and the pulpits is considered to be the impermissible backbiting and it is a greater evil than the evil which emanates from the rulers because it is backbiting, and due to the fact that it implants fitnah and splitting of the ranks and it impacts the spreading of the dawah.

So it is obligatory to convey the advice to them by reliable means, not by exposition and spreading. As for attacking the ulemaa of this land by saying that they do not advise or that they are suppressed, then this is a false accusation by which the separation between the ulemaa and the people and the society is intended such that is easy for the one who intends corruption to implant his evil. This is because when bad thoughts about the ulemaa are spread, then the confidence in the ulemaa is lost and there arises an opportunity for those who have desires and intentions to spread their poison. And I believe that this ideology is a conspiracy from outside this land and its perpetrators are of foreign origin. So it is necessary for the Muslims to beware of this.

ابو العرباض
Abid Zargar

This message was edited by abu.naasir on 7-15-04 @ 1:27 PM

15-07-2004 @ 12:36 AM    Notify Admin about this post
ابي سلمة محمود بن عبد بن سعد (America)
Posts: 53
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Assalaamu Allaykum,

There is a little mistake on the last post. It says "...and we do purify anyone above Allaah..."

wa salaamu allaykum

25-08-2004 @ 12:14 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul Irbaad Abid bin Bashir Zargar (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 153
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[Q.11] Some people say that the Islamic world, from its length and breadth, carries the flags and banners of secularism. What is the ruling regarding such a statement?

This statement is false. This is because generalising a ruling on the people that they are all disbelievers and secularists, is generalised takfeer, and refuge is sought from Allaah.

This is not permissible because among the people are those who are believers and those who are disbelievers and those who are hypocrites, so we cannot generalise the ruling upon them. It is not permissible at all to generalise a ruling upon the people and say the people are all muslims, this is not correct, or (to say) the people are all disbelievers, this is also not correct, or to say the people are all hypocrites.

This is evil speech; rather we say that amongst the people there are: believers, hypocrites and disbelievers.

ابو العرباض
Abid Zargar

21-09-2004 @ 6:19 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul Irbaad Abid bin Bashir Zargar (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 153
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[Q.13] How should one show sincerity to the ruler, in accordance to the Sharee?ah?

[A.13] Sincerity to the rulers consists of the following: Supplicating for their righteousness and firmness, since it is from the Sunnah to supplicate for the Muslim rulers, especially during times in which the supplication is answered and the places in which it is hoped the supplication is answered.

Al-Fudayl ibn Iyaad said, ?If I had a supplication that would be answered I would supplicate for the ruler.? This is because in the rectification of the ruler lies rectification of the society, and in corruption of the ruler lies corruption of the society.

And from sincerity towards the rulers is to establish the duties which they appoint for the employees. And from sincerity towards them is to inform them of mistakes and evils which occur in society, while they are unaware of them. However this should be done privately between the one advising and them. Not the advice which is manifest in front of the people or on the pulpits, because this brings about enmity between the rulers and the ruled.

It not sincere advice that a person should speak about mistakes of the rulers upon the pulpit or on a chair in front of the people, this does not serve the benefit, rather it increases the evil even more. Sincere advice is that you should contact the ruler personally or by writing or by way of those who can contact them and convey your advice privately between you and them. And also it is not from sincere advice that we write criticisms of them and spread them amongst the people and then say this is from sincere advice. No! This is from exposition (of their mistakes) and from those affairs which cause evil, and please the enemies, and it is the people of desires who enter into these matters and ways.

ابو العرباض
Abid Zargar

30-09-2004 @ 10:53 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul Irbaad Abid bin Bashir Zargar (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 153
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[Q. 18] What is your advice to those who say that this country fights the deen and restricts the du?aat?

[A. 18] Since the Saudi state began, it has been aiding the deen and its people, and it was not set up except on this foundation. And now it aids the Muslims in every place with financial help, building Islamic centres and masaajid, sending du?aat, printing books foremost amongst them - the Noble Qur?aan, opening centres of learning and Sharee?ah colleges, and also it rules by the Islamic Sharee?ah and has an independent body for enjoining good and forbidding evil in every town. And all of that is a proof that this state aids Islaam and its people, and it is a thorn in the throats of the hypocrites and the people of evil and splitting. And Allaah will aid His deen even if the mushrikeen and those of evil intentions hate it.

And we do not say that this state is perfect in every way and that it doesn?t have any mistakes. Mistakes occur from everyone, but we ask Allaah to aid us in rectifying the mistakes. And if the one who said this looked at himself he would find mistakes in himself which would prevent him from speaking about others and he would be ashamed to look at the people.

ابو العرباض
Abid Zargar

06-11-2004 @ 6:32 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul Irbaad Abid bin Bashir Zargar (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 153
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[Q. 19] Is advising the ruler with that which is better, by way of a telegram, from sincerity towards him, or is it the precursor of rebellion?

[A. 19] This is something good ? to send sincere advice to the ruler by way of a telegram or to entrust someone who can convey that to him, then this is good! However that which is prohibited is speaking about the rulers in gatherings, upon the pulpits and on cassettes. This is what is prohibited and it is the manhaj of the Khawaarij. As for writing a telegram or a letter to him, and then submitting it to him in his hand or giving it to someone trustworthy who can give to him in his hand, then this is good!

ابو العرباض
Abid Zargar

06-11-2004 @ 9:42 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Aminah Ilyas bin Friedhelm (Germany)
Posts: 103
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As selam aleykum wa rahmetullah wa barakatuh.

Is this Iqaamatul Burhaan as a Book available?

If yes, where can I buy or order it?

I wish I have this Book. What a necessary and important Book, mashallah.

Barakallahu fiqhum.

As selam aleykum wa rahmetullah wa barakatuh.

07-11-2004 @ 3:38 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Ukkaasha Shaakir Ibn Willard Gree (Hawthorne, California)
Posts: 142
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As-Salaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu, Abu Naasir has mentioned in the beginning of the series, the following.

Iqaamatul Burhaan : A series of fataawaa on current issues by al-Allaamah al-Fawzaan

Introducing, bi idhnillaah, a selection of fataawaa of the Imaam of the Salafi?s, al-Allaamah Saaleh bin Fawzaan al-Fawzaan, on the issues of Takfeer, Irjaa, al-Haakimiyyah, current day groups, doubts regarding jihaad, a warning from some deviants, the ways and means of Dawah, terrorist activities etc.  

These fataawaa are collected in a book ?al-Ijaabaat al-Muhimmah fee Mashaakil il-Mudlahimmah? by Muhammad bin Fahad al-Husayn.

And all success lies with Allaah!

فمن كان يريد حقا الرجوع الى الكتاب والسنة, فليزمه الرجوع الى ما كان عليه أصحاب النبي عليه السلام و التابعين و أتباعهم من بعدهم

20-12-2004 @ 4:17 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul Irbaad Abid bin Bashir Zargar (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 153
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[Q. 20] Is it correct to say that the ruler is the one upon whom all the Muslims, all over the land, from the east to the west, unite upon (i.e. give a pledge of allegiance to)?

[A. 20] These are the words of the Khawaarij. The Imaam is the one upon whom the Muslims of status and rank (from the ulemaa and the heads of the tribes) unite upon, and it is necessary for everyone else to obey. And it is not binding upon everyone, all the men and women, from the east to the west to give him a pledge of allegiance. This is not the manhaj of Islaam regarding the pledge of allegiance to the ruler.

ابو العرباض
Abid Zargar

02-02-2005 @ 2:15 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul Irbaad Abid bin Bashir Zargar (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 153
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[Q. 21] Does rebellion against the rulers occur only by the sword or does it include slandering them, inciting the people to disobey them and rising up against them?

[Q. 21] We have mentioned this and have said that rebellion against the rulers occurs by the sword which is the most extreme form of rebellion and it also occurs by speech, by way of criticising, abusing, and speaking about them in gatherings and on pulpits. This agitates and encourages the people to rebel against the ruler and belittles the ruler in front of their eyes. So speech is a form of rebellion.

ابو العرباض
Abid Zargar

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