Posts: 187
Joined: Sep 2002
The following is a general summary of Sheik Fawzan?s words, for anyone desiring the exact quotes, then the Arabic audio and Arabic transcription are below, and all praises belong to ALLAH. Sheik Fawzan says? And in reference to those who should be followed in our country (Saudi Arabia) and those who?s tapes and lessons should be taken from, then they are many and all praises belong to ALLAH; and they are known to the people, no one is ignorant of who they are, not one living in the city nor one living in the desert, not the old nor the young, they know the people of knowledge, those who?s statements are published and their actions are followed. They are in charge of the affairs of this Ummah, by way of fatwas and judgments and teaching and other than that. Those whom are known for having knowledge, and known for having taqwa and piety. And at the head of our Scholars is the noble Scholar Sheik Abdul Aziz ibn Baaz, (may ALLAH preserve him). For verily he is a man who ALLAH the Glorified and Most High, bestowed an abundance of knowledge upon and righteous actions, and dawa to ALLAH, and sincerity and truthfulness. And he, and all praises belong to ALLAH, a lot of good has came from him to include books and publications and tapes and lessons. And similarly are those Scholars whom make fatwas on the program ?Light upon the Path?? The Sheik goes on to mention the Noble Scholar Sheik Uthamin as one of our Noble Scholars that have great benefit. And he mentions several virtues of the Sheik. Then the Sheik says? ?And in a like fashion those prominent Scholars who have a long tradition in giving dawa, the Noble Sheik Abdul Mushin Al Abaad, the Noble Sheik Rabee Haadi, also the Noble Sheik Saalih Suhaymee, also the Noble Sheik Muhammad Amaan Al-jaame, because they have put forth efforts in dawa, and they have sincerity, and they have put forth refutation against those who want by their dawa deviance from the correct path whether (they deviate) intentionally or unintentionally.? The Sheik goes on to say that the aforementioned Scholars have expertise and experience and a thorough examination of the sayings and knowledge of that which is correct from that which is corrupted. Then the Sheik says? Therefore it is obligatory to circulate their tapes and their lessons and to benefit and take advantage of them because in them is a great benefit for the Muslims.
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