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Topic: The Reality Of Jamiat Ahle-Hadith UK
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Translation of the Speech of Shaykh Khaalid ar-Raddaadee Calling 'Jamiat Ahl-e-Hadith UK' Hizbees! Question: The question, may Allaah preserve you is regarding the mosques, or regarding the mosque of Ahl ul-Hadeeth in Birmingham and other mosques whose administrators are not clear Salafees (salafiyyeen waadiheen), this is in accordance with what has been mentioned in the question (i.e. this term "clear Salafees"), however, sometimes they invite Salafee Shaykhs, so is it permissible, and what is the ruling upon the attendance of those Salafee Mashaayikh in the likes of these mosques. So benefit us, may Allaah reward you with good. Shaykh Khaalid ar-Raddaadee: Bismillaah ir-Rahmaan ir-Raheem. In relation to what has come in this question, then: Firstly, the saying of the questioner that those (mentioned) are "Salafiyyeen ghayr waadiheen" is not correct, because they are known for tahazzub (partisanship), hizbiyyoon, they support hizbiyyah, and they aid the people of tahazzub against Ahl us-Sunnah, and they make vile insults against the pure Ahl us-Sunnah. Hence, describing them as "Salafiyyeen ghayr al-waadiheen" is an error. This description is an error. It is not permissible to apply it. Rather, they have a great deal of tahazzub. And at present they are stirring in the murkey waters, and they use the good opinion that is with some of the people of knowledge regarding certain individuals amongst them. Then [employing this good opinion that the Shaykhs have of some of them] they invite them to give them a lecture in their mosques or centres over the telephone, or on paltalk. For this reason it is not desirable to go to them and to increase their numbers. Rather it is desirable that they are advised, and boycotted until they withhold from this evil behaviour (maslak) of theirs which [word unclear] to their tahazzub. Likewise, their evil insults against Ahl us-Sunnah, and their war against Ahl us-Sunnah. And Allaah knows best. Question: They added to the previous question that there is... that these mosques, likewise, distribute articles against Shaykh Rabee` (hafidhahulLaahu ta`aalaa) and that there is a mosque of the "waadiheen" only three minutes from this hizbee mosque. So they made that clear for the Shaykh, may Allaah reward you with good. Shaykh Khaalid ar-Raddaadee: [The answer is] in accordance with my [aforementioned] speech, that was mentioned regarding the question. It has already preceded in what we have replied with that the Jamaa`at Ahl il-Hadeeth in Birmingham, [that] we have explained that it is not correct to apply the expression "salafiyyeen ghayr waadiheen" to them. Rather we say they are Hizbiyyoon, we say they are Hizbiyyoon. And it is not desirable to divide Salafiyyeen into "waadiheen" and "ghayr waadiheen". This division is not correct, and this description is not correct. A Salafee is always "waadih", "mubayyin", his manhaj is "bayyin, waadih", as has been said by Ibn Seereen, and al-Hasan al-Basree and others, "They used to consider a man to be upon the [correct] path, so long as he traversed upon the athar (narrations)". So the Salafee is waadih in his behaviour (maslak). There is not found a "Salafee ghayr waadih". This one who is ghayr waadih is a hizbee, one who conceals (himself), he is to be labelled a hizbee. And if there is a Salafee who has not reached (the level) of tahazzub, [but] there are observations upon him, we say regarding this person, "there are observations upon him", and we do not cease to advise him regarding them in order that he may return and leave aside those [issues for which] observations [have been made upon him]. And it is not desirable to divide the Salafiyyeen into "waadiheen" and "ghayr waadiheen", because the Salafiyyoon are "waadihoon", "bayyinoon" in their behaviour (maslak) and their manhaj in the path of their da`wah... As for the issue of "Salafee ghayr waadih" this is not good, this description, if we were to say that this is a description (wasf)...let alone this being a division (taqseem), this is a false division. Secondly, it is desirable for a student of knowledge that he is eager for [attending] the mosques of the pure Ahl us-Sunnah, the Salafiyyeen, he is eager for [attending] their mosques, that he contacts them, and maintains connection with them, and that he has patience with them, and that he advises them and they advise him, and that he is with his brothers and that he increases the numbers of his Salafee brothers, and that he remains far from those Hizbiyyeen, those about whom the likes of these affairs have been mentioned, that they spread books in which their is revilement upon Shaykh Rabee` (hafidhahulLaah) or other Salafee Mashaayikh, or in which there is censure, or in which there are the likes of these matters, they desire to increase their numbers by way of their lectures ...[words unclear]... And for this reason it is upon the Salafee to be eager to be in connection with his Salafee brothers and to leave those Hizbiyyeen. And Allaah is the granter of success.
Click Here to Download Audio of the Complete Lecture (Recorded 29th Feb 2004) This recording was made, published and circulated on the web by Salafi Tapes. The translation was made directly from this recording. The above q/a is the last of four in the lecture. Questions start at 35m 40s. Note: Salafi Publications did not pose these questions and is not aware of any other questions being asked to the Shaykh Khalid regarding the topic of Jam'iyyah Ahlel-Hadeeth on this date or this tape. It is not correct to assume that we cut or edited or isolated any questions. And anyone who accuses of us of such, then the burden of proof is upon him to bring. |
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All praise is due to Allaah, and peace and blessings of Allaah be upon the Messenger. To proceed:
The "Head" Of Markaz Jamiat Ahle-Hadith, Abdul-Haadee Al-Umari's Speech In Excessive Praise (Ghuloo) of Ahlul-Bid'ah: 'Maulaana' Shabeer Ahmad Uthmaanee Ad-Deobandee, 'Maulaana' Ahmad Raza Khan Brelewee, Sayyid Abul-A'laa Al-Mawdudee founder of Jam'aatul-Islaamee. This was broadcast live on Birmingham Radio Ramadaan, who boast an audience of a few hundred thousand! ** Arabic Translation ** |
Urdu lecture can be hear under "DEVIATIONS PART 4" in this thread. Click below to read his speech in Arabic: |
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The Reality of Democratic Elections By Shaykh Yahyah Al-Hajooree Question: ?What is the reality of elections?? Answer: If someone asks you: ?What is the reality of elections?? Say: It is from the democratic systems that seek to wipe away Allaah?s true Laws. It is also an imitation of the disbelievers, and it is not permissible to imitate them. There are many dangers that can be found in elections and not one single benefit or advantage for the Muslims. From the most significant of its dangers is that it makes an equal balance between the truth and falsehood as well as the truthful one and the false one, all in accordance to what the majority holds. It also neglects loyalty and disloyalty (for the sake of Allaah). It also tears apart the unity of the muslims and instead places enmity, hatred, partisanship and fanaticism between them, not to mention fraud, deception, trickery, dishonesty, wastage of time and wealth, the elimination of women?s chastity, and an unstable trust in the Islamic sciences and its people. Shaykh Yahyah Al-Hajooree ?Al-Mabaadee al-Mufeedah fit-Tawheedi wal-Fiqhi wal-?Aqeedah? Basic Principles on the Subjects of Tawheed, Fiqh and ?Aqeedah: Point 47 By Shaikh Yahyaa bin 'Alee Al-Hajooree Al.IBAANAH Book Publishing. |
| Translated by Abu Maryam Isma'eel Alarcon __________________________________________________________
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Markaz Jamiat Ahl-e-Hadith Endorses The Respect Party Of George Galloway & Encourages Muslims to Vote for it's Female Canditate Heads of the Jamiat Declare Open Support for this Socialist Party. The photo in the attached image is that of Abdul-Hadi al-Umari.
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A number of high profile Muslim Imams and religious leaders have endorsed the candidacy of Birmingham Sparkbrook and Small Heath candidate Salma Yaqoob. Below is a statement of support from the faith representatives. Yesterday, a further 10 imams and leaders added their names to the endorsement list at a meeting at the Birmingham Central Mosque... |
Declaration signed by:
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Signed By: "Mufti" Abdul Majid Nadeem, Mohammed Sarfraz Madni, "Maulana" Abdul Hadi, "Maulana" Sher Khan Jamil Al-Amri, "Maulana" Dr Abdul Rab Saqib, Allama Mohammed Khalid, Maulana Abdul Salaam Rashdi, Qari Mohammed Tayyab, Hafiz Mohammed Arif, Maulana Karamallah Al-Khairi, "Maulana" Abdul Karim Saqib, "Maulana" Dr. Akhtar Al-Zaman Ghauri. |
They are not getting better! SEE ATTACHED IMAGE (click below)..
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Abu Abdillaah Ilyaas ibn Jameel Khan
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الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله, وبعد Attached to this thread will also be issues of a new newsletter series has been produced called "The Clarification". This newsletter will, inshaAllaah, deal with issues related to "Markazi Jamiat Ahl-e-Hadeeth UK" and bring the speech of the scholars regarding such issues to the people. Issue 1.2 Attached. Main Topic: Suhayb Hassan ابوعبدالله الياس ابن جميل ابن سيفور خان البامخيلي اليوسفزئي Abu `Abdillaah Ilyaas ibn Jameel ibn Saifoor Khan Al-Baamkheli Al-Yousafzai -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------
Abu Abdillaah Ilyaas ibn Jameel Khan
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الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله, وبعد Issue 1.3 Attached. Main Topic: 'Abdul Hadi and the Figureheads of Misguidance ابوعبدالله الياس ابن جميل ابن سيفور خان البامخيلي اليوسفزئي Abu `Abdillaah Ilyaas ibn Jameel ibn Saifoor Khan Al-Baamkheli Al-Yousafzai -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This message was edited by Mohammad-Ilyas on 8-26-06 @ 12:54 PM
Abu Abdillaah Ilyaas ibn Jameel Khan
(Birmingham UK.)
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الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله, وبعد Issue 1.1 Attached. Main Topic: Markazi Jamiat Invites 'Adnan 'Abdul-Qaadir ابوعبدالله الياس ابن جميل ابن سيفور خان البامخيلي اليوسفزئي Abu `Abdillaah Ilyaas ibn Jameel ibn Saifoor Khan Al-Baamkheli Al-Yousafzai -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ابوعبدالله الياس ابن جميل ابن سيفور خان ال
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RAISED for benefit.. We see Bilal Philips and Suhaib Hasan along with Abu Usaamah are delivering a Conference together at the "Jamiat Ahl-e-Hadis". Read about the errors of Bilal Philips here: >>>The Errors In Usool Of Bilal Philips<<<
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Abu Abdillaah Ilyaas ibn Jameel Khan
(Birmingham UK.)
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الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله, وبعد Issue 1.4 Attached. Main Topic: Markazi Jamiat on Democracy and Voting ابوعبدالله الياس ابن جميل ابن سيفور خان البامخيلي اليوسفزئي Abu `Abdillaah Ilyaas ibn Jameel ibn Saifoor Khan Al-Baamkheli Al-Yousafzai -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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"Birds Of A Feather Flock Together" SUHAIB HASAN OF 'JAMIAT AHL-E-HADITH' On Stage Co-operating with Extreme Soofees & Others From Ahlul-Bid'ah! June 2006
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Prophetic Guidance Annual Conference 2006 Presents: The Lost Virtues - Rediscovering Excellence Shaykh Suhaib Hasan Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam Abu Eesa Niamatullah Shaykh Riyadh ul-Haq Abdur-Raheem Green Mufti Yusuf Sacha Shaykh Kehlan al-Jaboori Shaykh Awadalla al-Azhari Sunday 18th June 2006 1:30 - 7pm Manchester Islamic Centre, Didsbury Masjid, 271 Burton Rd, Didsbury, Manchester |
THE SCHOLARLY RESPONSE: Ash-Shaikhul-Imaam Muqbil Bin Haadee said to Suhaib Hasan:
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"O miserable person! The one who attacks the da'wah of the people of Sunnah!" |
The Imaam, Muftee and Mujaddid Ibn Baaz told Suhaib Hasan specifically nearly TEN years ago (Fatwaa no. 18870 dated 11/6/1417H):
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"What is obligatory is to co-operate with the Jamaa'ah that proceeds upon the manhaj (methodology) of the Book and the Sunnah and that which the Salaf of the Ummah were upon in calling to the Tawheed of Allaah, the One free of all imperfections, and making worship purely and sincerely for Him, and warning against shirk and innovations and sins, and to advise the Jamaaahs that are contrary to that. So if they return to what is correct, then they are to be co-operated with. But if they persist upon being contrary then it is obligatory to keep away from them and to adhere to the Book and the Sunnah. Then co-operation with the Jamaaah that adheres to the manhaj (methodology) of the Book and the Sunnah will be upon everything that is good, righteousness and obedience to Allaah whether gatherings, conferences, lessons or lectures and in everything containing benefit for Islaam and the Muslims." |
Yet Suhaib Hasan persists, his "Jam'iyyah Ahl-e-Hadith" persists AND their fervent supporters still defend them blindly! They are NOT getting better... They are getting WORSE!! |
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Assalaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullaah, The Clarifacation Issue 1.5 Attached. Main Topic: The Modern Jamiat Ahl-e-Hadith & The DEVIATED Group "Ihyaa at-Turaath" Are One & The Same!! Wassallaamu 'alaykum wa rahamtullaah. Abu Habibah Raashid Al-Kashmiri
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?The act of taking part in elections is an activity that is in fact supported by the Sharee?ah (the Islamic Legislation)?? (?The Dawn?, Title: ?On the Eve of Election? by Dr. Naseem, Salma Yaqoob & Imam Abdul Hadi. The Newsletter of the Birmingham Central Mosque Trust Ltd, June 2004 /Rabbi al-Thani 1425 AH, Issue 164) |
THE SCHOLARLY RESPONSE Shaykh Muhammad al-Imaam in his book ?Tanweerudh-Dhulamaat bi Kashf Mafaasid wa Shubahaat Al-Intikhabaat?, page 39-40, with introduction of Al-Imaamul-Muhaddith Muqbil bin Haadee al-Waadi?ee (rahimahullaah), stated:
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??Elections? enter into association of partners with Allaah and that is Shirk of obedience, since Elections are from the Democratic system. And this system was established by the enemies of Islaam for the purpose of turning the Muslims away from their Religion. So whoever accepts it being pleased with it, propogating it believing it to be correct, surely he has obeyed the opponents of Islaam in opposition to the command of Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic. And this is the very essence of associating partners with Allaah with regard to obedience. Allaah has said: "Or have they partners with Allâh (false gods), who have instituted for them a religion which Allâh has not allowed. And had it not been for a decisive Word (gone forth already), the matter would have been judged between them. And verily, for the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong-doers), there is a painful torment. You will see (on the Day of Resurrection), the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.) fearful of that which they have earned, and it (Allâh's Torment) will surely befall them.." (Ash-Shura 42:21-22) And there is a question here: "Are 'Elections' from the legislation of Allaah or are they from the legislation of man?" So if they say: "They [elections] are from the legislation of Allaah." Then that is insolence and a lie upon Allaah, as will follow shortly, inshaa' Allaah, and the presence of secular constitutions found in the Muslim lands is the greatest witness that "Elections" are from the Democratic systems. And if they say: "They [i.e. elections] are from the legislation of mankind." Then the answer: "How have you accepted the legislation of mankind?!" And what is the ruling upon the one who accepts the legislation of mankind? Is the [above] verse not clear - indeed they have made the founders of "Democracy", those who have contrived "Elections" as partners with Allaah in legislating and laying down of procedures and methodologies for the creation. And if the one who accepts the institution of "Elections" is not taking the creation as a legislator, then when [or in what case] would the creation [ever be] a legislator [if not in this case]?! And how are we to [therefore] understand the previous verse [above]?? |
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?If one chooses not to participate due to ignorance and someone of a corrupt and immoral background is elected then the burden of any resulting suffering and injustice will be upon those who refused to use their vote.? (?The Dawn?, Title: ?On the Eve of Election? by Dr. Naseem, Salma Yaqoob & Imam Abdul Hadi. The Newsletter of the Birmingham Central Mosque Trust Ltd, June 2004 /Rabbi al-Thani 1425 AH, Issue 164) |
THE SCHOLARLY RESPONSE Shaykh Muhammad al-Imaam in his book ?Tanweerudh-Dhulamaat bi Kashf Mafaasid wa Shubahaat Al-Intikhabaat?, page 39-40, with introduction of Al-Imaamul-Muhaddith Muqbil bin Haadee al-Waadi?ee (rahimahullaah), stated:
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?And it does not suffice the opposer [of the Sunnah] with claiming that 'Elections' are [merely] permissible only, but rather he increases the 'clay with more water' (i.e. that he makes the affair worse) ? so he says: "They [elections] are obligatory [to enter into] and the one who does not [enter into them] is sinful and a faasiq (a transgressing wrong-doer) and that he has not fulfilled his trust or responsibility.. and so on. And Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, censured and rebuked those, saying about them: ?They took their Priests and Rabbis as lords besides Allaah..? meaning those who legislate for them and they believed the correctness of that which they legislated for them.? |
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A number of high profile Muslim Imams and religious leaders have endorsed the candidacy of Birmingham Sparkbrook and Small Heath candidate Salma Yaqoob. Below is a statement of support from the faith representatives. Yesterday, a further 10 imams and leaders added their names to the endorsement list at a meeting at the Birmingham Central Mosque... Declaration signed by: Signed By: "Mufti" Abdul Majid Nadeem, Mohammed Sarfraz Madni, "Maulana" Abdul Hadi, "Maulana" Sher Khan Jamil Al-Amri, "Maulana" Dr Abdul Rab Saqib, Allama Mohammed Khalid, Maulana Abdul Salaam Rashdi, Qari Mohammed Tayyab, Hafiz Mohammed Arif, Maulana Karamallah Al-Khairi, "Maulana" Abdul Karim Saqib, "Maulana" Dr. Akhtar Al-Zaman Ghauri. See Image:
THE SCHOLARLY RESPONSE Shaykh Allaamah ?Abdullaah al-Ghudayaan (hafidhahullah) of the Committee of Major Scholars and the Permanent Committee for Fatwa and Research in Saudi Arabia, was asked a question:
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Question: ''Shaykh, the same question about mosques here which ascribe themselves to the Sunnah, however we have found from them some matters which are contrary to what our Shaykhs are upon; from them, O our Shaykh, is that they encourage the people to enter into democratic elections; knowing that they encourage the worshippers to vote for a Muslim woman who is a member of a Socialist party. O Shaykh, what is your advice for the people here in Britain?'' Answer: ''By Allaah, Look, O my brother, you know that the Muslim must have an Islamic personality. He should not have a personality such that he just follows the people. What is required is that when the Muslim acts.. his actions.. the people will say: 'This action is from Islaam'; and my advice is for the Muslims not to enter into these affairs ever! This is from one aspect. And from another aspect; the Hadeeth: ?Never will a people prosper who place a woman in charge of their affair.? So the suggestion that she should, for example, be like this, no! She should not enter into this, and you should not enter into this, ever. Not at all! This is from another aspect. |
And the Shaykh, the Allaamah Ubaid al-Jaabiree was informed of the question and response of the Shaykh, the Allaamah Abdullaah al-Ghudayaan (hafidhahumallaah), so he said:
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"That is my position also, without any difference". |
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?The whole purpose of this discussion is that the Ummah is a victim of splitting and splintering ? it is in dire need of unity and strength and brotherhood. My friends, me stating this does NOT mean that the Religious and Islamic organizations that exist have to lose their specific identities and titles and become one entity ? No, but rather every organization and every jamaa?ah should remain established upon their own individual identities and come together making their unity apparent and it is in this unity that the blessing lies?? (?Itihad ? Unity Muslim? Channel, 7th September 2006) |
JAMIAT AHL-E-HADITH UK AFFIRM THEIR SCHOLARS. FROM THEM THE HEAD OF IKHWAANUL-MUSLIMOON :- HASAN AL-BANNAH!! The following shows the 'scholars' this Jamiat claims attachment to. Look and see how they mix truth with falsehood:
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"And in this time also, the Islamic Da'wah have been established in Shaam (Syria, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan) and in Egypt and in North Africa and in the Arabian Peninsula by unique/exemplary Scholars, leaders of Rectification, from the likes of Jamaalud-Deen Al-Qaasimee, Imaam Muhammad Abduh, Shaykh Muhammad Rasheed Ridhaa, and SHAYKH HASAN AL-BANNAH, Shaykh Muhammad al-Ghazaalee, Shaykh Muhammad Mutawali Ash-Sha'raawee, Imaam Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhaab and the Imaams from his offspring and his students, and from them the noble Imaam Shaykhul-Islaam 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn Abdullaah ibn Baaz - may Allaah raise them in repute and level." (From the freely distributed book, "Ad-Da'wah ilallaah, Manhajuhaa wa Muqadimmatuhaa" ("The Call To Allaah, It's Methodology and it's Advancement") Published by 'Markazi Jamiat Ahl-e-Hadith (UK)' Green Lane, Birmingham, 1999) |
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"..In every school of thought for their great Scholars, such as Shabir Ahmad Uthmaanee, who was a GREAT SCHOLAR of the religion from the Deobandee school of thought. He has written some small commentaries of the Qur'aan and other good works. Also, AHMAD REZA KHAN from the BRELAWEE school of thought, who was a GREAT SCHOLAR of the religion who has written many books. Likewise, we have Sayyid Abu A'laa Mawdudi, who was a very great scholar of the religion, rather he was the founder of JAMAT-E-ISLAMI, and has written a VERY GOOD and detailed explanation of the Qur'aan known as 'Tahfeemul-Qur'aan' and he has written many other books which have reached an international level, and of them are those which are FINAL REFERENCE POINTS for their particular topics... ...So all of these VERY, VERY GREAT SCHOLARS, then may Allaah be pleased with them all and may Allaah fill their graves with noor (light).." (Recorded from a live broadcast across Birmingham on 'Radio Ramadan') |
OTHERS WHO HAVE SPOKEN WITH THIS FALSE PRINCIPLE Hasan al-Banna, the deviated founder of Al-Ikhwaanul-Muslimoon, said:
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?Let us work together in that which we agree and excuse each other in that which we disagree.? And: "You know, O brothers, that there is no Imaam in the present day and it is necessary for us to forget everything and abandon everything for freeing the Islamic lands.." (From the words of Hasan al-Banna also from the book 'Fee Qaafilatil-Ikhwaan al-Muslimeen') And: "Know that the Sunni and Shee'ah are Muslims. The statement 'laa ilaaha illallaaha Muhammad Rusoolullaah' unites them, and this is the basis of the 'aqeedah. The Sunni and the Shee'ah are equal in this respect and they are BOTH UPON PURITY. As for the difference between them, then it is only in matters in which it is possible to bring them both together." (Quoted by al-Tilmisaanee in 'Dhakariyaat laa Mudhakkiraat' pg. 249-250)
"Al-Hayât Kalimah" is Salman Al-Awdah's (the Qutubee) weekly television program. During one these program's, Salmaan al-Awdah makes clear his Ikhwaanee/Bannaawee methodology that he is still upon:
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?We need to use this crisis [of the strife in Lebanon] a means to achieve unity. We need to put our differences aside for the time being. We need to assume responsibility for these crises, knowing with full faith that Allah is just in His decisions.? (Taken from the website of Salman Al-Oadah) |
As for Syed Qutb, the innovator and guide of Al-Ikhwaanul-Muslimoon, then he said:
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"And Islaam does not feel uneasy about about the differences of mankind in 'aqeedah and manhaj, rather it considers this as something necessitated by natural disposition and a goal from a Higher Will..." ('Nahwa Mujtami' Islaami' p. 103) |
THE SCHOLARLY RESPONSE Ash-Shaikhul-Imaam Ibn Baaz, rahimahullaah:
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"What is obligatory is to co-operate with the Jamaa'ah that proceeds upon the manhaj (methodology) of the Book and the Sunnah and that which the Salaf of the Ummah were upon in calling to the Tawheed of Allaah, the One free of all imperfections, and making worship purely and sincerely for Him, and warning against shirk and innovations and sins, and to advise the Jamaaahs that are contrary to that. So if they return to what is correct, then they are to be co-operated with. But if they persist upon being contrary then it is obligatory to keep away from them and to adhere to the Book and the Sunnah.." (Fatwaa no. 18870 dated 11/6/1417H) |
SCHOLARLY RESPONSE Ash-Shaikhul-Allaamah Saaleh al-Fawzaan, hafidhahullaah:
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QUESTION: Is there harm in warning against these Sects that are in opposition to the Methodology of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah? ANSWER: "We warn against all those who oppose [the Salaf] generally and we say: 'We adhere to the path of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah and we we abandon those who oppose Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah regardless of whether their opposition is MAJOR or MINOR. This is because if we are lenient with the opposition, then perhaps it may grow and increase. So opposition is not allowed AT ALL. Furthermore, it is obligatory to adhere to the path of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah in both major and minor issues." QUESTION: Are we require to mention the good qualities of those we warn against? ANSWER: "If you mention their good qualities, then this means that you have called (the people) to follow them. Know, DO NOT MENTION THEIR GOOD QUALITIES. Mention the error they are upon only. You are not entrusted to praise and approve of their actions - you are ONLY entrusted with exposing the error they are upon so that they may repent from it, and so others can beware of it. It may even be that the error that they are upon wipes away their good deeds if it is kufr or shirk. It could also be that this error outweighs their good deeds. And perhaps it may seem like they are good deeds in your eyes, yet they ARE NOT SO IN THE SIGHT OF ALLAAH." ("Al-Ajwibatul-Mufeedah 'an As'ilatil-Manaahijil-Jadeedah", Shaykh Saaleh al-Fawzaan) |
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Bismillaahi Ar-Rahmaanir-Raheem 'Assalaamu 'alaykum wa 'alaikum, The Clarification Issue 1-6 Attached. Main Topic: "JAMIAT AHL-E-HADITH" & THEIR AGREEMENT WITH THE "IKHWAAN" & HASAN AL-BANNAH Wassallaamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullaah Abu Habibah Raashid al-Kashmiri
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FALSE CLAIMS OF JAMIAT AHL-E-HADITH REGARDING DEMOCRACY & ELECTIONS IMAAM AL-ALBAANEE'S VIEWPOINT ON DEMOCRATIC ELECTIONS O seeker of truth, read carefully the question and then the answer of the Imaam of Hadeeth and the Sunnah, Shaykh Muhammad Naasirud-Deen al-Albaanee:
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QUESTIONER:"We have heard that you said - O Shaikh - that it is permissible to enter into Parliamentary Elections, but with conditions?!" SHAYKH AL-ALBAANEE: "NO IT IS NOT PERMISSIBLE! These conditions - when there are any - are purely theoretical and speculative, and not knowledge-based. So do you remember the conditions that I stated?" QUESTIONER: "The first is that a person must protect his ownself (i.e. protect his religion)." SHAYKH AL-ALBAANEE: "And is this possible?" QUESTIONER: "I have never done it [so I would not know]." SHAYKH AL-ALBAANEE: "And if Allaah wills you will NEVER do it! It is not possible to meet these conditions. And if we observe many of the people who at the beginning of their lives - we could see from their appearance, from their clothes, from their beards - and then when they entered Parliament, then their appearance changed! And after that they started justifying it... And likewise we would see people entering the Parliament with Islamic Arabic clothing and the after some days, they changed their clothing!! So is this an evidence and indication of corruption or rectification?!" QUESTIONER: "Shaikh, I mean the brothers in Algeria, and their work there and their entry into the poloitical arena?" SHAYKH AL-ALBAANEE: "WE DO NOT ADVISE THIS! We do not advise political work these days in any of the Islamic countries..." (Tape: "Silsilatul-Hudaa wan-Noor" (1/352)) |
So the Political Activists distort many of the verdicts of the Scholars, just like they did with the verdict of Shaykh Al-Albaanee (rahmahullaah) which was unique to the Algerians. Just as they did with Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaimeen - And then upon that, these activists have built a methodology and manhaj that require, by obligation, every Muslim to be engaged in political activity!! THEY SAY WE MUST VOTE FOR SALMA YAQOOB!? And what is even worse is the political activists of the "Jamiat Ahl-e-hadeeth" endorse voting for a muslim woman (Salma Yaqoob), of a social party who made allowable suicide killings in Iraaq and Palestine openly in a BBC interview. Salma Yaqoob of the Socialist Respect Party:
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QUESTION:Should Muslims make any distinction between how acceptable suicide bombings are in foreign countries - such as Palestine and Iraq - and how acceptable they are in the UK? SALMA YAQOOB ANSWERS: "Yes, I think they should [make a distinction]. The people of Iraq and Palestine are fighting wars to end brutal occupations. Suicide killings there are a symptom of the unevenness of forces and desperation of the people defending themselves against attacks by some of the most powerful military machines in the world. Even according to the UN people have the right to physically resist and defend themselves..." (Source: "Violence in religion's name.", Panorama, |
She then goes on to claim that that suicide killings are, however, unjustified in the UK! So justified in Iraq and Palestine but not in London!! So this is the person who the 'Jamiat' promotes, endorses and supports and makes obligatory upon the people to vote for? This is the person whom the 'Jamiat' invite to their Masjid and claim that not to vote for her can result in sin and corruption?! Click here to read what the true Salafi, Sunnah and Hadeeth Scholars say about suicide killings: >> ISLAMIC POSITION ON SUICIDE KILLINGS & TERRORISM << __________________________________________________________ [url=][/url]