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» Aboo Usaamah looking to leave his leadership of current ikhwaanee masjid for a new ikhwaanee masjid
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06-05-2003 @ 11:42 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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As-Salaamu 'alaykum -

Bismillaah, was-Salaatu was-Salaamu 'alaa rasool illaah, wa ba'd:

Aboo Usaamah Khaleefah Ath-Thahabee is apparently leaving his imaamship from one ISNA-type ikhwaanee masjid - The Islamic Center of Peoria - and trying to find work at other ISNA/ICNA-type ikhwaanee masjids.  He is scheduled to be in Pittsburgh to speak at the ISNA masjid - The Islamic Center of Pittsburgh.  And they have been advertising that they need a new imaam for some time now.  So his visit there is most likely for this purpose!

Suprisingly enough, the salafees used to bring him to the Salafee masjid in Pittsburgh - Masjid Al-Awwal - when they did not know any better, and the ikhwaanees at the Islamic Center never paid us any mind.  When they thought he was calling to salafiyyah, they wanted nothing to do with him.  Now that he has been exposed, they support and promote him as someone who studied 8 years in Arabia, etc, only to work against the Salafees.

So, LET IT BE KNOWN, this is the way Aboo Usaamah Ath-Thahabee has chosen for himself!  He speaks harshly against the salafees, calling them blind-followers and extremists, while he accompanies and befriends the ikhwaanees on a day-to-day basis, leading them in their masjids, visiting other masjids in their network of ikhwaaniyyah, one hand together against the pure da'wah of Salafiyyah.

This is his reality that can not be overlooked.  Perhaps there still exists a few of his followers here and there that still defend him and claim that he has been misunderstood!

MAKE NO MISTAKE!  Here is his masjid, rahimakallaah:

A brief tour of that site will show you that even his tape business Al-Istiqamah is under that ISNA masjid's umbrella!  

And here is the Islamic Center of Pittsburgh's announcement of his lecture coming up:


Monthly Potluck Dinner and Educational Program
  When: Saturday, May 10th, 2003 (7:00 ? 10:00pm)
  Where: Bigelow Blvd, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
  Phone: (xxx) xxx-xxxx

  Please bring a dish of your choice (Choose from: Meat (lamb, goat,
beef), Chicken, Vegetable, Other).

  *Education Program
  What    :    ?The Fiqh of Brotherhood?
  Who     :    By Imam Abu Usamah Atthahabi

Imam Abu Usamah Atthahabi was born and raised in New Jersey. He
accepted Islam in 1986 and was searching for answers to his questions from the Muslims he encountered soon after embracing the religion. Imam Abu
Usamah decided that he needed the key to unlock the doors to knowledge and that started with learning the Arabic language. He was accepted in a program at the Islamic University of Madinah where he completed degrees in Arabic and Hadith Studies. After pursuing knowledge for eight (8) years in the Middle East he began disseminating the knowledge to communities in Britain and the United States. The Imam has been at the Islamic Center of Peoria since May of 2001. Since his arrival, he has been actively educating the Muslim community of Peoria with lectures throughout the week. He also has a very active role in leading the dawah efforts in the local area prisons, university campus, and with other non-Muslim organizations.

There you have it!  Imaam of an ikhwaanee masjid, visiting another ikhwaanee masjid, lecturing ikhwaanees on the USOOL of IKHWAANIYYAH!

This masjid he is visiting and may be thinking about the imaam position there, they oppose the da'wah of Salafiyyah, they bring Soofees, tableeghees, modernists, WDM speakers, EVERYBODY!  It is an Egyptian run straight-forward ikhwaanee ISNA masjid, with a library full of ikhwaan Al-Muslimeen magazines and literature.  This is who he cooperates with these days!  And they only want to bring him to harm the salafee da'wah in Pittsburgh, as they intend to make a huge statement with his visit against the da'wah.

So now the reality of Shaykh Ahmad An-Najmee's statement is CLEAR:

"موقفكم منه كموقفكم من أهل البدعة , أعرض عنه واتركه"

"Your position from him is the same as your position from the people of innovation. Turn away from him and abandon him."

And Shaykh Faalih said about him,

"The one who has been asked about is a man of fitnah (trials and tribulation), he is misguided and misguiding others, he is not upon the manhaj of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah, he has no foundation with him, and he does not adhere to the fudementals of the sunnah. It is a must to be aware of this man, and to warn against him. Warn our brothers in America and other than it. This is from sincere advice, and the deen is sincere advice, as has come in the authentic narration..."

May Allaah protect the Salafees in Pittsburgh and elsewhere from the corruption and fitnah of Aboo Usaamah!  

Moosaa Richardson

سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

07-05-2003 @ 12:04 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Upon picking up a copy of the May/June 2003 issue of "Islamic Horizons" published by ISNA today, I found that there was an article in it called, "Islam Plays in Peoria," by Mir Mohammed Ali who is a "Peoria, IL-based investment advisor and ISNA financial consultant."  Under the sub-heading "A Blessing Arrives" one can read about Aboo Usaamah adh-Dhahabee being the Imaam of the Ikhwaanee masjid in Peoria.  Strange how a magazine filled with Ikhwaanee themes of assimilation with the kuffaar society, participation in the kuffaar government of Canada and other ISNA sponsored activities can find words of praise for Aboo Usaamah.

07-05-2003 @ 2:19 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Speaking of 'blessings', this past Wednesday April 30, 2003 at the "State of the City Address" given at the East Orange (New Jersey) City Hall [City Council Chambers] and after sitting through the invocation of 'Reverend' Donald C. Luster of St. Paul AME Church, the Presentation of Flags by the East Orange Campus High School Air Force ROTC conducted by Lt. Col. Richard Forchion, the American National Anthem, and a musical selection presented by Jean James, Musical Director of Washington Academy, Aboo Muslimah (and after years of stopping the Muslims from taking his picture) allowed the kuffaar to video him when he stood up and "brought it all home" with the benediction saying:


O Allaah! Bless the (kaafir) mayor of East Orange!...O Allaah! Bless the citizens of East Orange!...

Aboo Tasneem Dawud Adib

08-05-2003 @ 7:36 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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As Salaamu 'Alaikum wa Rahmatu Allaah ...

Na'am, it is as you have detailed yaa Abal 'Abbaas.  And, this just in - Aboo Usaamah will be lecturing at Masjid At-Tawheed this Friday.  Take a look:

Community Pot-Luck Dinner & Education Program

When:     Friday, May 9th, 2003 after Maghrib (8:30 ? 11:00pm)

Where:   Masjid Attawheed: 1597 Banksville Road Pittsburgh, PA 15216, Phone: (412) 531-4131
Education Program (after Maghrib, 8:30pm)

?The Etiquette of Ruling in Islam?
By Imam Abu Usamah Atthahabi

So, as you stated, he will be lecturing on the Usool of Ikhwaaniyyah at the Ikhwaanee stronghold here in Pgh and will be lecturing on "Ruling in Islam" at the Qutubee stronghold here, Masjid At-Tawheed - wherein one will find the tapes of the likes of Safar & Salmaan (but not of Imaams Ibn Baaz, Al-Albaanee nor Ibn 'Uthaymeen - rahmatu Allaahi 'alayhim) and the magazine of Muhammad Suroor.  I remember standing in this masjid with AU and we were commenting on their wall of tapes as the first three rows were reserved for Safar, Salmaan and Al-Qarnee but we found no tapes for Imaams Ibn Baaz, Al-Albaanee nor Ibn 'Uthaymeen ... and certainly not Shaikh Rabee'.  Now he will lecture there.  The imaam of this masjid told me that, while feigning love for Shaikh Rabee', he would not accept his Jarh on an individual until he personally checked it out (sound familiar?) and that such disparagment does not mean that we cannot take from these people.  This masjid gave its aid and support to the local MSA chapter to set up a "da'wah table" on the campus of the Univ. of Pgh.  Flyers inviting the people to attend WD Muhammad's lecture that week were being distributed at that very table right under the nose of the imaam of that masjid who remained silent about it.  Another top guy at that masjid, perhaps former as he has returned to his home country, told me that they would never display any tapes wherein Rudood are to be found!  Allaahul Musta'aan.

At the Islamic Center of Pittsburgh, wherein he is scheduled to lecture on the "Fiqh of Brotherhood", they have been advertising for months an up-coming event, I believe in Cleveland, OH, featuring Siraaj Wahhaaj and "Shaikh" Daud Bojang (of Atlanta - whom I do not know, so perhaps our esteemed brother Aboo Sumayyah 'Aqeel Walker could inform us about him) and others, wherein they will lecture on "What is Salafi".  

Shaikh 'Ubayd Al-Jaabiree was asked:

"Shaykh, if we are invited to give a lesson or a lecture with some people and they are Tableeghees or Ikhwaanees, or with Ihyaa'ut-Turaath, and they will not force us to say anything.  The da'wah will be from us and not from them.  The lecture is from us and not from them.  The lecture is from us and not from them, but it is in their mosque, or a meeting arranged by them.  So are even the likes of these things allowed, O Shaykh?"

To which he responded:

"As for me, then I do not hold the permissibility of that, according to our expereince - that they are not sincere in this.  Rather this is a strategem, a sport, and a way to win over affection.  Have you understood this?  May Allaah bless you.  This is a game and a way to win over affection.  Yes they bring a Salafee to give a talk, but they spread matters that are innovation, and they bring someone who contradicts that.  Have you understood?  So the reality is that I do not allow this, nor do I hold that it will rectify and put them aright."

May Allaah protect us from the Hizbiyyoon and their Hizbiyyah.



أبو عبد الفتـــاح
Aboo 'Abdil-Fattaah

08-05-2003 @ 11:14 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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"I remember standing in this masjid with AU and we were commenting on their wall of tapes as the first three rows were reserved for Safar, Salmaan and Al-Qarnee but we found no tapes for Imaams Ibn Baaz, Al-Albaanee nor Ibn 'Uthaymeen ... and certainly not Shaikh Rabee'."

And now he is lecturing there!!!  Of course officially he doesn't know anything wrong with them!  A pillar of this guy's manhaj is to feign ignorance in a way that allows him (as he believes) to cooperate with people that HE KNOWS are against the da'wah.

Also it is important to know:

1) Members of Masjid At-Tawheed (the Saudi-run masjid) produced the magazine SIRAAT AL-MUSTAQEEM, and it was scattered all over their musallaa.  This magazine was 50% political and 50% educational as the editor himself described it to us.  One of its last issues (before Sept. 11th) featured a fatwaa in favor of "attacking enemy buildings with an airplane."  It was of course banned from Saudi Arabia.

2) They used to pay our way to attend IANA conferences, and they would encourage us to be close to Alee Tamimi, Idris Palmer, and their likes.  They never liked us going to QSS events (when we thought QSS was salafee) and would criticize us for going.

Abaa Abdil-Fattaah, perhaps you would agree that these two masjids he will be speaking at will be using his visit to thwart the da'wah of salafiyyah that your masjid works to hard to promote...?

May Allaah help you to keep your flock away from that disaster.  Perhaps you can post the statements of Shaykh Faalih and Shakh Ahmad An-Najmee on the bulletin board in your masjid's entrance so everyone is upon bayyinah for this weekend, and they will not wander over to those horrible events.

Full-time imaam of an ikhwaanee/ISNA masjid in Peoria
Visiting two ikhwaanee masjids in another state:
(1) Egyptian ikhwaanees: lecturing them on "the fiqh of brotherhood"
(2) Saudi ikhwaanees, ppl of haakimiyyah: lecturing them on "the fiqh of the HUKM"
possibly looking to relocate to Pittsburgh as imaam of one of the two ikhwaanee masjids to interfere with the da'wah full-time while getting paid ca$h money...
all of this a combined effort against the salafee da'wah in Pittsburgh!

ألا يتقي الله ويستحيي من مثل هذا؟!

Moosaa Richardson

سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

This message was edited by Moosaa on 5-8-03 @ 11:47 AM

08-05-2003 @ 6:57 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Abaa Abdil-Fattaah, perhaps you would agree that these two masjids he will be speaking at will be using his visit to thwart the da'wah of salafiyyah that your masjid works to hard to promote...?

There is no doubt about this, baaraka Allaahu feekum.  May Allaah turn their plots and plans against themselves.


1) Members of Masjid At-Tawheed (the Saudi-run masjid) produced the magazine SIRAAT AL-MUSTAQEEM, and it was scattered all over their musallaa.  This magazine was 50% political and 50% educational as the editor himself described it to us.  One of its last issues (before Sept. 11th) featured a fatwaa in favor of "attacking enemy buildings with an airplane."  It was of course banned from Saudi Arabia.

And I believe that Fatwaa was issued by either Safar Al-Hawaalee or Salmaan Al-'Awdhah, two feature contributors of Siraat.


2) They used to pay our way to attend IANA conferences, and they would encourage us to be close to Alee Tamimi, Idris Palmer, and their likes.  They never liked us going to QSS events (when we thought QSS was salafee) and would criticize us for going.

Na'am, criticize us and offer no monetary help for us to go to QSS.  Also, we brought several speakers to Pgh when we considered them to be upon As-Salafiyyah, such as Muhammad Al-Jibaalee, Aboo Usaamah, Sayyed 'Ady and even Aboo Muslimah and they never showed their support.  Their Hizbiyyah is crystal clear.


May Allaah help you to keep your flock away from that disaster.  Perhaps you can post the statements of Shaykh Faalih and Shakh Ahmad An-Najmee on the bulletin board in your masjid's entrance so everyone is upon bayyinah for this weekend, and they will not wander over to those horrible events.

Aameen.  Na'am, that is one of the first things we did.  We printed some of the statements of Shaikh Faalih and Shaikh Ahmad regarding him, enlarged it onto poster size paper and posted it on the bulletin board in the entrace of the brother's and sister's sides.  Al-Hamdulillaah, there is a great love loss here in Pgh for AU and all those who work against this pristine Da'watus-Salafiyyah.


أبو عبد الفتـــاح
Aboo 'Abdil-Fattaah

10-05-2003 @ 5:19 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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I have been informed that AU gave the khutbah at the Egyptian ikhwaanee masjid in Pittsburgh (The Islamic Center), the theme: "Judging a person without hearing both sides of the story!"  I'm sure the Qutbiyyoon are delighted with him now as he sets out to prove to them that he is really on their side...

I wonder if that theme had anything to do with the Salafee masjid's policy: LAA AHLAN WA LAA SAHLAN...?  and the fact that they posted the statements of the scholars about him in the masjid entrance...?

Moosaa Richardson

سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

10-05-2003 @ 7:29 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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We also posted the statements of Shaikh Ahmad An-Najmee regarding the fallicious opinion that one must personally investigate the criticised individual before the Jarh of a scholar can be accepted against him.


أبو عبد الفتـــاح
Aboo 'Abdil-Fattaah

16-01-2011 @ 5:29 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakatuhu,

It has been several year since the last post on this issue, but I have a question regarding the Islamic Center of Peoria, is it still upon Akhwaanee Manhaj? Needs some more info. regarding this masjid and the Imam there. I have heard that the newly appointed Imam is giving classes to a group of sisters online, and some salafi sisters are attending.

Any clearification will help.

Jazakum Allaahu Khairun

UmmIbrahim Labiba
Yanbu, Saudi Arabia

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