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Topic: Zakir Naik - Hindu Mushrikeen And Aqeedah Of Ahl-us-Sunnah Wal Jam'aah
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Abu Abd Ar Rahman Abd Al Adheem Ibn Faheem ibn Zia ibn Ma'een
(KSA/ Bangalore, India)
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Calling Allah With Names That Mushrikeen Have Named Their Dieties With Bismillah Alhamdulillah As-Salatu Wa Assalaamu Alaa Rasoolillah. Wa Ba'ad. Assalaamuaalaikum wa rahmathullahi wa barakathuhu! All Praise is due to Allah Sub'hanahu wa ta'ala, Who guided us to His Book, the Qur'aan, and to the Sunnah of His Messenger (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) and towards understanding the Qur'aan and the Sunnah as understood by the Salaf of this Ummah (Ridhwanullahi alaihim aj'maeen). CHAPTER: What is said against judging (in religion) made on the basis of one's own opinion or by Qiyas (Without referring to the Qur'aan and the Sunnah) (And the Statement of Allah (Ta'ala): "And follow not (O man i.e., say not, or do not or witness not, etc.) that of which you have no knowledge (e.g. one's saying: "I have seen," while in fact he has not seen, or "I have heard," while he has not heard). Verily! The hearing, and the sight, and the heart, of each of those you will be questioned (by Allýh). (Surah Al-Isra Surah 17 Ayah 36). Narrated 'Abdullah bin Amr: I heard the Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) saying, "Allah will not deprive you of knowledge after he has given it to you, but it will be taken away through the death of religious learned men with their knowledge. Then there will remain ignorant people who, when consulted, will give verdicts according to their opinions whereby they will mislead others and will go astray." [The Saheeh of Imam Bukharee (rahimahullah) English translation: Volume 9, Chapter 96, HOLDING FAST TO THE QUR'AN AND THE SUNNAH, page 252, Hadeeth # 7307]. Zakir Naik (ALWAYS Wearing Suit and neck TIEd - ) [Shaikh al-Albaanee (rahimahullah) said: ....It was decreed for me to travel to Britain for the sake of dawah to get in touch with the islamic organizations there I was directed to a da'ee (a caller to Islam)in a town 120 kms from London. The person we went on to see was a muslim man from the jamaah of Shaikh Maudoodee (rahimahullah) ; so that day was during the month of Ramadhan so the time for breaking the fast came so we sat down with him to break our fast..... (unclear)... and I see that he was combining two .....(unclear).......and he didnt have a beard ; this is something which we rarely see in the lands of the islam let alone in the lands of the kufr and transgression but in addition to that he was wearing a neck tie so I pointed out to that this is not allowed for muslims as this is an act of imitating the kuffar and I mentioned to him some of the hadeeths in this regard "......Whoever imitates a people is one of them." And that shows this friend of ours is a good man. Like the man who asked the most knowledgeable man on the land to direct him to repentance as soon as the scholar said to him, verily you are in a land of evil people, he quickly went on to the land of pious people and in the same manner this man corresponded with me immediately and hence untied the neck tie and threw it on the ground....but soon this was followed by sadness as he tried to justify his action of wearing the NECK TIE by saying, that the British people view the palestinians in a way and that made him ....... The testimony of this story is that this good man who corresponded by the Sunnah immediately was affected by living in that British environment therefore he justified the wearing of the tie and his imitation of the kuffar just (so that) he wont be made equal to those muslims; you see! So in that case there lies a baan in imitating between the imitator and the imitating. And the association and intermingling without a doubt confirms this baan either in a given manner as this case was or in an obvious manner. And this is why we advise our brothers upon whom a time has come who twist the meaning of 'HIJRAH' and call AMERICA MEHJER.. meaning a place where hijrah is made to. This is the reality because I told you hijrah if from the land of muslims to the land of Kuffar..............] Listen to this beautiful tape at titled Rulings for Residing in the Lands of the Kuffaar. So Zakir Naik, not only imitates the kuffar all the time during his lectures wearing a Suit, neck-tie but also has gone to the extent of calling Allah Sub'hanahu wa ta'ala with names which the hindu mushrikeen call their gods. And he legislates this in his lectures that are openly distributed and majority of people listening to this filth are Muslims who are ignorant about their deen. And the saddest part being that the likes of Jamiyyah Ahle Hadees Hind not only call him as a chief guest (along with his wife) but also print his photographs in their adverts. Ahle Hadees Youth Association (AHYA) is the front runner in spearheading its distribution of course for their own popularity. And not but the least, his fanatic followers in Bangalore, Mysore and Chennai. I pray to Allah that he brings them to the path of the Salaf, gathering around scholars and learning from them and making taubah from spending lakhs of rupees in arranging programmes for this man and his likes, distributing his tapes and videos!! Thus wasting the wealth of the muslims. By Allah, fear the fire! Allah will question you about your wealth where you spent it? Those who have supported this then let them make taubah to Allah and sincerely repent to Him for promoting ILHAAD. And learn the Beautiful Names of Allah and its meanings from atleast the books and tapes of the trustworthy Ulamaa and spend your wealth and make your efforts in spreading this and not against this. Zakir Naik says: "It is mentioned in Rig Ved (One of the religious books of hindus) Sages call One God by many names that means there are various names given to this One God. And Rig Ved alone gives no less than 33 different attributes of Almighty God most of which are mentioned in Rig Ved, Book no. 2, Hymn no. 1. And One of the beautiful attribute which is mentioned in Rig Ved of Almighty God is Brahma..... Brahma means 'The Creator' . If you translate into Arabic it means Khaliq WE MUSLIMS HAVE GOT NO OBJECTION IF ANYONE CALLS ALMIGHTY GOD ALLAH SUB'HANAHUWA TA'ALA AS "KHALIQ" OR "CREATOR" OR "BRAHMA". But if someone says "Brahma", is Almighty God, who has got four heads, on each head is a crown and he has got four arms we muslims take a strong objection to it............... Another beautiful attribute which is given in Rig Ved, Book no. 2, Hymn no. 1 Verse no. 3, is Vishnu. Vishnu means "The Sustainer". If you translate into Arabic it means 'Rab'. WE MUSLIMS HAVE GOT NO OBJECTION IF ANYONE CALLS ALMIGHTY GOD AS RAB OR CHERISHER SUSTAINER OR VISHNU. But if someone calls Vishnu, is Almighty God, who has four hands and one of his hands holds a chakra(disc).... and one of his left hands holds the..(unclear)... and he is riding on a bird, by reclining on a couch of snake we muslims take a strong objection to it............... Our daýwah and our ýaqeedah is more beloved to us than our own selves, our wealth and our offspring. So we are not prepared to part with it for gold, nor silver. We say this so that no one may have hope in buying out our daýwah, nor should he think that it is possible for him to purchase it from us for deenaar or dirham. Since the politicians already know this about us, so they have despaired of buying it from us with granted positions or wealth..Shaikh, the Allamah, Muqbil ibn Hadee Al Waa'di'ee (Rahimahullah).
Abu Abd Ar Rahman Abd Al Adheem Ibn Faheem ibn Zia ibn Ma'een
(KSA/ Bangalore, India)
Posts: 305
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Shaikh Falah Isma'eel was asked about this individual's statement on 4th September 2004 after his dars on Aqeeda Wasitiyyah of Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullah) The following was his response. The Shaikh said: Even if they are the names of Allah(in that particular language), the origin of it(of these names) indicate to the names of Allah in that particular language; the origin is that if those two names are used upon (hindu) gods it is NOT PERMISSIBLE TO USE THOSE TWO NAMES. The Shaikh mentioned, the Arabs in Jahiliyyah before the coming of the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) they used to call their gods with names that were taken from the Names of Allah like Al-Laat from al-Ilaah , Al-Uzza from al-Azeez and al-Manat from al-Mannan. All of this is from Ilhad. Even though these names have been derived from the Names of Allah it is impermissible to call Allah by them since they are used upon the gods , idols of mushrikeen... And some of the scholars mentioned about the statement of Allah.."..... and leave the company of those who belie or deny His Names". From Ilhaad is (also) to name the gods with the Names that are taken from Allah (i.e. the Names of Allah). [Ibn Katheer (rahimahullah) said: Al-`Awfi said that Ibn Abbas said about Allah's statement,"and leave the company of those who belie or deny His Names" 'To belie Allah's Names includes saying Al-Lat (an idol) derived from Allah's Name. Ibn Jurayj narrated from Mujahid that he commented , 'They derived Al-Lat (an idol's name) from Allah, and al-Uzza (another idol) from Al-Aziz'. Qatadah stated that Ilhad refers to associating others with Allah in His Names (such as calling an idol al Uzza). The word Ilhaad means deviation, wickedness, injustice and straying....] The Fatwa Of Shaikh Ibn Uthaimeen (rahimahullah) On Calling Allah Sub'hanahu Wa Ta'ala By A Name That He Did Not Name Himself Q.37 What constitutes Ilhad regarding the Names of Allah, the Most High and what are its types ? Response. Ilhad linguistically means speaking, to be inclined or to deviate, such as in the Words of Allah, the Most High: Sooratun Nahl (16:103). And from this is the word Lahd[2], which is so called, because it is inclined to one side of it. Ilhad cannot be understood without understanding Istiqamah[3], because, as it is said: By their antonyms things are explained. Istiqamah in the matter of Allah, the Most High's Names and Attributes is to accept these Names and Attributes according to their true meaning, in a manner befitting Allah, the Almighty, the All Powerful, without corrupting the meanings, or negating them, or explaining the how of them, or comparing them with those of the created beings, in accordance with the rule followed by Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah in this matter. So, if we know that Istiqamah is in this matter, then the opposite of Istiqamah is Ilhad. The scholars have mentioned a number of types of Ilhad regarding the Names and Attributes of Allah, all of which may be covered by saying: It is to deviate away from what it is obligatory to believe regarding them, and that falls into a number of categories, such as: 1. Denying any of the Names or the Attributes proved by them, such as the one who denies that the Name: Ar-Rahman (the Most Beneficient) is one of the Names of Allah, the Most High as the people of the Jahiliyyah[4] used to do, or to confirm the Names but to deny the attributes implied by them, as some of the innovators do, saying that Allah, the Most High, is Ar-Raheem (the Most Merciful) without having the Attribute of Mercy and As-Sami' (the All-Hearing) without having the Attribute of Hearing. 2. For Allah, the Most Glorified, the Most High to be called by a Name that He has not called Himself. Here it is Ilhad because the Names of Allah, the Most Glorified are restricted. So, it is not permissible for anyone to call Allah, the Most High by a Name He has not called Himself. To do so is to say something about Allah without knowledge, and to transgress the Rights of Allah, the Almighty, the All-Powerful. This was done by the philosophers who called the Deity Al-'Illah Al-Fa'ilah (the Active Cause) and as done by the Christians, who called Allah, by the name 'the Father' and the like. 3. To believe that these Names indicate attributes of created beings, and so they declare that they indicate comparison (of Allah with His creation). This is Ilhad because one who believes that the Names of Allah, the Most Glorified imply a comparison of Allah with His creation, then he has disassociated them from the Attributes which they prove, and deviated thereby from the straight way, and declared the Speech of Allah and the speech of His Messenger (Sallalahualaihiwasalam) to be proof of disbelief. Because comparing Allah with His creation is disbelief, since it belies the Words of Allah, the Most High: Sooratus Shura (42:11) And his Words: Sooratul Maryam (19:65) Nu'aym bin Hammad Al Khuza'i, Al Bukhari's Shaikh, may Allah have mercy on them both, said: Whoever compared Allah with His creation, has committed disbelief. And whoever rejected any Attribute Allah described Himself with has committed an act of disbelief, and there is no comparison in anything by which Allah has described Himself. 4. To derive names for idols from the Names of Allah, the Most High. Such as the derivation Al-Lat from Al-Ilah (the Deity), Al-Uzza from Al'Azeez (the Almighty) and Manat from Al-Mannan (the Benefactor). This is Ilhad because the Names of Allah, the Most High are Unique to Him, so it is not permissible to transfer the meanings which are proven by these Names to any created beings in order to allot him the worship which none has the right for except Allah, the Almighty, the AllPowerful. These are the forms of Ilhad regarding the Names of Allah, the Most High. [2] Lahd: A niche in the grave in which the deceased is placed, facing towards the Qiblah. [3] Istiqamah - To be straight [4] Jahiliyyah - The days of ignorance before the Revelation came to the Prophet sallalahualaihiwasalam [Source:- Fatawa Arkan-ul-Islam ; Pg 136 - 138, Islamic Verdicts on the Pillars of Islam By the Honorable Shaikh Muhammad bin Salih Al-'Uthaimeen Collected and Arranged by Fahd bin Nasir bin Ibrahim As Sulaiman Darussalam ]
This message was edited by abdul.azeem on 1-9-05 @ 3:55 PM
Abu Abd Ar Rahman Abd Al Adheem Ibn Faheem ibn Zia ibn Ma'een
(KSA/ Bangalore, India)
Posts: 305
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Shaikh Muhammad Ibn Salih al-Uthaimeen (rahimahullah) On The Names And Attributes Of Allah Sub'hanahu Wa Ta'ala Shaikh Ibn Uthaimeen (rahimahullah) said: CHAPTER: The Names of Allah Are Tawqeefiyyah There Is No Place For Intellectual Free-Thinking Regarding Them: Allah's Names are tawqeefiyyah, meaning a kind of knowledge that is restricted to textual evidence; there is no place for intellectual free-thinking regarding them. Based upon this, we must suffice ourselves with what is found in the Book and the Sunnah, without adding or taking anything away. This is because the intellect will not be able to grasp the understanding of Allah's Names that He rightfully deserves, so then we must suffice ourselves with textual evidences only. This is due to Allah's statement, "And follow not (O man i.e., say not, or do not or witness not, etc.)that of which you have no knowledge (e.g. one's saying: "I have seen," while in fact he has not seen, or "I have heard," while he has not heard). Verily! The hearing, and the sight, and the heart, of each of those you will be questioned (by Allâh). (Surah Al-Isra Surah 17 Ayah 36). And He also has said, Say (O Muhammad (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam)): "(But) the things that my Lord has indeed forbidden are AlFawâhish (great evil sins, every kind of unlawful sexual intercourse, etc.) whether committed openly or secetly, sins (of all kinds), unrighteous oppression, joining partners (in worship) with Allâh for which He has given no authority, and saying things about Allâh of which you have no knowledge." (Surah Al-A'raf , Surah 7 Ayah 33). Furthermore, to ascribe a name to Allah the Exalted that He did not ascribe to His own Self, or to deny something He has named Himself, would be a serious crime against Him. So one must behave in the appropriate manner in this affair and stick to what is found in established textual evidences only. [Al Qawaa'idul-Muthlaa fee Sifaatillahi wa Asmaa'ihil-Husnaa , Translated into English language by Moosa Richardson; Published by TROID publications Page 30]. Shaikh further stated: CHAPTER: The Kinds Of Deviation From the Correct Belief [Allah commands us to abandon those who are known for ilhaad,And (all)the Most Beautiful Names belong to Allâh, so call on Him by them, and leave the company of those who belie or deny (or utter impious speech against) His Names. They will be requited for what they used to do. (Surah Al-A'raf , Surah 7 Ayah 180) Ilhaad with regards to the Names of Allah the Exalted means to stray from the obligatory manner of believing in them, and ilhaad takes many forms: Point THREE: To ascribe a name to Allah that He did not name Himself with. An example of this is how the Christians call Allah the father, or how the philosophers call Him the root cause of everything (al illatul-Faa'ilah). So since the knowledge of Allah's Names is tawqeefiyyah, then to ascribe a name to Allah that He did not name Himself with is straying from the obligatory manner of believing in them. Furthermore, these names that have been ascribed to Allah are sheer falsehood that Allah is far removed from...." Point FOUR: To derive names of idols from the linguistic base of His Names An example of this is what the polytheists did when they derived the name al-'Uzzaa from al'Azeez, and al-Laat from al-Ilaah, according to one opinion, and they named their idols with these names....... Some kinds of ilhaad may be crimes of shirk or kufr (while others are less than that), depending upon the relative evidences and what they imply. [Al Qawaa'idul-Muthlaa fee Sifaatillahi wa Asmaa'ihil-Husnaa , Translated into English language by Moosa Richardson; Published by TROID publications Page 37,38]. The Shaikh further states: The Proofs That Establish The Names And Attributes Are Only From The Book And The Sunnah: The evidences used to establish Allah's Names and Attributes are found in the Book and the Sunnah, and no Names or Attributes may be established using other than these proofs. So based on this: 1) Whatever Names and Attributes that have been established by the Book and the Sunnah,it is obligatory to affirm them. 2) Whatever has been negated by the Book and the Sunnah, then it is obligatory for us to negate that, while we affirm its opposite as a perfect Attribute. 3) Whatever has not been affirmed nor negated in the Book and the Sunnah, then it isobligatory for us to remain silent about its wording, as it must not be rejected outright simply because of the lack of evidence regarding its affirmation or negation...... [Al Qawaa'idul-Muthlaa fee Sifaatillahi wa Asmaa'ihil-Husnaa , Translated into English language by Moosa Richardson; Published by TROID publications Page 66]. Ibn Uthaimeen (rahimahullah) states in his another excellent work 'The Explanation of Sufficiency In Creed by Ibn Qudamah'...The Names of Allah are based upon Revelation and as such, their affirmation is dependent upon what is reported in the revealed texts concerning them. Therefore, nothing can be added to them nor subtracted. This is because the intellect is not able to ascertain by itself which names Allah is most deserving of. So it is obligatory to depend upon the revealed texts for determining that. Also, naming Allah with that which He did not name Himself or rejecting what He did name Himself with, is a crime against Him and a perpetration of His right. Thus, abiding by the proper etiquettes with regard to this is obligatory. [Explanation of Sufficiency In Creed, page 19, by Shaikh Muhammad Ibn Salih al-Uthaimeen (rahimahullah)].
This message was edited by abdul.azeem on 12-23-04 @ 1:09 PM
Abu Abd Ar Rahman Abd Al Adheem Ibn Faheem ibn Zia ibn Ma'een
(KSA/ Bangalore, India)
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Shaikh Salih al-Fawzaan (hafidhahullah) On The Names And Attributes Of Allah Sub'hanahu Wa Ta'ala Shaikh Saleh al-Fawzan (hafidhahullah) states in his explanation of Aqeedah al-Wasitiyyah: And they do not deviate with regard to Allaah's Names and His Signs [by denying them or holding on to deviant and heretical ideas about them]. They do not enquire into the exact nature of His Attributes and neither do they make comparisons between His attributes and the attributes of His creation. Explanation: (And they do not deviate with regard to Allaah's Names and His Signs by denying them or holding on to deviant and heretical ideas about them]...).Ilhaad in the language means bending and turning away from something. From it comes lahd which is the niche in the side of the grave into which a muslim is placed . It has been named as such due to its deviation towards the side of the grave. Ilhaad with respect to Allaah's Names and His Signs means deviating and turning away from their realities and their correct meanings towards falsehood. Ilhaad is of numerous types: The First: When idols are given the Names of Allaah such as the derivation of al-Laat from al-Ilaah, al-Uzzaa from al-Azeez and Munaat from al-Mannaan. The Second: Naming Him, far is He from all imperfections and Exalted, with what does not befit Him such as the name which the Christians give him, Father, or what the philosophers call Him, the Causer or Prime Mover. The Third: Describing Him, far is He from all imperfections and Exalted, with what does not free Him of defects and shortcomings such as the saying of the Jews: Indeed Allaah is poor (needy) and we are rich[Aali Imraan 3:181] and also their saying: The hand of Allaah is tied [Maa'idah 5:64] and that He rests on the sabbath. Exalted is He above what they say. The Fourth: Refusing and denying their meanings and their realities such as the saying of the Jahmiyyah that these attributes are but mere words which do not compromise characteristics nor meanings. To them, the name as-Samee' does not give evidence for the characteristic of hearing, al-Baseer does not give evidence for seeing and al-Hayy does not give evidence for life. The Fifth: Likening His characteristics with those of the creation such as the saying of a mumaththil (one who likens Allaah to the creation): His hand is like my hand and other such similar statements. Exalted is Allaah above such things. Allaah has threatened those who commit Ilhaad in His Names and Signs with a very strong warning. He said: And to Allaah belong the Most Beautiful of Names therefore, call upon Him with them and leave alone those who deny and utter false imputations against His Names. Soon will they be requited for what they used to do. [A'raaf 7:180] He also said: Verily those who turn away from Our Signs (by attacking, distorting and denying them) are not hidden from Us. [Fussilat 41:40] (...They do not enquire into the exact nature of His Attributes and neither do they make comparisons between His attributes and the attributes of His creation.) The meaning of takyeef and tamtheel has been explained previously. [Refer: Creed of Wasitiyyah : Part 7 : Ilhaad and the Negation of Takyif, Tamthil ]
This message was edited by abdul.azeem on 2-25-05 @ 8:41 PM
Abu Abd Ar Rahman Abd Al Adheem Ibn Faheem ibn Zia ibn Ma'een
(KSA/ Bangalore, India)
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Zakir Naik Opposes The Salaf In Aqeedah And Manhaj This man opposes naming oneself a Salafi or Ahlul Hadeeth or Ahl Us Sunnah and he opposes the Salaf of this Ummah and the Muhadditheen , fuqahaa and the Scholars and All Those Who Followed The Salafi Manhaj In Every Generation. So by calling oneself 'Ahl us Sunnah' did the Sahabah thus make 'FIRQA'? Did the Sahabah not know of the Ayahs of Allah that forbid splitting in the religion? And those who followed them named themselves 'Ahlul Hadeeth' and 'Salafi'! So the whole ummah was ignorant and it took over 1400 years that a SUIT wearing NECK-TIED individual came and explained that this was differing and splitting in the religion and one should only suffice with the name 'Muslim'. If that is so and Allah's refuge is sought from it then woe to those people who could not learn and comprehend the deen of Allah from their Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) and it took several hundred years for a man to come and explain to them and correct them in this matter! Our complain is to Allah Sub'hanahu wa Ta'ala and we seek refuge in Allah from these desires and deviations. But rather those who learned and comprehended the deen were the followers of the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) , the Sahabah (ridhwanullahi alaihim ajma'een) and whatever they agree upon then we agree with it and whoever comes after them to call what they agreed as deviation then we consider the one who claims this a deviant and astray. Now you can see the reality of this individual as to why he opposed the Sahabah, the Salaf and the Imams of the muslims in every generation giving an excuse that there is no ayah or a hadeeth to name onself a 'Salafi' or 'Ahlul Hadeeth' or 'Ahl us Sunnah' so that he could be left free to say what he wishes. Abdullah Ibn Murabarak(rahimahullah) said: 'According to me the isnaad is from the religion. And if it were not for the isnaad, whoever wished could have said whatever he wished'.[Saheeh, Related by Muslim in his Muqaddimah (1/15)] [source: Clarification that Ahlul Hadeeth are the saved sect and victorious group, by Shaikh Fawzee al-Atharee (hafidhahullah), page 13, printed by TROID publications] Hence if he were to call himself Salafi and adhere to the manhaj then he would have to make al-Ittibaa and would not be able to make al-ibtidaa because he would have to produce ISNAAD for everything he utters and would not be able to spread his baatil opinions so openly. He further distorted claiming that the Sahabah never changed their label even though Ibn Abbas (radhiallahu anhu's) statement has been mentioned in my previous post and the statements of the Tabi'een and the Scholars of the Muslims. Refer to my previous post on Zakir Naik: So now does he have any Ayah or a SAHEEH-HADEETH (According to him it has to be ONLY SAHEEH, not even Hasan) based on which he has said what he has said that Allah can be invoked by the names 'Brahma' or 'Vishnu'? So if naming oneself 'Salafi' or 'Ahlul Hadeeth' or 'Ahl us Sunnah' is making FIRQAH and we should suffice by what Allah has named us with then how come we dont suffice ourselves with what Allah has named Himself with? CHECK: Shaikh Falah's Response - Audio File
This message was edited by abdul.azeem on 12-24-04 @ 11:00 AM
Abu Abd Ar Rahman Abd Al Adheem Ibn Faheem ibn Zia ibn Ma'een
(KSA/ Bangalore, India)
Posts: 305
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Zakir Naik Opposes the Salaf In Tafseer Of Qur?aan The statements of the Ibn Uthaimeen (rahimahullah) has already been mentioned before??.?Allah's Names are tawqeefiyyah, meaning a kind of knowledge that is restricted to textual evidence; there is no place for intellectual free-thinking regarding them. Based upon this, we must suffice ourselves with what is found in the Book and the Sunnah, without adding or taking anything away. This is because the intellect will not be able to grasp the understanding of Allah's Names that He rightfully deserves, so then we must suffice ourselves with textual evidences only???? Refer: Fourteen Beneficial Articles On Asmaa Was-Sifaat (Names And Attributes) Zakir Naik Claims: ??.In Surah Isra Chapter number 17 Verse number 110, it says, ?Say, call upon Him by Allah or by Rahman, by whichever name you call upon Him it is well, to Him belongs the Most Beautiful Names.? Based on this Ayah Naik makes his batil tafseer saying, ?you can call Allah Sub?hanahu wa ta?ala by any name but it should be a beautiful name, it should not conjure up a mental picture?.? So when the Names of Allah are tawqeefiyyah, meaning a kind of knowledge that is restricted to textual evidence (Quran and the Sunnah), then how can he claim that you can call Allah with ANY NAME? Just by placing a condition that so long as it is A BEAUTIFUL NAME? And does not conjure a MENTAL PICTURE? This baatil tafseer of his led him to call Allah by names which hindu mushrikeen have named their gods with. However what is the meaning of Brahma or Vishnu, in Sanskrit is altogether a different matter which itself needs an investigation.
This message was edited by abdul.azeem on 12-24-04 @ 5:14 PM
Abu Abd Ar Rahman Abd Al Adheem Ibn Faheem ibn Zia ibn Ma'een
(KSA/ Bangalore, India)
Posts: 305
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INVESTIGATION INTO THE LITERAL MEANING OF ?BRAHMA? IN SANSKRIT LANGUAGE ACCORDING TO OXFORD SANSKRIT ? ENGLISH DICTIONARY AND OTHER DICTIONARIES Note:- This investigation is purely directed towards clarifying the meaning of 'Brahma' in the Sanskrit-language as opposed to what the hindus regard the diety they worship ('Brahma') as. This is to make clear that there is a base and original meaning to this word ('Brahma') which is other than what it is commonly used for or understood as by Hindus and others besides them. This will further highlight the ignorance and misguidance being espoused by Mr. Naik. On Brahma [literally(means) 'growth', 'expansion', 'evolution', 'development', 'Swelling of spirit or soul'] pious effusion or utterance of the heart in worshipping the gods.The Brahma or one self-existent impersonal spirit, the one universal soul (or one divine essence & source from which all created things emanate or with which they are identified and to which they return). The self existent, the absolute, the eternal (not generally an object of worship)but rather of mediation and knowledge; Brahma or the one impersonal universal spirit manifested as a personal creator and as the first of the triad of personal gods 1. Brahma, m. a priest (see asura-, kn-, mata-br0); n. the one self existent spirit, the absolute, R 2. Brahma, in comp. for brahman. - observe that in the following derivatives the nom. m. (Brahma) is used for impersonal spirit and the nom. m. (Brahma) for the personal god. Oxford Sanskrit-English Dictionary The Clarendon press Sir Monier Williams M.A, K.C.I.E Hon. DCL OxON, Hon LLD Calcutta, Hon PH.d GOTTINGEN, Hon Fellow of University College and sometime fellow of Balliol College Oxford with the collaboration of Professor E. Leumann PH.d, University of Stausbugg Professor C. Cappeller PH.d, University of Jena and other scholars ==================================================================================== Sanskrit ? English Dictionary by V.S. Apte Brahma ? The Supreme Spirit Brahman ? 1. Relating to Brahman or the Creator or the Supreme Spirit. 2.Brahminical, belonging to Brahmanas 3.Relating to sacred knowledge or study 4.Prescribed by Vedas 5.Holy, Sacred, Devine. Page 396. Brahmavath ? a. Posessed of spiritual knowledge. Brahmanee ? The wife of Brahman Brahmaan ? a. Relating to Brahma- m. An epithet of Vishnu. Page 394. By ? Vaman Shivram Apte. Address: 9th Main, III Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore ? 5600011. 8, Mahalaxmi Chamber, Warden Road, Mumbai ? 400026. ISBN- 81-208-004403 (cloth) - 81-208-0045-1 (paper) Introduction written by V.S. Apte , Place: Poona Date: 15th February, 1890. ==================================================================================== Sanskrit ? English Dictionary by McDonnell. Brahman ? Supreme Universal Soul, The chief god of the Indian Panthon ( being the latter personal form of the vedic impersonal absolute deity, which is neuter); Arthur Anthony McDonnell, Oxford University Press. ==================================================================================== Sanskrit ? English Dictionary by Vidyasagar. Description: Sabda-Sagara or a Comprehensive Sanskrit-English Lexicon, chiefly based on H.H.Wilson's Sanskrit-English Dictionary Brahman ? The first deity of the Hindu triad, and the operative creator of the world. 2. A Brahman 3. The superintending or presiding priest at the sacrifice. 4. One of the astronomical Vedas. 5. One of the principal servants of the Jinas 6. The devine cause and essence of the world, from which all created things are supposed to emanate and to which they return, the unknown God. 7.The practice of austere devotion. Holy knowledge. Pandit Kulapati Jibananda VidyaSagar. First Edition, 1900. Page 520. ==================================================================================== Coming to the English-Sanskrit dictionary, I found the following?.. This should clarify what the literal meaning of Brahma is? Its not 'The Creator' but rather it means 'The Supreme Spirit' in the language. However its not our concern if the diety which the hindus worship is referred as creator, my intent is to only show that the literal meaning of Brahma is something other than 'The Creator' because this name has been made permissible by Zakir Naik to Call Allah Ta'ala with. English ? Sanskrit dictionary. Description: This lexicon offers effectual help to the student, in practicing translation into the best Sanskrit for modern expressions and idioms, with their several equivalents, and different shades of meaning. It includes as many terms of religion, literature, mythology, science, as would lead to a correct knowledge of oriental customs, habits of thought, religious tenets and ceremonial observances, which ultimately enhances a reciprocal sympathy between the East and West. Author: Sir M.Monier- Williems Published: Motilal Banarsidass Oct 1989 ISBN: 81-208-0454-6 Observe the word ?Creator? and you will find various different words in Sanskrit for the word ?Creator? but ?Brahma? is found to be nowhere. So the translation of Creator ? a. Uthpadakah, Dhata, m. Vidhata, Sruk, SrushtiKarta, Bhavanah, -(Of the World), Jagadkartha, Jagadsashta, LokKrut. Page 145. But if you check the word ?Spirit? , this is what you will see?. SPIRIT: 1.Aatma. 2.(The Supreme Spirit) ? Brahma n. 3.In modern translations of Bible the Holy Spirit is rendered by PAVITRATHMA. Page 765, Monier Williams English ? Sanskrit Dictionary. Bunglow Road, Jawahar Nagar, Delhi, 1100007. 24 Race Course Road, Bangalore, 5600001. 120 Royapettah High Road, Mylapore, Madras 600004. ISBN- 81-208-0454-6 Preface: East-India College, HaileyBury, November 5th, 1851. ====================================================================================
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Abu Abd Ar Rahman Abd Al Adheem Ibn Faheem ibn Zia ibn Ma'een
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Ibn Quayyim al Jawziyyah (rahimahullah) On Speaking About Allah Sub?hanahu Wa Ta?ala Without Knowledge Said, Shaikh al-Islam Ibn Quayyim al-Jawziyyah (rahimahullah) warning those who speak about Allah Sub?hanahu Wa Ta?ala without knowledge and we ask Zakir Naik to refer to the books of the Salaf and refer back to the Ulamaa in these important issues and do not put the masses to trial just by referring ?The Fundamentals of Tawheed? by his close friend Bilal Philips!!! To make whatever statements about Allah Ta?ala ; To open your mouth in the matters relating to Fatwa and judgements without knowledge (Ilm) , is from the greatest and highest of all forbidden matters. The Saying of Allah Sub?hanahu Wa Ta?ala, Say (O Muhammad (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam)): "(But) the things that my Lord has indeed forbidden are AlFawâ hish (great evil sins, every kind of unlawful sexual intercourse, etc.) whether committed openly or secretly, sins (of all kinds), unrighteous oppression, joining partners (in worship) with Allâh for which He has given no authority, and saying things about Allâh of which you have no knowledge." (Surah Al-A'raf , Surah 7 Ayah 33). It is apparent from this ayah that to say some things relating to Shar?eeah without knowledge is from the greatest and highest of forbidden(haram) matters. This is because in the ayah the matters that are forbidden are in (ascending order) order of lowest to highest. In the beginning is mentioned the lightest issue meaning the forbiddance of Fawahish; then after that is a forbidden matter bigger than the first one, which is Sin and Zulm (oppression); and after that is mentioned the forbiddance of a matter more bigger than the second, which is to associate partners with Allah Ta?ala (shirk) and at the fourth (place) and last (place) and at the highest level , the most greatest and highest of the things that is most haram is mentioned which is, to take the Name of Allah and speak something without any knowledge whether that statement is made regarding , 1.The Names Of Allah Sub?hanahu Wa Ta?ala 2.The Attributes Of Allah Sub?hanahu Wa Ta?ala 3.The Actions Of Allah Sub?hanahu Wa Ta?ala 4.About His deen and His Shar?eeah For all of this it is a general Command. And it is mentioned in an ayah: Do not put forth from you tongue falsely attributing to Allah Ta?ala?. "And say not concerning that which your tongues put forth falsely: "This is lawful and this is forbidden," so as to invent lies against Allâh. Verily, those who invent lies against Allâh will never prosper. (An-Nahl 16:116) So do not purchase a small worldly gain (from it) but you will be engulfed in a mighty tormenting punishment in the Hereafter. So observe how Allah Ta?ala has revealed a warning upon those who lie and say falsehood about the Ahkaam of Allah Ta?ala. And how Allah has threatened those who make things which Allah has forbidden permissible and those who forbid what Allah has made permissible. Allah Ta?ala has elucidated in His statement that until the slave (abd) has knowledge of what Allah has made permissible and what Allah has made forbidden it is not permissible in any way to declare anything as halal or haram. It is the qawl (statement) of some of the salaf that a human being should save himself from saying such an such thing is made forbidden by Allah and such and such things are made permissible by Allah lest it should be that Allah Sub?hanahu Wa Ta?ala says, you are a liar, neither have I made this permissible and nor have I made that forbidden. So until clearly one finds from the revelation of Allah that such and such a thing is forbidden or permissible, its not befitting for any Muslim to issue fatwa just based on Taqleed or just based on some interpretation (or assumption or logic )??. [Taken from I?laamul Muwaqqi?een Ann? Rabbil?aalameen, Urdu Translation, Volume 1, Page 44]
This message was edited by abdul.azeem on 1-12-05 @ 4:24 PM
Abu Abdullah Ekbal Hussain bin Siraj
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Abu Abd Ar Rahman Abd Al Adheem Ibn Faheem ibn Zia ibn Ma'een
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Jam'iyyah Ahle-Hadees al-Hind Invites Zakir Naik To Spread The Same Issues Of Aqeedah - To More Than Half A Million Crowd Bismillah Al-Hamdulillah As-Salatu Wa-Assalaamu Alaa Rasoolillah. Wa Ba'ad. During the Jam'iyyah Ahle-Hadees al-Hind conference held in March 2004, Zakir Naik was not only invited to speak from its platform but also praised, introduced with marvellous charecterestics and was given an open stage to address over half a million crowd comprising of several Jam'iyyah figureheads, responsible members of different states of India, general maulvees, madarasa students and common masses. In this gathering he addresses the people in Urdu language, teaches them the same issues of Aqeedah besides his manhaj that is exclusively based on reasoning and logic (It is affirmed in his own books). Hence this is one of the strongest proofs that the Jam'iyyah is fully aware of his Aqeedah and Manhaj and they openly promote him and are with him hand in hand. However their differences with Zakir Naik seem to have disappeared probably implementing the popular slogan of Bannawee manhaj 'We unite upon that which we agree and we excuse each other on that which we differ'. And now the Jam'iyyah distributes these VCD's under the banner 'ISLAMEE TAA'LEEMAAT VEDO'N KE ZARIYE SE' meaing, Teachings of Islam Through The Vedas. [Vedas are the hindu religious scriptures]. Jam'iyyah spokesperson announces.....
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On an international level, such a personality, those who have Television (in their homes) and who are interested to watch programmes in English, they might watch and analyze him on a daily basis. He has come to us from a far off place, Mumbai. I am referring to Janab Mohtaram(respected) Zakir Naik Sahab. I am going to present him in front of you people. All of you audience listen to him with ease and comfort; the special characterestic of Zakir Naik is to make content and satisfy the minds that are affected with doubts and confusions(shukook aur shub'haat), to defend Islam, and to enlighten the teachings of Islam and its Ibaadaat, moral teachings (of islam); this is his special attribute. And I request him to come (on to the stage) and even if the time is minimal, and deliver his word to the audience, who at this time in my view are over half a million; convey (the message) to all these people and enlighten all of their hearts. Respected Janaab Zakir Naik Sahab. |
Zakir Naik says.....
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Some people, who have heard my speech before, they are well aware that I usually deliver my speech only in English but since today, this is the gathering of Jam'iyyah Ahle Hadees (Al-Hind) and my speech should be in Urdu. Insha Allah I will try to present some words in urdu. In my speech, (on the topic) 'the similarity between Hindu religion and Islam'; in this speech I will not speak about that similarity (between the two religions) which is known to the common hindus and common muslims. For example, in these religions it is been stated that, 'do not lie', 'speak the haqq', 'do not steal', 'do not commit robbery', (etc.) these similarities are known to common muslims and common hindus, I am not going to discuss these (similarities). I will especially discuss those matters which common public are not aware of but especially those Ulamaa of this religion, the scholars of this religion know but not the common public. In the Quran Shareef, Allah Ta'ala states, in Surah Baqarah, Surah number two, ayah number 177 that... "It is not Al-Birr (piety, righteousness, and each and every act of obedience to Allâh, etc.) that you turn your faces towards east and (or) west (in prayers); but Al-Birr is (the quality of) the one who believes in Allâh, the Last Day, the Angels, the Book, the Prophets..." and there is a hadeeth of Muhammad (Sallallahu aliahi wa sallam) which is mentioned in Sahih Muslim, Volume number 1, Book of Eeman, Kitabul Eeman, Chapter number 2, Hadeeth number 6, one person comes to Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) and asks him, 'What is Eeman'? Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) states, Eeman is that you believe in Allah Sub'hanahu wa ta'ala, that you believe in His Angels, Books of Allah Sub'hanahu wa ta'ala, believe in Allah's Messenger, believe in the HereAfter and believe in Qadr. These are the six pillars of Eeman. That we (need to have eeman in) Allah Sub'hanahu wa ta'ala, we need to have eeman in Eeshwar, His Angels, His Books, His Messengers, the HereAfter and in the Qadr. Today we will be discussing what are the similarities between the Hindu Madhab and Islam's six pillars of Eeman! |
So he is teaching them concepts of Aqeedah through the hindu religious scriptures in Urdu now, which you will see Insha Allah soon....and refuge of Allah is sought in falling upon darkness from Light and Guidance.
Abu Abd Ar Rahman Abd Al Adheem Ibn Faheem ibn Zia ibn Ma'een
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Zakir Naik Now Spreads In Urdu his Aqeedah Of Calling Allah Ta'ala With Names That Hindu Mushrikeen Have Named Their Deities Bismillah Al-Hamdulillah As-Salatu Wa-Assalaamu Alaa Rasoolillah.Wa Ba'ad. The fithnah has not stopped at English Tapes, Videos, Books, Articles, Seminars and Symposiums but now it is entering into the homes of several million ignorant muslims of Indian subcontinent in the urdu language. Teaching them that Allah's 33 attributes are present in the Hindu Religious Scriptures; legislates calling Allah with these names which have no origin from the Sunnah, nor someone from the Salaf has preceeded them in these important issues of Aqeedah. The tens of thousands of common people who leave their homes and come to such gatherings are in need of guidance, and I do not understand if the Jam'iyyah realizes the responsibility? Insha Allah I will show from the original scriptures of Hindus as to what this man has brought forth, and the level of filth that will be evident from it will amaze you all Insha Allah. Listen to this audio Insha Allah in Urdu.....Zakir Naik is referring to Allah Ta'ala as Eeshwar in this tape. Click here for Audio Tape Of Zakir Naik In Urdu
This message was edited by abdul.azeem on 3-30-05 @ 12:13 PM
Abu Abd Ar Rahman Abd Al Adheem Ibn Faheem ibn Zia ibn Ma'een
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Abu Abd Ar Rahman Abd Al Adheem Ibn Faheem ibn Zia ibn Ma'een
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ýýý ýýýý ýýýýý ýýý ýýýýýýý ýýýýýýý ýýý ýýýý ýýýý ýýý ýýý Names That Hindu Sages Invoke In Their Worship Alhamdulillaah now when the correct Aqeedah of Ahl-us-Sunnah has been made clear, it is worth surmounting the grave danger of these statements of Zakir Naik from the actual Hindu scriptures, so that everyone understands clearly the reasons for highlighting Naik's mistakes. First Part Of Zakir Naik's Statement:- "It is mentioned in Rig Ved (One of the religious books of hindus) Sages call One God by many names that means there are various names given to this One God..... A)Here Zakir Naik affirms that the God being described is Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, Free is Allaah from all imperfections. B)So what are these various names that Zakir Naik is talking about? C)Below is the whole line and the reader can see the full context of what is being described! It says: They call him Indra, Mitra, Varuna, Agni and he is heavenly nobly-winged Garutman. To what is One, sages give many a title they call it Agni, Yama, Matarisvan. So the various names that sages call their god are a) Agni - means fire, the fire-god of hindus b) Varuna - means water, the god of water of hindus c) Indra - Power and Vigour, the god of power d) Mitra - Friend e) Finally it concludes that he is indeed nobly-winged Garu (yes the one who flies!) If you have read sanskrit like me you will know how despicable these terms are based on the background of what the hindu beliefs are as found in their scriptures and what they mean. So how can one ascribe such names to Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic? f) Yama - means Mountain ( it does have many other meanings) g) Matarisvan (other name of vayu - the wind god) Any hindu who looks into his own books would just make a mockery of Naik's ta'weel. So I have presented this fact to those Muslims who are blinded by his quotations in Sanskrit and I hope they open their eyes.
To be continued...insha Allaah!
Abu Abd Ar Rahman Abd Al Adheem Ibn Faheem ibn Zia ibn Ma'een
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ÈÓã Çááå ÇáÍãÏ ááå æÇáÕáÇÉ æÇáÓáÇã Úáì ÑÓæá Çááå ÃãÇ ÈÚÏ Most Of 33 Different Attributes Of Allaah In Book-2 Hymn-1? Second Part Of Zakir Naik's Statement And Rig Ved alone gives no less than 33 different attributes of Almighty God most of which are mentioned in Rig Ved, Book no. 2, Hymn no. 1. So does this Book no. 2 and Hymn no. 1 really contain most of 33 different attributes of Allaah? By Allaah! He is as He described Himself and how His noble Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam has described Him. This chapter in Rig Ved, in Book # 2, Hymn # 1 is devoted to the fire god of hindus and the name of the chapter is AGNI - which means fire!!! Here is the translation of this whole chapter and I would like all the Muslims to look into this chapter, I have also attached the original sanskrit text with it and you may read insha Allaah. And look for yourself what this man is upto!!! The Fire is invoked 9 times in this chapter. This whole chapter from its beginning to the end describes, praises and lauds fire. AGNI - FIRE!!!
1. THOU, Agni, shining in thy glory through the days, art brought to life from out the waters, from the stone: From out the forest trees and herbs that grow on ground, thou, Sovran Lord of men art generatad [sic] pure. 2 Thine is the Herald's task and Cleanser's duly timed; Leader art thou, and Kindler for the pious man. Thou art Director, thou the ministering Priest: thou art the Brahman, Lord and Master in our home. 3 Hero of Heroes, Agni! Thou art Indra, thou art Visnu of the Mighty Stride, adorable: Thou, Brahmanaspati, the Brahman finding wealth: thou, O Sustainer, with thy wisdom tendest us. 4 Agni, thou art King Varuna whose laws stand fast; as Mitra, Wonder-Worker, thou must be implored. Aryaman, heroes' Lord, art thou, enrich ing all, and liberal Amsa in the synod, O thou God. 5 Thou givest strength, as Tvastar, to the worshipper: thou wielding Mitra's power hast kinship with the Dames. Thou, urging thy fleet coursers, givest noble steeds: a host of heroes art thou with great store of wealth. 6 Rudra art thou, the Asura of mighty heaven: thou art the Maruts' host, thou art the Lord of food, Thou goest with red winds: bliss hast thou in thine home. As Pusan thou thyself protectest worshippers. 7 Giver of wealth art thou to him who honours thee; thou art God Savitar, granter of precious things. As Bhaga, Lord of men! thou rulest over wealth, and guardest in his house him who hath served thee well. 8 To thee, the people's Lord within the house, the folk press forward to their King most graciously inclined. Lord of the lovely look, all things belong to thee: ten, hundred, yea, a thousand are outweighed by thee. 9 Agni, men seek thee as a Father with their prayers, win thee, bright-formed, to brotherhood with holy act. Thou art a Son to him who duly worships thee, and as a trusty Friend thou guardest from attack. 10 A Rbhu art thou, Agni, near to be adored thou art the Sovran Lord of foodful spoil and wealth. Thou shinest brightly forth, thou burnest to bestow: pervading sacrifice, thou lendest us thine help. 11 Thou, God, art Aditi to him who offers gifts: thou, Hotri, Bharati, art strengthened by the song. Thou art the hundred-wintered Ila to give strength, Lord of Wealth! Vrtra-slayer and Sarasvati. 12 Thou, Agni, cherished well, art highest vital power; in thy delightful hue are glories visible. Thou art the lofty might that furthers each design: thou art wealth manifold, diffused on every side. 13 Thee, Agni, have the Adityas taken as their mouth; the Bright Ones have made thee, O Sage, to be their tongue. They who love offerings cling to thee at solemn rites: by thee the Gods devour the duly offered food. 14 By thee, O Agni, all the Immortal guileless Gods cat with thy mouth the oblation that is offered them. By thee do mortal men give sweetness to their drink. Bright art thou born, the embryo of the plants of earth. 15 With these thou art united, Agni; yea thou, God of noble birth, surpassest them in majesty, Which, through the power of good, here spreads abroad from thee, diffused through both the worlds, throughout the earth and heaven. 16 The princely worshippers who send to those who sing thy praise, O Agni, guerdon graced with kine and steeds,- Lead thou both these and us forward to higher bliss. With brave men in the assembly may we speak aloud. The reader can clearly see the truth however, I will insha Allaah list the commentary on this hymn by a famous hindu scholar who died more than 600 years ago who has explained the background behind this. Then the readers can make their own judgement! To be continued insha Allaah!
This message was edited by abdul.azeem on 9-6-07 @ 11:33 AM
Abu Abd Ar Rahman Abd Al Adheem Ibn Faheem ibn Zia ibn Ma'een
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ÈÓã Çááå ÇáÍãÏ ááå æÇáÕáÇÉ æÇáÓáÇã Úáì ÑÓæá Çááå ÃãÇ ÈÚÏ The Meaning Of Brahma In This Chapter - Explained By Hindu Scholars Observe the line 4 (or double line 2) at the center (4th word) is Brahma (बरह्मा) 2.001.02 Yours Agni, is the office of the Hota, of the Pota, of the R.tvij, of the Nes.t.a; you are the Agnidhra of the devout; yours is the function of the Pras'asta; you are the Adhvaryu (adhvaryu radhvarayur adhvaram kamayata iti va (Nirukta 1.8) and the Brahma-बरह्मा; and the householder in our dwelling. [Hota etc.: these are the eight of the sixteen priests employed at very solemn ceremonies; the duty of the Pras'asta is ascribed to the Maitravarun.a, and Brahma is identified with the] Kulluka Bhat.t.a, in his commentary on Manu viii.210 enumerates sixteen priests, in the order and proportion in which they are entitled to share in a of a hundred cows, being arranged in four classes, of which the first four are severally the heads, and others subordinate to them, in the same course of succession: Class-1:- 1. Hota, Adhvaryu, Udgata and Brahma (बरह्मा), are to have twelve each, or forty eight in all; Class-2:- 2. Maitravarun.a, Pratistota, and Prastota, six each, or twenty-four; Class-3:- 3. Accavaka, Nes.t.a, Agnidhra and Pratiharta four each, or sixteen; and Class-4:- 4. Gravadut, Neta, Pota and Subrahman.ya, three each, or twelve in all; making up the total of one hundred. Thus, the percentages for the four groups are: 48, 24, 16, 12 respectively. Note:- Below are my findings from the Manusmriti (Another Hindu Scripture)- 209. The Adhvaryu priest shall take the chariot, and the Brahman (बरह्मा) at the kindling of the fires (Agnyadhana) a horse, the Hotri priest shall also take a horse, and the Udgatri the cart, (used) when (the Soma) is purchased. 210. The (four) chief priests among all (the sixteen), who are entitled to one half, shall receive a moiety (of the fee), the next (four) one half of that, the set entitled to a third share, one third, and those entitled to a fourth a quarter. [See Manusmrithi 8/209,210] This clearly proves how Kalluka Bhatt has arrived at this conclusion. So the Brahma (बरह्मा) mentioned in the line 4 (4th word underlined) is not CREATOR but is a word used to denote the Class-1 of the priests who will recieve 12 cows from the charity of hundred cows for the service at the ceremony. And Naik still has the audacity to claim this word can be used to call Allaah the Mighty and Majestic!! Ramanatha, in his commentary on the Amarakos'a, viii.17 gives the names of 16 priests, but with a few variations: Gravastut replaces Gravadut; Prastota, Neta and Pota are replaced with Prasthata, Pras'asta and Balaccadaka. In the Aitareya Brahman.a vii.1, the sixteen priests are enumerated with some variations: Pratistota, Gravadut, Neta and Subrahman.ya are replaced with Pratiprasthata, Upagata, Atreya and Sadasya. Other priests included in this list are: Gravastut, Unneta, Subrahman.ya and the S'amita (immolator), when a Brahman.a. Madhava's commentary on the Nyaya-mala-Vistara of Jaimini, the list of 16 priests, following Kumarila Bhat.t.a includes: 1. Adhvaryu, Prati-prasthata, Nes.t.a, Unneta (ceremonial of the Yajurveda); 2. Brahma (बरह्मा),, Agnidh, Pota (superintend the whole according to the ritual of the three vedas); 3. Udgata, Prastota, Pratiharta, Subrahman.ya (chant the hymns, especially, Samaveda); 4. Hota, Maitravarun.a, Acchavaka, Gravastut (repeat the hymns of the; the head of each class receives the entire,or gratuity; the second, one-half; the third, one-third; and the fourth, a quarter]. This very line 3,4 has been repeated in Mandala 10 of Rig Ved, Chapter 91, double line 10 which further accents and strengthens what I have listed above and no where does the double line-3 been repeated in the entire rig-ved in accordance with the research of Professor Bloomfield, Bloomfield said: "2.1.2 (Grtsamada Bhargava, &c.) = 10.91.10 (Aruna Vaitahavya). To Agni. Ritual stanza" [Check in Osmania University Library, Library code - OU1 64001, RIG -VEDA REPETITIONS THE REPEATED VERSES AND DISTICHS AND STANZAS OF THE RIG-VEDA IN SYSTEMATIC PRESENTATION AND WITH CRITICAL DISCUSSION by MAURICE BLOOMFIELD PROFESSOR OF SANSKRIT AND COMPARATIVE PHILOLOGY IN THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY BALTIMORE, MARYLAND.] HOW A TINY DISTORTION (THAHREEF) LEAD TO BURNING OF WIDOWS IN INDIA इमा नारीरविधवाः सुपत्नीराञ्जनेन सर्पिषा संविशन्तु | अनश्रवो.अनमीवाः सुरत्ना आ रोहन्तु जनयोयोनिमग्रे || उदीर्ष्व नार्यभि जीवलोकं गतासुमेतमुप शेष एहि | हस्तग्राभस्य दिधिषोस्तवेदं पत्युर्जनित्वमभि सम्बभूथ || [ See Rig Ved, Mandala 10, Chapter 18, double line 7] 7 Let these unwidowed dames with noble husbands adorn themselves with fragrant balm and unguent. Decked with fair jewels, tearless, free from sorrow, first let the dames go up to where he lieth. 8 Rise, come unto the world of life, O woman: come, he is lifeless by whose side thou liest. Wifehood with this thy husband was thy portion, who took thy hand and wooed thee as a lover. [Translation by Ralph Griffith] If you see the end of second line....."Aaa Rohanthu (Janayo) yonimagre" which means 'may they first approach the place'... In later times this very line was distorted to "Aaa Rohanthu (Janayo) yonimagne" which means ' may they first approach the place of fire'. So millions of them were burnt after the death of their husbands with this one LETTER crime!!! There is no where in the entire Rig-Ved addressing Aryans to burn their widows as a practise of Sati (meaning good or pure) while the fact was they were clearly allowed and rather encouraged to re-marry. I have quoted the very next line (see line 8) which calls for a widow to rise from the bier of her dead husband and now move on to take the hand of her new husband. So this terrible falsification was made to justify the burning of the widows [ See Professor Maccdonnell's Sanskrit Literature, page 120-130 for a detailed discussion] Now it should be asked to Mr. Naik, how has he used the name of the priest, Brahma (बरह्मा) who gets 12 cows from charitable donation for conducting worship of fire in the chapter above, (that he claims there are most of 33 different attributes of Allaah, free is He from all imperfections, the Most High, The Most Great) for calling Allaah Ta'aala? This word is same as the word 2 on line 6 (Brahma - बरह्मा) without any change whatsoever!!! And the line 6 is worse as it actually addresses AGNI as Brahma (बरह्मा). It says Tawam Brahma.....? And does Brahma(बरह्मा) here refer to the Creator atleast? See the translation, it is self explanatory!!
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And this crime of naming Allaah with such a name is worse than what the Hindu priests distorted yonim agre to yonim agne and justified the burning of the widows because naming Allaah with the name बरह्मा is ilhaad
Abu Abd Ar Rahman Abd Al Adheem Ibn Faheem ibn Zia ibn Ma'een
(KSA/ Bangalore, India)
Posts: 305
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ÈÓã Çááå ÇáÍãÏ ááå æÇáÕáÇÉ æÇáÓáÇã Úáì ÑÓæá Çááå ÃãÇ ÈÚÏ The Meaning Of Vishnu In This Chapter - Explained By Hindu Scholars Observe the line #5 (विष्णु) where Agni to whom the whole of the chapter is devoted is referred to as Vishnu - so it says Thavam Vishnu (विष्णु)! Now the question is, why is Agni referred to as Vishnu (विष्णु)? Here is the explanation from Sayana (12th century Hindu Scholar who wrote the explanation of Rig Ved). Agni! 1st It exists on earth, not only as culninary or religious fire, but as the heat of digestion and of life, and the vivifying principle of vegetation; 2nd, as it exists in the atmosphere, or the mid-heaven, in the form of lightning; and 3rd, as it is manifested in the heavens, as light, the Sun, the dawn, and the planetary bodies.
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The Sun, it is true, is acknowledged and hymned as a divinity, the soul of all moveable and immoveable beings, and his manifestations are already known as A'dityas, including several of the names preserved in the Puranas; as VISHNU (विष्णु), MITRA, VARUNA, ARYAMAN, PUSHAN, BHAGA and TWASHTRI, who are nothing more than the Sun diversified, as presiding over each month of the solar year. |
Still, however, the Sun does not hold that prominent place in the vaidit liturgy which he seems to have done in the ancient Persians and he is chiefly venerated as the celestial representative of Fire. ----End of explanation from Sayana----- So the reason why Agni was referred to as Vishnu (विष्णु) is due to the fact that they considered one of the forms of fire to be Sun ( celestial reprsentation of fire) and one of the names of Sun as mentioned in the Puranas is Vishnu (विष्णु). And Puranas are but explanations of Vedas. Zakir Naik's Statement
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Another beautiful attribute which is given in Rig Ved, Book no. 2, Hymn no. 1 Verse no. 3, is Vishnu (विष्णु). Vishnu (विष्णु) means "The Sustainer". If you translate into Arabic it means 'Rab'.
---end of Zakir Naik's statement----- Here is what Shaykh Salih al-Fawzaan hafidhahullaah said in Aqeedah Of Tawheed: The understanding of the word ?rabb? in the Qur?aan and Sunnah. The root of the word ?ar-rabb? is ?rabbaa-yarubbu? which means to bring up something from stage to stage, up to the state of completion. It is said: ?He brought him up? and ?They raised him up?. So the word ?rabb? is used figuratively for the doer and ?ar-rabb? (the Lord) is used in the absolute sense only for Allaah, the One Who is responsible for setting right the affairs of the creation, as occurs in His saying: ?The Lord of the aalameen.? [al-Faatihaa (1): 2] ?Your Lord and the Lord of your ancient fathers!? [ash-Shu?araa (26): 26] ?Ar-rabb? is not used for anyone besides Him, except when it is attached in a specific sense, as is said: ?Rabbud-daar? (master of the house) and ?Rabbul-fars (owner of the horse), such as His, the Most High?s, saying while narrating about Yusuf (?alaihi salaam): ??Mention me to your lord (i.e. your king).? But Shaytaan made him forget to mention it to his Lord.? [Yusuf (12): 42] And His, the Most High?s, saying: ?[Yusuf] said: ?Return to your lord and ask him.?? [Yusuf (12): 50] And the saying of the Most High: ?As for one of you, he (as a servant) will pour out wine for his lord(king or master) to drink.? [Yusuf (12): 41] He (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) said regarding the lost camel: ??until its ?rabb? (owner) finds it.? (Reported in Bukhaari and Muslim). So from this it becomes clear that ?ar-rabb? is applicable to Allaah, in the definite form i.e. with ?al? and in the annexed form e.g. Ar-rabb (the Lord) or Rabbul-?alameen (Lord of the aalameen) or Rabbun-naas (Lord of the people). While the word ?rabb? is applied to others only when it?s annexed, such as Rabbud-daar (lord of the house), Rabbul-manzil (owner of the house) and Rabbul-ibl (lord of the camel). The meaning of Rabbul-aalameen is their Creator and Owner, the One who rectifies them, and nurtures them by His blessings, by sending His Messengers, by revealing His Books and the One who rewards them for their actions. Now the question is what does the line of hymn contain? - It says Thavam Vishnurooroogayo namasyaha - You are Vishnu of the mighty stride, adorable. First Angle - Linguistic point of view:-
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a)Firstly, is there even a definite article in sanskrit language just like latin? If no, then how did Zakir Naik translate this to mean 'The Sustainer' in english? And then on what grounds has this been applied to Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic? Because this can never be the equivalent of ar-Rabb.
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b)And secondly, it says vishnu of the mighty stride, which is an annexed form and not a definite form, giving more clarity that it is referring to other than Allaah, which is the Sun. And Sun is one of the millions from the creation of Allaah and there are numerous stars more brighter, more bigger than the Sun!
Second Angle - Meaning in the chapter:-
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a)Here, Agni being referred as vishnu of mighty stride, the Sun is clear from the commentary above.
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b)And even if someone claims that it is referring to the charecterestic of Sun being described as the one who sustains the life on earth through its sun-light then this in no way justifies the claim, that this is Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic being referred here.
So from the point of view of characterestic of the Fire and it being referred to as Sun due to which it was worshipped - one of the best explanation is what Shaykh Fawzan hafidhahullaah has explained.. Shaykh al-Fawzaan said: Allaah, the Most High, says in a hadeeth qudsi: ?I created my slaves upon the worship of Me alone (Hunafaa). Then the Shayateen misguided them.? Meaning they directed them to the worship of idols and to taking them as lords besides Allaah; thereby they fell into deviation and destruction and into splitting and differing, everyone taking a lord for himself to worship. Since they abandoned the true Lord, they were put to trial by taking false lords as He, the Most High said: ?Such is Allaah, your Lord in truth. So after the truth, what else can there be, except falsehood? How then are you turned away?? [Yunus (10):32] Deviation has no limits and no end. And it is a necessary consequence for whoever turns away from his true Lord, as Allaah, the Most High, says: ?Are many different lords better or Allaah, the One, the Irresistible? You do not worship besides Him but only names which you have named (forged), you and your fathers, for which Allaah has sent down no authority.? [Yusuf (12):39-40] It is impossible to conceive shirk in rububiyyah with regards to the affirmation of two creators who are similar in attributes and actions.  | quote: |
However, some of the mushrikeen believed that their objects of worship had the ability to dispose some of the affairs of the universe. |
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So shaytaan tricked them into the worship of these objects in accordance with their intelligence.
So he called some people to worship them by means of glorifying the dead whose statues they had made, like the nation of Nuh (?alaihi salaam). Another group took their idols in the form of celestial bodies claiming that they could affect the things which happened on the earth. Thereafter they made structures for these celestial bodies and assigned custodians for them. However, they differed with regards to their worship; such that some worshipped the sun or the moon or other bodies. Amongst them were those who worshipped the fire like the Maajoos or those who worshipped the cows as in India, or worshipped angels, or the trees, or the stones, or the graves and tombs.
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All of this was due to the fact that they attributed some aspects of rububiyyah to these objects of worship. |
[Note:-So observe how Agni was referred to as Vishnu, the Sun that has a benefit for mankind and hence they worshipped it as a diety by composing hymns] Amongst them were those who believed that these idols were a representation of hidden things. Ibn ul-Qayyim said: ?The setting up of an idol was originally in the form of hidden object of worship. So they made the idol in its image and set it up and formed it, such that it could represent the hidden deity and take its place. Otherwise, it is well known that an intelligent person does not sculpture out a piece of wood or stone by his hand and believe that it is a deity or an object of worship.? (Ighaathatul lahfaan 2/220). [source:- ] ---End of words of Shaykh Fawzaan----------------------- Whatever the case may be, my primary objection is, given all these facts in the various hindu scriptures, and clear explanations of the Scholars of Ahl-us-Sunnah wal-Jamaah as to how ar-Rabb in absolute sense is applied to Allaah alone and how rabb only when it is annexed can be applied to others, how can Naik claim that Allaah can be called with the name Vishnu? And especially since Mr. Naik chose this chapter, I dont see how Vishnu here means 'ar-Rabb' in absolute sense whether lingustically or even in the very chapter itself? Apart from the understanding of the hindu poets who originally composed these hymns, clearly have AGNI in mind throughout and Agni is referred to as the Sun (one of whose name is Vishnu-विष्णु) due to them considering it as a form of Agni so how far fetched is your claim Zakir Naik? And in Ibraheem & Sulaimaan (Alaihimaa-Salaam) Zakir Naik has a beautiful example... When he saw the sun rising up, he said: "This is my lord. This is greater." But when it set, he said: "O my people! I am indeed free from all that you join as partners in worship with Allâh. (Al-An'am 6:78) "I found her and her people worshipping the sun instead of Allâh, and Shaitân (Satan) has made their deeds fair-seeming to them, and has barred them from (Allâh's) Way, so they have no guidance," (An-Naml 27:24) So it would have been sufficient for Naik to respond with the Statements of Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic: If you were to ask them: "Who has created the heavens and the earth and subjected the sun and the moon?" They will surely reply: "Allâh." How then are they deviating (as polytheists and disbelievers)? (Al-'Ankabut 29:61) And from among His Signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Prostrate not to the sun nor to the moon, but prostrate to Allâh Who created them, if you (really) worship Him. (Fussilat 41:37) And I am sure Zakir Naik will struggle to prove that which the mushrikeen of Makkah believed in (ar-Ruboobiyyah) from the books of the Hindus let alone Tawheed al-Uloohiyyah and Asmaa Wa Sifaath which he is desperately trying to prove. And the confusion/riddles of the Hindu poets who coined many hymns for wind, water and fire and worshipped them, which have no authority whatsoever, names forged by them and their forefathers, can only be cured with the Qur'aan, which Allaah has sent down upon the heart of Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam and it is a mercy for those who believe. So the only way the hindus can come out of darknesses that are filled in their scriptures is through the Qur'aan and the Sunnah as understood by the Salaf-us-Saalih radhiAllaahu anhum. And Zakir needs to point out this confustion which is clearly apparent. The call of Naik should be this and he should show the huge confusion in their scriptures...and invite them to al-Islaam. And Allaah has said:
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?Are many different lords better or Allaah, the One, the Irresistible? You do not worship besides Him but only names which you have named (forged), you and your fathers, for which Allaah has sent down no authority.? [Yusuf (12):39-40]
Abu Abd Ar Rahman Abd Al Adheem Ibn Faheem ibn Zia ibn Ma'een
(KSA/ Bangalore, India)
Posts: 305
Joined: Nov 2002
ÈÓã Çááå ÇáÍãÏ ááå æÇáÕáÇÉ æÇáÓáÇã Úáì ÑÓæá Çááå ÃãÇ ÈÚÏ Invoking Allaah By His Beautiful Names Is Legislated Worship Shaykh Abd-ar-Razzaaq al-Ab'aad hafidhahullaah said: Amongst the perfect Names of Allaah, the Majestic and Most High, is Al-'Afuww - ?He who pardons,' and Al-Ghafoor - ?He who forgives,' and Al-Ghaffaar - ?The Oft-Forgiving.' Allaah, the Majestic and Most High, loves that we call upon Him by His names and that we worship Him by that which His names demand. As He Himself said:
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?And Allaah has the most excellent and perfect names, so worship and invoke Him by them? Soorah al-A'raaf (7):180.
Also, the Prophet ! said in a hadeeth reported in the two Saheehs' from Aboo Hurairah , "Allaah has ninety-nine names, a hundred except one. Whoever memorises and is mindful of them (ahsaahaa) will enter Paradise." However, ?... memorising and being mindful of them ...' (ihsaa), is not merely to take these names upon a piece of paper and to recite them - as some people do. In fact, the scholars have explained that ihsaa of the names comprises three levels. The first of these is to memorise the names. The second is to understand their meanings. And the third is to call upon Allaah by these names and to act as they demand. [Source:- The Most Excellent Manner Of Seeking Forgiveness, page 7] So, is it then permissible to invoke Allaah by the names Vishnu, Brahma and other 33 different ones mentioned in Rig Ved? Does is carry the same reward? Is this counted as Worship of Allaah? Can you make dhikr with these names? Are those hindu priests/rishis meditating with these names invoking Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic? There are many Muslims in India who do not speak Urdu let alone Arabic but rather they converse in their regional language, they infact deliver their Jumah Khuthbah in their regional languages and they do use different names to call upon Allaah, free is He from all imperfections. Such statements of Zakir Naik would only put them to trial and I hope his blind, ardent and enthusiastic supporters will take heed. And may Allaah guide us all.
Abu Abd Ar Rahman Abd Al Adheem Ibn Faheem ibn Zia ibn Ma'een
(KSA/ Bangalore, India)
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Allaah Did Not Acquire His Name al-Khaaliq After Creation Of His creation Imam ath-Thahaawee al-Hanafee rahimahullaah said: ليس بعد خلق الخلق استفاد اسم ( الخالق ) ولا بإحداثه البرية استفاد اسم ( الباري ) He did not acquire the name al-Khaaliq(The Creator) after the creation of the creation, nor did He acquire the name al-Baaree(The Originator and Maker) after bringing forth the beings. [Refer Aqeedah at-Thahaawiyah, #14, Thakhreej ath-Thahaawiyah Of Shaykh Nasir rahimahullaah] Now, observe the last two lines below from Manusmrithi, 1.8. He, desiring to produce beings of many kinds from his own body, first with a thought created the waters, and placed his seed in them. 1.9. That (seed) became a golden egg, in brilliancy equal to the sun; in that (egg) he himself was born as Brahman, the progenitor of the whole world. [See the very first chapter of Manusmrithi]
So the being referred to in the Hindu scriptures desired to produce many beings from his own body, then he created the waters and placed his seed in those waters. That seed then became a golden egg and he himself was born as BRAHMA!!! This is how he acquired the name Brahma!!! As for Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, did not acquire the name al-Khaaliq after creation of the creation. He was al-Khaaliq even before He created the creation!!!
Abu Abd Ar Rahman Abd Al Adheem Ibn Faheem ibn Zia ibn Ma'een
(KSA/ Bangalore, India)
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Similarity Between Jahmiyyah, Mu'tazilah & Hindu Beliefs Attached is an excellent detailed explanation of Shaykh Saalih Aal-Ash-Shaykh hafidhahullaah on the statement of Imam ath-Thahaawee al-Hanafee rahimahullaah. In this explanation the Shaykh clearly explains the three madhaahib, 1. The belief of Jahmiyyah & Mu'tazilah regarding Names & Attributes Of Allaah, the Glorious and Most High. 2.The belief of Ashaairah & Maathuridiyyah regarding Names & Attributes Of Allaah, the Glorious and Most High. 3.The belief of Ahlul-Hadeeth-wal-Athar or Ahl-us-Sunnah regarding Names & Attributes Of Allaah, the Glorious and Most High. Note:- No one should confuse from the post above that Brahma is al-Khaaliq. Brahma is NOT al-Khaaliq. I have clarified already what the original and the base meaning of Brahma is based on the Hindu scriptures. Also refer, The important point to observe is the fact that the being referred in the Hindu scriptures with various names & attributes has been referred by Zakir Naik as Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic. And this same being referred in Hindu scriptures in accordance with their beliefs did not posess these names from before. Like the one mentioned above was born from a golden egg as Brahma - All these beliefs are blatantly in opposition to the Qur'aan & the Sunnah... Wa Iyyaadhubillaah!
Abu Abd Ar Rahman Abd Al Adheem Ibn Faheem ibn Zia ibn Ma'een
(KSA/ Bangalore, India)
Posts: 305
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Ibn Abbas Using The Term Ahl-us-Sunnah As salaamu 'alaykum akhi, I saw on ur post on Salafitalk in refutation of Dr. Zakir Naik where u mentioned that Ibn Abbas radiAllahu anhu had used the term 'Ahlus Sunnah' and he didn't intend sectarianism with that. Can u plz let me know where it is authentically reported from Ibn Abbas? Is there any other Sahabi from whom the term Ahlus Sunnah or any other term other than "Muslim" is authentically reported? Jazaakumullahu khayra wa salaamu 'alaykum, Sajid al-Hindi ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wa alaika Assalaam Wa Rahmathullahi Wa Barakathuhu Jazaka Allahu Khairan for the email & enquiry. Attached is the scan from Mu'allim-ut-Tanzeel of Imam al-Baghawee rahimahullah. Further quotes from ad-Durr-ul-Manthoor of Imam as-Suyoothi rahimahullah, Umdat-ut-Tafseer & Fath-ul-Qadeer of Shawkaanee rahimahullah to be posted soon besides various works of Shaykh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullah where he has quoted this athar.