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» Zakir Naik Exposes His Manhaj - Part I
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23-09-2003 @ 9:50 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 305
Joined: Nov 2002


Zakir Naik was invited to the Jamiyyah Ahle Hadees conference (I have also seen his photograph in other Jamiyyah Ahle Hadees conference, and they publish this in magazine which I have myself seen). The Jamiyyah is well known to promote him.Everyone knows the Ahle Hadees Youth Association(AHYA), which distributes his tapes,video lectures, CDs etc. The Jamiyyah Ahle Hadees is well known to support Zakir Naik and his followers against the Salafees in Bangalore. Today they are distributing a tape against him for he said something that was against the Jamiyyah Ahle Hadees Hind and one of their heads Abdul Hameed Rahmani has attempted to refute him on the same stage. Today they realize what Salafees have been saying from past two years but they are opposing him for just the reason that he said something against the Jamiyyah. Declined to be from the Jamiyyah Ahle Hadees Hind. It is not in defence of Salafiyyah, its scholars for they(Jamiyyah Ahle Hadees Hind) are known to hinder and place obstruction , stopped the books of  Allamah, Muhaddith-al-Asr, Mujaddid of this era, Shaikh Muhammad Nasirudden Al-Albanee(rahimahullah) as reported by Abdul Baree Fathullah al Hindee in his translation of the book 'Sifath Salaat an-Nabi...' which will soon be translated into english and posted here Insha Allah. You have left the Ulamaa-i-Ahl-us-Sunnah, so you are left to fight on your own. You have stopped the books of the ulamaa reaching the common people,the books of Nawab Siddique Hasan Khan, Abdur Rahman Mubarakfooree, Abu Tayyib ShamsulHaq al-Adheemabadee and others, and have promoted the books of those who are not the Scholars, inheritors of the prophets, witnessed by the well known Mashaikh of Salafiyyah and you have buried the Manhaj. So you cannot explain to the people what you did not call them to, what you have been hiding 'The methodology of Salaf us Saalih'; and you fought with the Salafees when they were calling towards it, opposed the tapes and articles that they were distributing, called them 'The dot coms' 'The dot coms'. I will put Abdul Hammed Rahmani's answer at appropriate time Insha Allah.

The day when you realize who ýAhlul Hadeethý are , youýll then know its worth. From what I know, its not a phrase used by the Muhadditheen, fuqahaa of the past for common people EXPLICITLY but they are the Companions, Tabiýeen, Attba Taabiýeen and the Imams of the Sunnah, the Muhadditheen, Fuqahaa and the scholars (However I do not deny that the common people who follow these Imams should be included from being called as Ahlul Hadeeth) . The like of this man who canýt even quote a hadeeth properly, is far from being included from amongst those True Ashaabil Hadeeth who are the heads in every generation.

You have not introduced the common masses to the true Ulamaa and further confused the people and attemted to refute the salafees aiding and distributing the tapes of Zafar ul Hasan. Today, you are forced to say what Salafees used to say, today your deceptions are clear and well known except for the stubborn hizbiyyeen. There was a time when people used to quote fatwas from Zakir Naik and Bilal Philips and its the majority of muslims who attend his speeches on so called 'Comparative Religion'. The 'miskeen' who do not know their religion, started learning quotations from Bible etc. and today they defend this man, traverse his methodology, spread his tapes, books, CD's etc. to the muslims for teaching them how to speak to a Non-Muslims. This has become knowledge for them, this has become their dawah while they don't know the fundamentals of Ahl us Sunnah. Hence they fight against the Salafees, Salafiyyah and its Shaikhs and defend the likes of  Salih al Munajjid, Abul fitan, Zakir Naik, Bilal Philips and Zafar ul Hasan and all those  whom Zakir has links to, those whom Bilal promotes, Zafar ul Hasan supports etc.

Today, they wish to dilute our call, mix the books of the Ulamaa with the books of hizbiyyeen, qutubiyyeen and those who oppose our ulamaa so as to decieve the common people but to whom Allah guides none can misguide. They used to tell people that Zakir Naik and Ahmed Deedat are great Islamic Scholars;Bilal Philips, Zafar ul Hasan were projected as  'Scholars'. Today, those who used to say this are shy to repeat this. Allahu Akbar, now they accuse salafees of calling them 'Jaahils' to gain the sympathy of common people as if they were oppressed by the Salafees. Allah will uncover your deceptions Insha Allah, hair by hair, flesh by flesh, bone by bone.

The following one of the questions posed to Zakir Naik. This will Insha Allah be presented to the Ulamaa and then we will spread the respone Insha Allah. Those who know the basics of Manhaj will be able to understand the filth that this man has uttered Insha Allah. Remember! this is just the beginning, you will know soon that which was hidden from you all Insha Allah. All Praise be to Allah Who has guided us to the Book, the Sunnah and the methodology of Salaf us Salih. Those who do not have knowledge please do not refute this man on this post, for if you commit mistakes, it will be used against your brothers here in Bangalore, it will be used to dilute and cover him up. So beware of this, you will be held responsible. May Allah guide us to the truth at each and every breath and keep us steadfast upon it. May Allah make us traverse the methodology of the Salaf, to carry this to the Ulamaa , the inheritors of the Prophets (May Allah preserve them all).

If the Naikiýeen wish to correct me, they can do so. Email the admin to forward it to me.

Question: Since when are you Ahle Hadees ? [This is one of those questions that were posed to him. His speech was in URDU and I have translated it below.]

Zakir Naik : This question & answer with regards to groupism and partisanship and Alhamdulillah whatever Shaikh Abdul Hameed Rahmani said, based on history, how the Ahle Hadees came, I am totally in agreement with him Alhamdulillah, and after him what Maulana has said but my perspective of giving response is something different. And the foundation of this answer Maulana sahib has just said and that is the Ayah of Surah Al-Imran Surah number three, Ayah 103, in which Allah ta'ala says: Wa'tasimoo bi hablillahi jameeyou'n walaa thafarraquoo.

"And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allýh (i.e. this Qur'ýn), and be not divided among yourselves.."

Which is Allah's Rope? It is Allah's (Sub'hanahu wa ta'ala) kalaam , Quran-Shareef and Saheeh Hadeeth of Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). But when we and you ask a Muslim as to what you are? Then someone says I am a Hannafi, someone says I am Shaf'ee, someone says Hanbalee, someone Malikee , Ahle Hadees.

I question who was Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam)?

And Allah ta'ala says, in Surah An'aam, Surah number 6, Ayah 159,
"Verily, those who divide their religion and break up into sects (all kinds of religious sects), you (O Muhammad (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam)) have no concern in them in the least. Their affair is only with Allýh, Who then will tell them what they used to do.  "

Hence, to make groups and parties(firqah) , it is in many of the Quranic Ayahs is haram. Then that which is the important question. Who are you?

And generally the answers we get, one says, I am a hannafi, one says Shaf'ee, one says Hanbalee , one says Malikee and one says Ahle Hadees. My question is what was Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam)?

The answer for this you will find it in the Quran; in Quran-shareef Allah ta'ala says, in Surah Fussilath, surah 41, verse number 33, Allah ta'ala says, "Waman ahsanu qaulammimman daa ilallhi wa amila salihan qaala Innanee minal muslimeen"
The last, translation of the ayah is, 'That say, I am a muslim'.Allah ta'ala says, in Surah Al-Imran, surah number 3, ayah 64, 'Faqoolush'hadu bi'anna Muslimeen', we give shahadah that we are muslims.So Allah ta'ala, in His Qur'an Majeed, at many places has made zikr that 'say we are muslims' and it is said in Qur'an Shareef, that Isa (alaihissalaam) surah Al-Imran, surah number 3, in ayah 52, he said that I am a Muslim.

There is a zikr, in Qur'an-Shareef, in Surah Al-Imran, surah number 3, Ayah 67, there is a zikr about Ibraheem(alaihissalam), that he was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was a Muslim.

These, all the A'immah, Imam Abu Haneefah, Imam Shaf'ee, Imam Ahmed Ibn Hanbal, Imam Malik, (may Allah be with all of them) , all these, Alhamdulillah , I respect them all, and these four A'immah have presented their views (nazariyaath), in their minds they didn't have anything (intention) that we make a new group(firqa), hanafi group, Shaf'ee group, Hanbalee group or Maliki group. And four of the A'immah have said, if you find our fatwa , which contradicts with Allah and His Messenger, then throw our fatwa against the wall.

So, upon this foundation, the quetion was, if I have become Ahle Hadees, because I have come to this conference (Jamiyyah Ahle Hadees Hind Conference), am I Ahle Hadees?

Ahle Hadees means, to do amal(action) based on hadeeth, which includes Quran aswell, hadees, I say if I have to say then, when I did question-answer, in our school admission, when I was doing question-answer, one Ahle Hadees came in front of me. Ahle Hadees! What is the meaning of Ahle Hadees? To implement based on hadees, I questioned him....that the hanafi people when the offer namaz(salah), where do they tie hands? He replied, below the navel. I said, this what they tie below the navel, there's a hadees in Abu Dawood, then do you tie hand below the navel. He replied No. I said why? He said, this hadeeth is Da'eef. Ok.That is Da'eef hadees. That's why I say, if it has to be said, then I say (with regards to ) myself that I am AHLE SAHEEH HADEES.

Every one comes and says, Quran-Hadees, Quran-Hadees, Quran-Hadees I say, if it has to be said, then I say (with regards to ) myself that I am AHLE SAHEEH HADEES. Because, other muslims, believe in Sahih Da'eef and Mao'dhoo. With daleel(proof), the amal(action) which is there in Islam, then it is Quran and Sahih Hadees.

But if the literal label has to be taken then I say to them, I am more than a hannafi than the hannafees. say Why? Abu Haneefa said, whatever fatwa you recieve of mine, if it opposes Allah and His Messenger (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam), then throw it against the wall.Abu Haneefa, his students said, when you pray, tie hands below the navel, which , Saheeh Hadees, with Saheeh Ibn Khuzaimah it contradicts, there is a zikr that Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) tied hands on the chest, so I threw the fatwa of Abu Haneefa and his  students against the wall. So did I become a complete(pakka) hannafi or not?

So on the basis of actions I am a complete (pakka) hannafi. General hannafi people, believe Abu Haneefa's words, 90%, 50%, 60% but I believe his words 100%. I am a complete (pakka) hannafi.

In the same way, I am a complete (pakka) Shaf'ee. Imam Shaf'ee (rahimahullah), he said, if the hand of a woman touches man, then wu'dhoo is invalidated. When I read, there is a hadees of Sahih Bukharee, Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) kissed A'isha and went for performing prayer(salah). With this, it is apparent that because of touching hand, does not invalidate the wu'dhoo. I threw Imam Shaf'ee's fatwa againt the wall.

Have I not become a complete Shaf'ee?

So based on amal(action) I am a complete(pakka) hannafi, complete(pakka) Shaf'ee, complete(pakka) Hanbalee and a complete(pakka) Malikee and I am a complete(pakka) AHLE SAHEEH HADEES also.

But, if 'TITLE' has to be given, then only, that which is in the Book of Allah, 'Wa qaala innanee minal muslimeen', say that I am a Muslim.

So this is my request , which is written in the Qur'aan, 'Wa'thasimoo bihablillahi  jamee'aon' walaa thafarraquoo.
"And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allýh (i.e. this Qur'ýn), and be not divided among yourselves.."

And I want to say that I have been to Saudi Arabia, several times, and with Allah's favour (fadl), alhamdulillah, I have given several lectures. I have given more lectures in Saudi Arabia than Hindustan(India). And it is most difficult to give lectures in Saudi Arabia.It needs permission, with the fadl of Allah, thousands of people, a gathering of 5,000, 6,000.It is Allah's fadl, Alhamdulillah because in my speech, always the reference is Quran and Saheeh Hadees.

Once, in Riyadh, I went to meet Shaikh ibn Baaz(rahimahullah) when he was alive, I had gone to meet him. I went without appointment, his seceratery asked me, who are you? I said, I am a muslim. Which muslim are you? Which muslim are you? I said, Muslim.What is your Aqueedah? I said, Allah and Messenger.You question me , I will answer you. If you want to question, then do it with me. He wished that I should say...In Saudi Arabia, there are no Ahle Hadees, in Saudi Arabia  there are salafi. Few people know Ahle Hadees. There if you say Ahle Hadees, they wont recognize you. In Saudi Arabia there are salafi.

Because I did not say that I am a salafi, he did not permit me to meet him. It is Allah's fadl that after few days, those whom I knew I went with them and it is Allah's fadl that more than an hour I had discussion with him , with Shaikh Ibn Baaz (rahimahullah).


And this answer that I am giving, it is Allah's fadl alhamdulillah, there has been my discussion in this regard with enough ULAMAA OF MADEENAH UNIVERSITY, (about) this viewpoint that I have. This viewpoint(perspective) which I wish to put forward in front of you.

What is the meaning of Salafi? Salafi means, if we need any daleel(proof) for Islam, first we should seen it in the Quran, if there is no zikr in the Quran, then in the hadees, if it is not found in hadees, then in the life of Sahabah. Muhammad(Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said, if you have to see then see it in me, after me in my Sahabah, after that next generation nasal, after next generation. These three. Only three. For these three we say Salaf us Saaliheen.

So this is my foundation. Quran, Hadees, if it is not in hadees then in the life of Sahabah, ta'ee'n, taba'ta'yee'n [May be he intended to say Tab'een, Attba Taabi'een]. After them whichever fatwa whoever gives, then it can be true and also false. Not necessary even if he is bigger than big alim of this world.


But if that daleel(proof) is not found in these things, then it is not OBLIGATORY UPON US TO BELIEVE(FOLLOW) THAT. IT CAN BE BELIEVED OR NOT(IT CAN BE LEFT/IGNORED).


That is why when we see the tareekh(history) of Islam, during the time of Muhammad(Sallallahu alahi wa sallam), many people were there who were Munaafiq and about them there is a zikr in the Qur'aan and in Saheeh Hadees there is a zikr. For these people that name, those who were munaafiq, to them Sahabah called munaafiq, but did not change their label! When Khawarij came, who used to call themselves muslim-khawarij; (they) called(labeled) them Khawarij, but did not change their label! You give whichever label, if not today, tomorrow, there will be adultration in that label, whatever title you give, in that title there will be adultration, that's why  Allah (Sub'hanahu wa ta'ala) says in the Quran, that there are many people who are muslims by name, the verse of the Qur'an is 'LIP SERVICE MUSLIMS'. So Allah ta'ala knows this. Do you all think that Allah ta'ala did not know this? That people will come and call themselves muslims , who will not be muslims.

Allah ta'ala knows, it was in Allah's Ilm that's why it is said in the Qur'aan,  there will be some people who will be 'LIP SERVICE MUSLIMS' muslims by name [NAAM KE MUSALMAAN], only muslims by mouth!

But Allah ta'ala said, you give testimony (shahadah) that you are muslim, Allah did not say that give testimony that you are Hannafi, you are Shaf'ee, Mallikee, that you are Ahle Hadees! you will see that I am in agreement with this saying that, people call themselves, many people call themselves, Shia call themselves, they are muslims, and we started saying 'sunnee'.


'Ahle Sunnah wal Jamaah' was formed. In Saudi they call (themselves) Ahle Sunnah wal Jamaa and here (in india) we call Ahle Sunnah wal Jamaah to the barelvees.
Ahle Hadees! I don't want to say, I do not want to break anyone's heart, but Ahle Hadees, there is GURBAA AHLE HADEES and JAMIYYATH AHLE HADEES (HIND).


SALAFI, how many salafees are there? QUTUBI (SALAFEES) , SUROOREE (SALAFEES), MADHKHALEE (SALAFEES), I can take names. And with all of them it is Allah's fadl that I have met them. Those who are their heads(Sardar log), with all of them I have met; I go to London, America I travel, I go to Saudi Arabia, I go to Gulf Country, how many groups and parties are there in SALAFEES?

So who is it that whom I should say, which Ahle Hadees I am? So in this label I am in full agreement, that you, for identifying yourselves, wish to give some label, but didn't Allah's Apostle (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) know, that people tell me that there is a hadees, in which, there will be 73 sects, that hadees is a Saheeh Hadees, it is Tirmizi's Hadees, Hadees number 171. In it there was a mention(zikr), that when Allah's Apostle it was asked, he says, that in my Ummah there will be 73 sects and only one sect will enter into Jannah. Only one will be on straight path, so Sahabah asked which firqah(group)? So he said, 'The one that does amal(actions) based on the words of Allah and His Messenger. Who does amal(actions) based on my words, those who do amal(action) on seeing the life of the Sahabah.

He did not say that you make 73 sects. He said, there will be 73 sects. People have a misunderstanding that Allah's Messenger (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said, make 73 sects. Allah's Messenger (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said, there will be 73 sects(formed). And one firqa(group) will be true, that one on Allah and His Messenger. Allah's Book says, the one who makes firqa(group), then it is haraam, then why is it a necessity to make firqas?

Then, that's why I call myself Muslim. It is Allah's fadl, Alhamdulillah Summa Alhamdulillah, I will say with challenge, with claims I can say, I am only a human being, and being a human, I can do mistake. I am not an alim(scholar), but whatever answer I am giving, and I have already stated, that hadees, Ahle Hadees means that, who treads on Quran and Hadees, and alhamdulillah, I , with strictly, howmuch ever Ilm I have ,  I am a human being I can do mistake, I do amal(actions) based on Quran and Saheeh Hadees.

But since, in any Qur'anic ayah I have not found that you should call yourself, hannafi, Shaf'ee, Hanbalee, Maliki or Ahle Hadees. I did not find in any Saheeh Hadees till now.

And if anyone produces a Saheeh Hadees to me, that Allah's Messenger (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) has said to call yourself Ahle Hadees, then Zakir, from that day will call himself Ahle Hadees. Because I did not get any Saheeh Hadees till now, and it my claim that this sentence, which I have said before also, Salafi, OK SalafusSaliheen's life it is important for us to look into , then in that way I am a Salafi. But since the Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) has not said, that you should call yourself Salafi, that's why I... Allah and His Prophet...It is a different thing that it is Shaikh Bin Baz's fatwa , he wishes and I had a discussion with him. He says that one should call himself Salafi, that is his  OPINION, I respect him, I respect him a lot, I follow most of his fatwas, but because I am a muslim, it is not FARD (obligatory) upon me to believe(follow) all the statements of Shaikh Bin Baaz. It is obligatory upon me to follow all the statements of Allah and His Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). It is Shaikh Bin Baz's viewpoint that one should call himself a salafi, Alhamdulillah it is his viewpoint. If someone is in agreement with it then he can believe(follow) it and I, calling myself a muslim also Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah,
I do my amal(action) on Quran and Saheeh Hadees, and I will be doing Insha Allah. And it is my request that it is this 'FIRQAS'(groups & parties) because of which there is maximum problem and that's why, I, you see, I give speeches in several gatherings (ijthemaas), several gatherings, (gatherings of) Ahle Hadees, Jamaiat Islami, Barelvee. I had been to Kerala, and I had been there twice (earlier), 'Kerala Nadwathul Mujahideen', KNM, Kerala Nadwathul Mujahideen which is a salafi idaara(organization) - Ahle Hadees, usually they call me and I had gone twice before. First time, it was a gathering of ONE LAKH, second time, it was a gathering of FIVE LAKH. Third year, I was called by Sunni, say Barelvee or Khuboori, they called me and I went , then I got a letter from there (may be KNM), Dr. Zakir, how can you go to their gathering. I said, why can't I go?  I got faxes from Saudi Arabia, I got faxes from U.A.E , I said, why can't I go. If Allah's Messenger is called by a MUSRIK, will  he go or not for giving speech?  Certainly, he would go. Then why can't I go to a Barelvee gathering to give speech?

Yes, its a different matter that if I say from the Barelvee's stage anything against the Quran and Hadees then you catch my neck, catch me. And it is Allah's fadl, in that gathering I was a chief guest, TEN LAKH people were there, TEN LAKH. TEN LAKH people. And it is Allah's fadl, that after the Ijthemaa(speech in the gathering), some, I got Faxes. Alhamdulillah Zakir bhai(brother) , you did that, you  clarified many misunderstandings,  you did very good work, you did this, fulana(such and such or so and so), dhimka(I don't  know what is this 'dhimka').

This, it is with me since, I do not have any label. The only label I have, is Allah, Allah's Messenger, Muslim. Qaala Innanee minal muslimeen. And if we work with this label(muslim), surely, I believe that statement, the statement of Abdul Hameed Rahmanee, that calling oneself Muslim, how should we show ourselves, as to how we follow Quran and Saheeh Hadees. That, with your discussion(speech), you'll come to know. Talk, and it will be known. And if you wish to find out then ask, Allah's Messenger has said, that for you Allah's Book, Hadees, after Hadees, Sahabah, and next generation, Salaf us Saliheen's life you need to peep and look into. If you get a proof, then we should do amal (action) based on it.

But, this label, in my view is not FARD, whoever (of) Ulamaa, whichever of the Alims, cannot prove me that it is FARD to have a LABEL. If you want to ascribe, if you have proof, its a different matter, but I always, say, Qaala innanee minal muslimeen. 'Say I am a muslim'. And whatever answer I give it is from the Quran and Saheeh Hadees. In all aspects I am a complete Hannafee, complete Shaf'ee, complete Hanbalee, complete Malikee and I am complete Ahle Saheeh Hadees. But by label, I am a Muslim.

Our daýwah and our ýaqeedah is more beloved to us than our own selves, our wealth and our offspring.  So we are not prepared to part with it for gold, nor silver.  We say this so that no one may have hope in buying out our daýwah, nor should he think that  it is possible for him to purchase it from us for deenaar or dirham. Since the politicians already know this about us, so they have despaired of buying it from us with granted positions or wealth..Shaikh, the Allamah, Muqbil ibn Hadee Al Waa'di'ee (Rahimahullah).

23-09-2003 @ 11:51 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 64
Joined: Apr 2003
Assalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmathullaahi wa Barakathuhu

Like You said Akhee, "Those who know the basics of Manhaj will be able to understand the filth that this man has uttered Insha Allah."

I recently went to his website for which he (Zakir Naik) is the President, and here is what i found:

We eagerly await the response of the Ulemah, Insha'Allah.

Posted By Hasan as-Salafee

Imaam al-Awzaa'ee said, "Patiently restrict yourselves to the sunnah, stop where the people stopped, say what they said, avoid what they avoided. Take to the path of the salaf, for indeed what was sufficient for them was sufficient for you."

This message was edited by Hasan.Salafee on 9-23-03 @ 12:09 PM

03-09-2006 @ 12:17 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 305
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Mr. Naik Following The FootSteps Of Bilal Philips And Going Beyond......



'Ahle Sunnah wal Jamaah' was formed. In Saudi they call (themselves) Ahle Sunnah wal Jamaa and here (in india) we call Ahle Sunnah wal Jamaah to the barelvees.


Ahle Hadees! I don't want to say, I do not want to break anyone's heart, but Ahle Hadees, there is GURBAA AHLE HADEES and JAMIYYATH AHLE HADEES (HIND).


SALAFI, how many salafees are there? QUTUBI (SALAFEES) , SUROOREE (SALAFEES), MADHKHALEE (SALAFEES), I can take names. And with all of them it is Allah's fadl that I have met them. Those who are their heads(Sardar log), with all of them I have met; I go to London, America I travel, I go to Saudi Arabia, I go to Gulf Country, how many groups and parties are there in SALAFEES?

                   CHECK THE ATTACHED AUDIO

Attached FileZakir_Salafi_Firqa.rm (192 Kbytes)

20-04-2008 @ 11:25 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 2031
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As salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh,

Dr. Naik says it is safest to stick to the word "Muslim" instead of Salafee or Ahlul Hadeeth. But he doesn't have any problem with using the word Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah. Here is what is mentioned on his website as an answer to a question regarding praying behind an Imaam who shaves his beard, "Shaving beard is Fisq and the one who does that is Fasiq. It is preferable to have an Imam having a beard. However, if such an Imam is not available, then it is allowed to offer Salah behind a beardless Imam. It is agreed upon by the Ahle-Sunnah-Wal- Jam'ah that offering Salah behind every righteous or Fasiq Muslim is allowed and his Salah is valid so that there is unity amongst the Muslims,..."

In his talk at brother Aboo Sufyan hafithahullaah has mentioned a hadeeth of Rasoolullaah as follows:-

Rasoolullaah sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam was asked, "Who are the best of the people?" He sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam replied, "Me and those who are with me." Then he was asked, "Then who ya rasoolullaah?" He sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam said,"Man kana alal athar" i.e. the Ahlul Athar.

This narration gives the proof for using words like ahlul athar. However, the reference for this hadeeth was not mentioned by the brother. Can anyone give the reference for this hadeeth?

There is a good lecture by brother Abu Khadeejah hafithahullaah that was given during the Trinidad Conference in 2007. He brings narrations where Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam called the righteous Muslims with titles like Ghuraba, Jamaah, etc. The lecture can be seen at

May Allaah guide Dr. Naik and all of us to the Siraat al-Mustaqeem. Aameen.

BarakAllaahu feekum.

01-08-2008 @ 9:57 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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In his lecture "Fajr Talk: Noor al Furqaan, we must have furqaan and beware of cheating the people" which can be listened by clicking, brother Aboo Abdillaah Nabeel Chogle hafithahullaah mentions that the hadeeth that I mentioned in my post above is narrated by Abu Hurairah radiAllaahu anhu, collected by Imaam Ahmed rahimahullaah and it is Saheeh. The hadeeth is as follows:-

Rasoolullaah sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam was asked, "Who are the best of the people?" He sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam replied, "Me and those who are with me (i.e. The Companions)." Then he was asked, "Then who?" He sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam said,"Thumma Man kana ahlul athar" Then the Ahlul Athar. Then he was asked, "Then who?". He sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam refused to reply.

07-08-2008 @ 8:59 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Speech of Dr. Saleh as-Saleh rahimahullaah on Dr. Naik (may Allaah guide him)

Attached (192 Kbytes)

30-08-2008 @ 2:01 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Assalamualaikum brother
        Can u pls clear my doubt about what is the difference between ahle hadeeth and salafi. As i am an ahle hadeeth in hyderabad india. We recognise ahle hadeeth scholars as salafi.
         Also u said that ahle hadeeth stopped the books of nasiruddin albani.It is wrong as in hyderabad they have distributed 70,000 books of nasiruddin albani on salaat un nabi for free.
      Finally tell me the belief of bilal philips and zakir naik for which u consider them not to be of ahlus sunnah.

29-09-2008 @ 3:42 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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The television channel of Dr. Naik also has regular programmes by Dr. Israr Ahmed of Pakistan. And his organization promotes his tapes in which he "explains" the Qur'aan. Dr. Israr Ahmed refers to the Ashaaree/Maatureedee/soofi tafseer of the Deobandis. Refer

May Allaah guide Dr. Naik and Dr. Israr Ahmed to the correct manhaj. Aameen.

12-11-2008 @ 5:42 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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In the "Peace Conference" organized by Dr. Naik and which is going to take place in the next few days, one of the speakers is the current Ameer of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, Jalaluddin Umri. This deviant organization was founded by Mawdoodi!

Attached is the speech of Dr. Saleh as-Saleh rahimahullaah - the student of Imaam Ibn Uthaymeen rahimahullaah.

May Allaah guide Dr. Naik to the correct manhaj.

Attached (192 Kbytes)

06-04-2009 @ 3:09 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Some of the speakers at Peace Conference organized by Dr. Naik in late 2007 in Mumbai were Hussain Yee, Yasir Qadhi, Yassir Fazaga, Yusuf Estes and others.

04-08-2009 @ 4:21 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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As salaamu 'alaykum akhi,

I saw on ur post on Salafitalk in refutation of Dr. Zakir Naik where u mentioned that Ibn Abbas radiAllahu anhu had used the term 'Ahlus Sunnah' and he didn't intend sectarianism with that. Can u plz let me know where it is authentically reported from Ibn Abbas? Is there any other Sahabi from whom the term Ahlus Sunnah or any other term other than "Muslim" is authentically reported?

Jazaakumullahu khayra
wa salaamu 'alaykum,
Sajid al-Hindi

Wa Alaika Assalaam Wa Rahmathullahi Wa Barakathuhu

This can be found in Tafseer Of Imam al-Baghawee rahimahullah. Please find the scan attached.

More scans from ad-Durr-ul-Manthoor Fit-Tafseer Bil-Ma'thoor of Imam as-Suyoothi rahimahullah, Umdath-ut-Tafseer and Fath-ul-Qadeer Of Shawkaanee rahimahullah will be mentioned in due course insha Allah.

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