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Topic: Shaikh muqbil bin hadi?s advice on whom not to learn Arabic from
Posts: 73
Joined: Oct 2002
JazakAllahuKhairan Amr, Surely this ruling requires tafseel(detail). As you well know there is a general ruling as well as a specific ruling. To issue statements like this is tantamount to picking up the book Fatawaa for Women and stating that every fatwa there is applicable on every individual, which as you know is not the case. I think we have to be very careful when we translate fatwas like this because we are in effect saying that the Shaikh said this to all persons, for all times and every circumstance, which again is clearly not the case. It is well known here in the kingdom that most if not all of the dawah organisations that offer Arabic language courses have some attachment to hizbiyyah. As study of the Qur'an and the Arabic language requires a teacher, it's not something you can learn from a book, then what is one to do? There's a lot more I'd like to say on this Amr but would prefer to do so through the medium of the PM.
verily the cure for all ignorance is to question.
Posts: 105
Joined: Oct 2002
The shaikh was asked [in his book ?tuhfat ul-mujeeb? p.128-129], that there is a man near them who is very good in the Arabic language but he is otherwise, ignorant. Can we study with him even if doesn?t adhere to the sunnah and that we now are in need of the Arabic language. He answered by saying, If he is free from hizbiyyah, free from madhabiyyah and heretical deviations, then it is ok to study with him. He learns as well and he learns the sunnah of the messenger of Allaah from them and he teaches them the Arabic language. End So we understand from the shaikh that it is not allowed to learn the Arabic language from the people of hizbiyyah and madhabiyyah, like from the groups of surooriyyah, qutubiyyah etc. and their soldiers and all those who shaikh muqbil, rahimullaah, and our noble scholars have warned against. Also the people who call to follow schools of fiqh, blindly and thus abandoning much of the sunnah. And, also the heretics from the sufiyyah, qadariyyah, khawaarij and rawaafidh and others. The second issue we note from the shaikh is that this type of individual learns the sunnah and implements it. Otherwise he is then to be abandoned if he begins to put his views over the views of the messenger of Allaah and so falling into hizbiyyah. This applies wherever you maybe, whether the teacher is a male or female and whether it is in an institute or house. Aboo ubaidah.