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» The Emperor: His Errors in Aqeedah and Manhaj
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26-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 265
Joined: Sep 2002
Before citing these issues, we would like to bring to your attention a summary of remarks from our shaikh, Shaikh Rabee of which he pointed out with extreme accuracy the errors of Abool Hasan Al-Misree, Al-Ma'ribee may Allaah guide him to the correct manhaj of the Salaf.

Please take note to the similarities between the two neo-salafees (Abool Hasan Al-Ma'ribee and Abu Muslimah) and that this treatise ?The Emperor? was compiled months before our shaikh publicly made his comments!

And they are comprised of but not limited to:

1. Revilement of the Sahaabah (and then playing games, trying to play it away, and explain it away, when confronted with it).
2. Praise and commendation of Sayyid Qutb, making excuses for him, and defending him.

3. His praise of Al-Maghraawee.
4. Concerning his explaining a principle of "the general and the specific" i.e. he says
that the general should always be referred to the specific, and then applying this principle to the Innovators, such that nothing from them can be criticized at all this is the direction that this principle is tended towards.

5. His attacks against the Salafees, mocking them, and making them flee from al-Jarh
and at-Ta'deel.

6. His words of implied belittlement and attack against Shaikh Muqbil, may Allaah have mercy on him.

7. Making people flee from refutations and revilement of those who make

8. Practically implementing a new manhaj by which the following is intended:

a) A form of Al-Muwaazanah for the innovators and those are upon deviant methodologies.
b) Accommodation of them.
c) Making excuses for them.
d) Directing others to them, and to their cassettes.

The purpose of this treatise is to clear up once and for all the doubts of the doubters and
the skepticisms of the skeptics concerning Aboo Muslimah, his da'wah and his goal.

These issues that are being presented in this paper are just a few of the many seriously
grave errors, statements and crimes against Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaa?ah worldwide.

Errors in Aqeedah and Manhaj

His calling the people of?Masjidud Diraar?i.e. Masjid Ashaabul Yameen on
4th Ave in East Orange, NJ. munaafiqoon or hypocrites simply because they seperated from him!

Our brother in Islaam and student at Madeenah University, Aboo Hakeem Bilaal Davis Al-Jamaykee As-Salafee has informed us that after talking
to Aboo Muslimah on one occasion it seems as though he does not distinguish the difference between an-Nifaaqul ?amalee (Hypocrisy of actions) and an-Nifaaqul
I'tiqaadee (Hypocrisy of belief or the heart) and even if he did, his mere statement that they are munaafiqoon is a serious, serious mistake!

His tape entitled: "Jihaad: The Da'wah of the First Muslims" is full of ridiculous mistakes in the area of aqeedah.

These issues (beginning with the misleading title of the lecture) will be dealt with in
detail ? inshaa Allaah ? in the future.

His concept of ?the people in charge? and that they are the administration of the Masjid, holding similar authority to the khileefah or those entrusted with authority in the land of the Muslims.

One of the many things resultant from this is his making permissible the applying of the
'hadd' and hitting the Muslims in general.

The 'hadd' is the corporal punishment inflicted upon a criminal by sanction of the Islaamic judicial system.

For example, his'goon squad'punching and whipping those?criminals?in the basement area of the masjid who had transgressed some boundaries, like beating their wives.

In one particular incident they broke the nose and rib of one Muslim brother! We have received this information from some of the brothers who were
amongst those who inflicted these punishments and ? Al-Hamdulillaah - have now repented and returned to
Salafiyyah. And our Prophet, sallallaahu 'alaihe wa sallam, has said: "There is no witnessing information
like the eyewitness!"

Extracted and collected by Imaams Ahmad and al-Bukhaaree.

So he has the weird opinion that striking the
Muslims is permitted, which is indicative by his statements on more than one occasion.

For example, after some of the brothers asked him (in Germantown, Philadelphia) did he hit a brother Aboo Abdis Salaam Siddeeq (one of the Salafees he included as the enemies of Islaam and Muslims in his now infamous khutbah entitled 'Beware of the 'Enemies from among the Muslims' he lied saying he did not hit him. Then he said he mashed him "...and I?ll mash him again..."

Consequently, those who oppose him and his cronies are to be "...dealt with and served...!"

He in this sense, upheld the legacy set by the other 'big leaders' here in the States like Jameel al-Ameen and consequently called for an Ameer to be established for the Salafees!

This has already been dealt with briefly in our first installment of ?Uncovering the Hidden Hizbee? found at and will be explained in more detail ? inshaa Allaah ? in the future.

But we want to call your attention to one important aspect, and that is, one of the many signs of the People of Innovations and Division is that they will accept the ruling and fataawaa of those respected Ulamaa of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaa?ah, like
Al-Muftee, Al-Imaam, the Umar ibn Abdul Azeez of our time Shaikh Abdul Azeez bin Baaz and the Faqeeh and Imaam ash-Shaafi'ee of our time Shaikh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-Uthaymeen if the opinions of those scholars agree with what serves their ideas and goals they desire to reach!

So in these circumstances you will find them elevating the rank of and praising the status of the scholars, speaking highly of them. Saying how much they love them etc. They will hold them to be scholars of high repute only when there is a need and when
there is no need for those beacons of light in the gloom of night,then they deem them to be ignorant of the current affairs of the Muslim Ummah. Thus,it is as if they are the masters of these scholars, turning to them for the religious fataawaa only if it
serves their interest just as the master turns to his slaves!

An example of this, is Aboo Muslimah's statement about the Muftee of this Ummah during this time , Shaikh Bin Baaz allowing the Kuffaar into the Arabian Peninsula during so-called Desert Storm he said:

"I ain't going never take from him (Shaikh Bin Baaz) again!"

And his statement about our beloved, the Faqeeh of this Ummah Shaikh al-Uthaymeen after discussing with one of the students an issue concerning a mishap one of the other American brothers he (Aboo Muslimah) said: "...that's just more proof that they (the Ulamaa in general and the two cited above
specifically) don't really understand our situation in America!"

Yet we find him taking the fatwaa from the book entitled: 'Muslim Minorities:
Fataawaa Regarding Muslims living as Minorities' for his goal of establishing an 'ameer' for the salafees in America of which he told some of the Ulamaa he had nothing to with!

To be continued inshaa Allaah!

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