* The book has been checked and corrected according to manuscripts and translated by Br. Abu Sufyaan Uthmaan Beecher hafidhahullah * Reviewed by Shaykh Muhammad al-'Anjareehafidhahullah * Just under 100 pgs
Masjid Aboo Bakr As-Siddeeq
(Decatur/Atlanta, Georgia USA)
Posts: 16
Joined: Dec 2007
This book is now available in the U.S. via our website, www.assalafi.com.
:::: A Sample of the Contents:
- "Teaching Children Tawheed" by Imaam Muhammad bin ıAbdul-Wahhaab - Examples from the Qurıaan, the Authentic Sunnah and Statements of the Salaf Related to raising Children:
* Giving the Children a Good Beginning * Establishing a conducive environment for Children in the home * Showing Love, Affection and Mercy towards the Children * Good treatment towards ones Children and providing for them and fulfilling their Rights * Teaching Children Tawheed and the Correct ıAqeedah * Teaching Children the Danger of Innovation in the Deen and Protecting them from it * Encouraging the Children upon Acts of Worship and Obedience * Encouraging the Children upon Seeking Knowledge * Supplicating for the Children and Greeting them and Conveying Salaam to them * Kindness and Good Manners towards the Children and being patient with them * Justice between the Children * Cultivating the Children upon Good Manners and Etiquettes * Marrying off ones Daughters * Dealing with the Children during the Prayer * Keeping the Children inside at the time of Maghrib * Verily among your Wives and your Children there are Enemies for you
___________________________ Masjid Aboo Bakr As-Siddeeq www.assalafi.com