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» Part 4- A list of Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah?s most famous books and short notes about them
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22-07-2003 @ 8:38 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 105
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63- al-furoosiyyah
528 pages. 1417 2nd edition/daar al-andalus
edited by mashhoor bin hasan bin salmaan

in this book he explains and discusses many narrations which encourage chivalry like in the sports of wrestling, running competitions, races between horses and camels, combat with arrows, and spear throwing, all things which the unbelievers took from our books and called ?physical sports?. He also brings narrations from the salaf talking about the superiority of each one over the other and other issues like betting and whether it is permissible if the signs of islaam are made more apparent and is beneficial for the deen. Towards the end he mentions the manners [aadaab] of each sport.

This book is one of the most famous and concise books on this topic without going into too much detail on the types of horses and the lineages of the different breeds.
Ibn al-qayyim says: this is a concise book on the prophetic legislated chivalry, which is one of the noblest acts of worship for the heart and body.

There are many ahaadeeth showing us theses different activities, but some of them are weak, which he talks about. He also mentions many narrations from the salaf like the famous letter of umar bin al-khattaab to some of the people in adharbaijaan where advises them with horse riding and archery. [musnad al-ja?d 1030 and aboo awaanah in his musand 456 and refer to pages 120-123 for ibn al-qayyim?s explanation of this letter which also includes some issues regarding clothes]

He mentions the virtue of walking between the targets of archery [the hadeeth on this in at-tabaraanee is weak] by bringing some of the statements of the salaf, for example: al-awzaa?ee narrated from bilaal bin sa?d who said: I saw a people who were rigorous in their walking between the targets making each other laugh. But when the night came they were devout worshippers.

From page 236 he diverts the discussion to the principles of jarh wa ta?deel and other sciences of hadeeth, like the conditions of autheniticity, the strictness of at-tirmidhee in grading authentic narrations, the conditions used by al-Haakim and ibn Hazm in authenticating. Then he mentions some usool from imaam ahmed on the importance of the authentic ahaadeeth and ibn al-qayyim brings statements from aboo moosa al-madinee?s book on the features and merits of the musnad.    

After he discusses some principles of fiqh in light of his arguments on some issues, in particular regarding the permissibility of competitions without the condition of a third competitor and him being involved in the betting [see page 160 onwards for more details]. His fatwaa led to much controversy and he was criticised severely, abandoned and even imprisoned for a while. So, according to the editor this book this was his defence and he also discusses whether this book was supposed to be the retraction.

64- miftaah daar as-sa?aadah wa manshoor walaayah ahl al-ilm wa al-iraadah
مفتاح دار السعادة
[the key to the abode of happiness/success and the spreading of the power of the people of knowledge and intent]
3 volumes. 1416 1st edition/daar ibn Affaan
edited by alee bin hasan al-halabi

this book is built upon two main issues. 1] to contemplate [for example, about Allaah?s creation] and 2] to remember. They are from the usool of guidance and correction, both being pillars for success. He mentions that one?s intent-iraadah is the door to the siraat ul-mustaqeem and knowledge-ilm is the key to that door by giving one vision and guidance to it.

In the intro he talks about how man was brought to earth from paradise and how Allaah has given man guidance on how to return to it. The intro is about 70 pages and he goes into detail about the wisdom of aadam being sent to earth. Issues to do with tawbah, Allaah?s names and attributes, our position with iblees, was the paradise aadam was in the same as the believers will enter after the day of judgement [it was really only a deep issue with the mutazilah], how man was created and with what. Here is a list of the many topics he then discusses  
1-what happened when aadam and all of us were created. He discusses the ayah 2:38 ?We said: get down all of you from this place, then whenever there comes guidance to you from me and whoever follows it, there shall be no fear on them, nor shall they grieve?.
What is the position of the jinn regarding this?
2-what is eemaan and its branches.
3-the heart at peace and what leads to it.
4-the merits of knowledge, its nobility, relationship with ibaadah and the problems with ignorance and that it is one of the characteristics of the people of the fire.
5-the position of the one who seeks knowledge with Allaah, the angels, the prophet, the people and with shaytaan
6-the signs of the carriers of this knowledge
7-its link with contemplation and how to reflect and what about
8-he gives about a hundred examples with long discussions about each one from the sun, stars, trees, eggs, fishes?
9-he refutes the philosophers views on the complete essence of the soul in man [58 pages]
10-he goes through the treatise of ibn esaa about the formation of the stars and adds coments [98 pages]
11-reasons for eclipses
12-23 pages on the balance of ahl us-sunnah

65-there is also a summarised version of this book titled tanqeeh al-ifaadah al-muntaqaa min miftaah daar al-sa?aadah printed in 2 volumes by maktabah as-sahaabah, 1414, by shaikh saleem bin eid al-hilaalee.

66-as-sawaa?iq al-mursalah ala al-jahmiyyah wa al-muattilah
الصواعق المرسلة على الجهمية والمعطلة
[firing thunderbolts upon the jahmiyyah and the mu?attilah]
4 volumes. 1418 3rd edition/daar al-aasimah
edited by alee ad-dakheelullaah

in the intro he mentions that the mission of all the prophets was to call to the knowledge of Allaah?s names and attributes. He then discusses taweel and its related topics. [if words like taweel, tahreef, tashbeeh, tamtheel, and ta?teel are new to you, it is important to know about them. This is not the place to talk about it, so I refer you to the books of aqeedah which have been translated and on the internet, from what I remember there are several articles on the salafi publications website and perhaps there is some explanation on this site ? could someone provide sources for those who do not know, jazaakallaahu khairan.]
he mentions the fundamental deviations of the muáttilah [one who does ta?teel of Allaah?s attributes]. The main 4 are; a] the words of Allaah and his messenger are verbal evidences which does not necessitate definite knowledge. He refuted this with 73 points. B] if the text and intelligence disagree then the aql-intellect will take precedent. He refuted this with 241 points. [most of these points were taken from the his shaikh?s ?ibn taimiyyah- book dar ta?aarid al-aql wa al-naql. C] the aayaat containing the attributes of Allaah are metaphorical not actual. D] authentic ahaadeeth do not necessitate knowledge and most of it is doubt. This is regarding the usage of authentic narrations, which are originally transmitted by one person in the issues of aqeedah. [as proclaimed by the chicks of the mutazilah and jahmiyyah today, like hizb ut-tahreer and more recently some serious confusion put forward by the arrogant shaytaan of ma?rib ? abulhasan.]

67- mukhtasar as-sawaa?iq al-mursalah ala al-jahmiyyah wa al-muattilah
by Muhammad al-mawsalee
600 pages. 1412/daar ul-hadeeth
edited by sayid ibraaheem

the full version of the book was only released recently. For many years the scholars were quoting from the summarised version of this book the ?mukhtasar??
shaikh rabee quotes it in his refutations of abulhasan; in mawqif abee al-hasan min akhbaar alaahaad ?part1 and in hujjaj wa baraaheen ahl us-sunnah? which is all [21 evidences] from ibn al-qayyim?s book as shaikh rabee says in the intro.[not sure when mawsalee died, but it was first printed in 1924 by order and payment of king abd ul-azeez aal sa?ud].

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