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» Lessons in the manners of seeking knowledge-Point 1
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31-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 105
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These are points taken from the book ?an-nubadh fi aadaab talib al-ilm? [points on the manners of seeking knowledge] by our noble shaikh hamad bin ibraaheem al-uthmaan, hafidhullaah.
I will try to serialise the points, as quickly I am able to do so, so that our striving and noble brothers and sisters can benefit from this excellent book. And in this way we can act and think about each point in stages.
For each point I have mentioned the topic as a title, one ayah, one hadeeth and one athar selected from the shaikh?s sharh to make it concise.
For all the aayaat and narrations refer to the Arabic original, 236 pages, 1422/maktabah ibn al-qayyim. This is the third edition, which contains extra points and this is book number 46 for the ?salafi booklist file?.

As for the importance of learning manners then some of the salaf said,

?I kept company with aboo abdullaah and we learnt knowledge and manners? [a student of imaam ahmed]
?We learnt manners from maalik more than we learnt from his knowledge? [ibn wahb]
And imaam maalik said to one youth, ?o my nephew, learn manners before you study knowledge.?
Yoosaf bin al-hussain said, ?with manners you will then understand knowledge?

Point 1 ? ikhlaas [sincerity] for Allaah, azza wajall

Allaah says,
And they were not commanded except to worship Allaah making the religion sincerely for him and being upright and true. [al-bayyinah;5]

The messenger of Allaah said,
The first of people against whom judgement will be pronounced on the day of resurrection will be a man who died a martyr?.another will be a man who has studied knowledge, taught it and who used to recite the qur?aan. He will be brought and Allaah will make known to him his favours and he will recognise them. Allaah will say, and what did you do about them. He will say, I studied knowledge and I taught it and I recited the qur?aan for your sake. Allaah will say you have lied. You did but study knowledge that it might be said, he is an aalim [learned] and you recited the qur?aan so that it might be said, he is a qaari [reciter]. And so it was said.
Then he will be ordered to be dragged along on his face until he is cast into the hellfire?.  [muslim]

Ad-dhahabee said,
Seeking knowledge, which is an obligatory duty and an imperative recommendation, can be censured for some men. Like those who seek knowledge to compete with the scholars, to dispute with the foolish ones, or to attract attention to one self to be glorified, or to be put forward and to seek by it worldly things, like wealth, fame and position. then he would be one of three who will dragged to the hellfire.    

01-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 95
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For a better understanding regarding the book in English; 'The Manners of the Student of Knowledge' of Shaykh Abu Anas Hamd al-Uthmaan, then Abu Hakeem Bilal Davis has gone through this book with the brothers in Birmingham and the cassettes are available from the online SalafiBookstore. There are 8 cassettes and they are well worth purchasing mashallaah!


This message was edited by fath.ul-majeed on 1-1-03 @ 8:42 AM

01-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 128
Joined: Sep 2002
al-Hamdu-Lillaahi Rabbil-'Aalameen was-Salaatu was-Salaamu 'alaa Ashrafil-Anbiyaa'e wal-Mursaleen, wa ba'd:

Assalam-o-Alayqum wa Rahmatullaah

Another series of articles taken from some lectures given by Abu Hakeem Bilal Davis entitled "Obstacles in the Path of Knowledge" based on the work of Shaykh Abdus-Salaam al-Burjis are also very beneficial.  Often before we actually sit down to learn some knowledge we have to remove the obstacles that are preventing us from taking this path (Allaah knows best). The articles can be down loaded from Salafi Publications web-site and the tapes can also be purchased from them (insha'Allaah).

Assalam-o-Alayqum wa Rahmatullaah

Aboo Bilal

Seeking knowledge with a sincere intention

On the authority of Sufyaan ath-Thowree, who said: ((We do not know of anything better than seeking knowledge with (a sincere) intention (for the sake of Allaah).))[Siyar A'laam an-Nubalaa. - Volume 7, Page 244]

This message was edited by aboo.bilal on 1-1-03 @ 4:43 PM

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