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Topic: Marrying a non-Salafee
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Question: A Salafee sister wants to get married. She has been trying for a long time, and has been unsuccessful in finding a prospective Salafee husband. Can she marry a non-Salafee? Answer: ?If he is a person who shows hatred and fights Ahlul-Sunnah, then stay away! If he doesn?t show enmity, then it is okay to marry him BUT with a condition. The condition is that he lets her go and study from the people of the Sunnah.? By the Noble Shaykh ?Ubayd ibn ?Abdullah al-Jaabiree (Hafitha-hullaah) Translated by Umm ?Abdir-Rahmaan Hanim Say Telelink from Toronto, Canada to al-Madeenah, Kingdom of Saudi ?Arabia 14 Rabi? Awwal 1425 | 4 May 2004
______________________________ ام خديجة شحيدة Umm Khadijah Shahidah
Abu Rashideen Zamuri bin Muhammad Zain
(Singapore GMT + 8 hrs)
Posts: 29
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Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem Assalamua'laikum waRahmatullaahi waBarakaatuh ?O mankind! We have created you from a male and female, and have made you into nations and tribes; that you may know one another, Indeed the most noblest of you with Allaah is the one who has the most taqwaa (piety, fear, and obedience of Allaah).? [Sooratul-Hujuraat 49:13] ?Indeed the Believers are but brothers.? [Sooratul-Hujuraat 49:10] ?The Believers - men and women - are allies and protectors, one to another.? [Sooratut-Tawbah 9:71] ?So their Lord accepted from them their supplication, and responded: Never will I allow to be lost the actions of any of you, be they male or female. You are one to another.? [Soorah Aali-?Imraan 3:195] The Prophet (sallallaahu ?alayhi wa sallam) also said: ?Indeed my awliyaa? (friends and allies) are not the tribe of so and so. Rather my friends and allies are the muttaqoon (those who possess taqwaa) - wherever they may be.? [Related by al-Bukhaaree (10/351) and Muslim (no.215), from ?Amr Ibnul-?Aas (radiyallaahu ?anhu)] The Prophet (sallallaahu ?alayhi wa sallam) said: ?If there comes to you a person whose Religion and character are pleasing to you, then marry him (i.e. give the girl in marriage to him). If you do not do this, there will be fitnah (trial and discord) and great fasaad (corruption) upon the earth.? This was related by at-Tirmidhee and others, with a hasan isnaad (good chain of narration). [Hasan: Related by at-Tirmidhee (no. 1085), from Aboo Haatim al-Muzanee and Aboo Hurayrah(radiyallaahu ?anhumaa). It was authenticated by al-Albaanee in Irwaa?ul-Ghaleel (no. 1868).] Allaahu 'alam. Wassalaam
Whosoever contends with the Messenger, even after guidance has been clearly conveyed, & follows a path other than the Believers', We shall leave him in the path he has chosen & land him in Hell, what an evil destination.[An-Nissa:115]
Abu Rashideen Zamuri bin Muhammad Zain
(Singapore GMT + 8 hrs)
Posts: 29
Joined: Sep 2002
Question: What are the most important matters which should form the basis for a woman to choose a husband, and does refusing a righteous person for worldly reasons bring Allaah's punishment upon her? Answer: The most important attributes which a woman should seek in one proposing marriage are good character and Deen (Practice of the Religion). As regards wealth and lineage, then these are secondary matters. The most important thing is that the one proposing the marriage should be good in the Deen and in his character - since regarding one possessing Deen and good character, she will not lose out in any respect: if he keeps her, then he will do so in a good manner and if he releases her, he will do so in a good manner. Furthermore, the one possessing Deen and good character will be a blessing for her and her children and she will learn good manners and the Deen from him. But if the person is one who does not have these attributes then she should avoid him - especially those who are negligent about the prayers, or one who is known to drink intoxicants - and Allaah's refuge is sought... So what is important is that the woman should concentrate on good character and practice of the Deen. As regards lineage, then if it is attainable additionally, then that is more fitting, since Allaah's Messenger (sallallaahu ?alayhi wa sallam) said: If there comes to you one whose Deen and character is pleasing then give [the woman] in marriage to him However if one who is also similar in standing is found then that is better. Shaikh Ibn Uthaimeen in Fataawal-Mar'ah Vol. 1. p.50
Whosoever contends with the Messenger, even after guidance has been clearly conveyed, & follows a path other than the Believers', We shall leave him in the path he has chosen & land him in Hell, what an evil destination.[An-Nissa:115]
Umm Safiyyah Madeehah bint Nafees
(Birmingham, UK)
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