amr.basheer | -- 23-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM |
Point 2 ? having taqwaa of Allaah is the key to knowledge Allaah says, O you who believe, if you have taqwaa of Allaah, He will grant you a furqaan [al-anfaal;29] ibn katheer said; muhammad bin ishaaq said, ?furqaan? it is to distinguish between the truth and falsehood. Aboo anas said; If one has taqwaa of Allaah by carrying out Allaah?s orders and to leave off what he has told us to abandon, [ab- which is the definition of taqwaa], then he will be blessed with the ability to understand the difference between truth and falsehood. Imaam maalik said to as-shaafi?ee when they met for the first time; Indeed I see that Allaah has put light into your heart so do not extinguish it with the darkness of disobedience. This message was edited by amr.basheer on 1-24-03 @ 7:03 PM
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