Topic: books translated by ahl ul bid'ah

salafee1978    -- 10-09-2008 @ 8:47 PM
  What is the hukm for reading books (good books) translated by ahl ul bid'ah? I come from Bosnia where we have no salafees with 'ilm (that I know of), while hizbees are many in number and strong in da'wah... So if a person who is for example a surooree should translate a good book from for example shaykh Albanee, is it allowed for brothers who don't speak arabic or english to read such books and take knowledge from them? And is hukm different for brothers who do speak english or some arabic but would still find it easier to take knowledge from books in their native language?

The last thing I should mention is that shirk has been found in translation of the book of Ibn ul Qayyim, the translation said that tameemah can help you in 3 cases - against fever and 2 other things I've forgotten

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