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» IIIN, Masjidus Sunnah Nabawiyah of Germantown
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16-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 28
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Bismilla Was Salaatu Was Salaam Alaa Rasoolillah

What is the position of IIIN and Masjidus Sunnah who are also in Philadelphia in all this fitnah?

i. They still sell the tapes of Abu Usaamah.

ii. They still sell the tapes of Usaamah Al-Qoosi.

iii.  They are silent on the issue of Abul Hasan.

iv. Their plotting and planning against the clear brothers in Darul HADEETH.

v. Their refusal to sell the tapes of salafi du'aat such as Abul Hasan Maalik which contain refutations on people such as Abu Ameenah Bilaal Philips and Jibaali.

16-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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All praise is due to Allah, and may His peace and Blessings be upon the Messenger:

To add to what our brother Nooniyyah has said:

While having complete knowledge of what Abu Usaamah al Jaahil said about Shaykh Rabee', they still invited him to thier conference with no remorse whatsoever. And until today they have not seperated themselves from that Jaahil, and as the brother said, they still sell his tapes in their dawah center, while removing the rudood of Abul hasan Maalik upon the hizbees!

So you will go to their dawah center, and you will see the tapes of Abu Usaamah, but if you ask for Abul Hasan's radd on Bilaal Philips, which was done at THEIR conferencem you will be informed that they do not sell it, and if you ask for the tape that Abu Hakeem Bilaal, Hasan as Somaali, and Abul hasan Maalik did in THEIR masjid, and they advised the administration and the brothers in the masjid, you will be informed that they do not sell it!

So what type of Salafiyyah is this that you sell the tapes of Abu Usaamah al Jaahil, one whos toungue does not hold back when it comes to the Ulemaa of this da'wah, but you will not sell the tapes of Abul Hasan Maalik, Hasan as Somaali, Abu Hakeem, because they are refuting the people of innovation!

Also, their minbar is not used to refute ahlul bida'ah but it is becoming known as the source of refutations against the Salafis who take clear mawaaqif against Ahlul Bida'ah, namely our noble brothers at Daarul Hadeeth wal Athar!

So Abu Muhammad al Maghrabi will get on the minbar and speak against the salafis, yet his claim is that he is only "Teaching tawheed".

Also, there is no clear Salafi Organization except that they have taken a clear stance regarding Abul Hasan al Mubtadi', whether it SPUB, TROID, Daarul Hadeeth, etc., they have all made their stance clear on Abul Hasan and his blindfollowers (i.e. QSS, SSNA, Abu Usaamah, Abdul Munim, etc.) so where is their bayaan?!

16-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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We heard here in Toronto that IIIN was saying that the ulama did not like the direction that SP and TROID were taking the dawah in.  This was directly after Shaikh Fawzee Al-Atharee did his lecture called "Who is the Innovator" it was a lecture delivered in Toronto, and broadcast to Philly by phone.  After this was when we began to hear this statement coming from IIIN, could this be evidence of the same tamyee' echoed by QSS, Brixton, Luton and SSNA?
If this is true, then it would indicate that IIIN does not just have an issue with Darul-Hadeeth, but it would seem as though IIIN have a problem with the dawah of Salafiyyah.

19-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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as-Salaamu alaykum-

  Wal humdullah it was written for me to have witness the birth of the Germantown masjid currently known as masjidus Sunnah Nabawiyyah along with the dawah centre Triple I N { IIIN } and from the time I have left America in 1999 { I am currently in Misr } I have witness yet another turn in the not so bright history of masjidus Sunnah an-Nabawiyyah and the bookstore/ sometimes Dawah centre IIIN. In past history they have shown nothing but the upmost respect to the likes of Aboo Muslimah, and Aboo Usaamah { even making him the Imam } and secretly discrediting the Salafy youth who are currently the maintainers of the noble dawah centre DARUL HADEETH WA ATHAAR. What is well known about these brothers like Aboo Muhammad al-Jamaiky { who I have knowned for sometime now } Abul-Hasaan Maalik { who I have been bless to eat,sleep,learn and travel with } and our elder Aboo Zaynab Tawfeeq { who is responsible for the growth of Salafiyyah in Philly } is that it has been established by the people of the Sunnah that they are upright Salafys firm in the correct belief. So we ask the question how could someone who claims to love Allahs religion dislike and try to discredit the efforts done by heads of Darul Hadeeth the centre for goodness? I ask Allah to allow IIIN and the heads of masjidus Sunnah an-Nabawiyyah to make their issues clear in regaurds to Zarabozo,Yasir Qadee { they were know to have sold some of his books }, Bilaal Philips, Aboo Usaamah and his innovated Ma'ribee minhaj. By Allah we beg you brothers to flee from ahlu Bidah and establish your selves with the known Salafy callers in the West and put a end to the cold war.

Love for Ahlus-Sunnah wa Hadeeth Aboo Zaahid

25-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Sunnee 10-16-02 @ 9:27 PM
  We heard here in Toronto that IIIN was saying that the ulama did not like the direction that SP and TROID were taking the dawah in.

This sounds like the speech of Abu Usaamah, maybe they need to stop selling and listening to his tapes.

This message was edited by AnNooniyyah on 10-25-02 @ 12:38 PM

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