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» Al Halabee about Usamah bin Laadin
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13-11-2010 @ 1:05 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Zayd Abu Ubayd (Peqin,Albania)
Posts: 795
Joined: Oct 2008
قال الحلبي في اسامة بن لادن :
(( يفعل ما هو باستطاعته أن يفعله !!
ولكن ظننا به بأنه مخلص إن شاء الله ولا نزكيه على الله !!
وإن كانت هذه الامور التي يفعلها
أو تنقل عنه !!
نحن لا نوافق عليها ولا نرتضيها كما هو معروف من منهجنا ومنهج علماءنا )) .

what is between [......] is from the translator

Al Halabee about Usamah bin Laadin:

" he [Ibn Laadin] does what he is capable of doing!!

[so what is he capable of? these general statements are the new manhaj of Al Halabee where  he makes a statement with two possible meanings, so those in love with Ibn Laadin will think these capabilities to be good, correct and according to their kharijee manhaj, and those that know Ibn Laadin as a kharijee will think of these capabilities as evil, wrong and against the salafee manhaj; reminds you of Ikwaan ul Muslimeen]

but we [Al Halabee, Al Huwaynee, Hassaan, Al Zughbee] think of him [Ibn Laadin] as being sincere by the will of Allaah and we do not praise anyone [Ibn Laadin etc] above Allaah!!

[so all of Ibn Laadin's takfeer and so called suicide bombings are sincere? maa shaa Allaah!! and because of Ibn Laadin's sincerity Al Halabee praises him!! So where will you O Halabee hide from this specific statement!!?]

and even if these things he [Ibn Laadin] does or that are related about him [Ibn Laadin]!!

[so the "even" Al Halabee uses here shows his doubt about Ibn Laadin's kharijee manhaj and this fact is further supported by his statement "or that are related", and this is from the ikhwanee manhaj of Abul Fitan Al Ma'ribee = tathabut!! He does not believe anything until he hears it from his ears but Halabee wants to take it one step further, he wants to here it live face to face or may be even know the intention it was spoken with!!]

we [Al Halabee, Al Huwaynee, Hassaan, Al Zughbee] do do not agree with them and we [Al Halabee, Al Huwaynee, Hassaan, Al Zughbee] do are not pleased with them as is known from our [hizbee/tamyee'ee] methodology and the methodology of our scholars!!

["we do not agree with them" like "we co-operate with each other on what we agree upon and we excuse each other on what we disagree on" and this explanation of Al Halabee's statement is supported by the fact the he used to accuse Al Huwaynee, Hassaan and other of kharijiyyah and praising Ibn Laadin and his ilk, then he turned on his heels and praises them and excuses for them for what he disagrees with them upon and co-operates with them on what he agrees with  them upon. And by Allaah he himself separated between himself, his ilk and his methodology with the "and" and between the methodology of the scholars!! By Allaah! Just like when Nooh - 'alayhi as-salaam - pleaded in front of Allaah Noah called to his Lord and said, "My Lord, indeed my son is of my family;He said, "O Noah, indeed he is not of your family" And the waves came between them" Surah Hud, verses 41-47
and i consider this "and" of Halabee that wave that cut between him and Al Albaanee, Ibn Baaz and other ulama - rahimahumullah.]

O Allaah! I ask You to preserve us upon what You love and are pleased with
O Allaah do not turn our hearts after You have guided us
O Allaah show us haqq as haqq and give us the oppertunity to follow it
O Allaah show is baatil as baatil and the ability to shun it
Ameen, Ameen.

Hudhayfah ibn al Yaaman said: complete misguidance is that you approve today of what you used to warn against yesterday and warn against today what you used to approve of yesteday, Be aware of "talawwun" [changing colors=changing from one position to another frequently] in religion"

Az-Zubayr bin Mohammad bin Husayn Abbaasee

15-11-2010 @ 9:21 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Zayd Abu Ubayd (Peqin,Albania)
Posts: 795
Joined: Oct 2008
قال الحلبي في اسامة بن لادن :                                                
"أسامة بن لادن رجل صاحب مال و عنده غيرة دينية(!!) ý(كلمة غير مفهومة)ýكما وجد نفسه الا في وسائل الاعلان و على السنة الناس و يخاطب مجموعة من الحربيين و التكفيريين وý (كلمة غير مفهومة)ý هؤلاء و كما قيل لم يجدý (كلمة غير مفهومة)ýيفعل ما هو باستطاعته أن يفعله(!!؟) ولكن ظننا به بأنه مخلص إن شاء الله ولا نزكيه على الله(!!) وإن كانت هذه الامور التي يفعلها
أو تنقل عنه)!!( نحن لا نوافق عليها ولا نرتضيها كما هو معروف من منهجنا ومنهج علماءنا "

Al Halabee about Usamah bin Laadin:

"Usamah bin Laadin is a man of wealth and has religious jealousy (!!)ý (speech unclear) ý except he found himself on the mass media and upon peopleýs tongue, addressing those partisans and takfeerees ý (speech unclear) ý and those. And as it is said you donýt find ý (speech unclear)ý he does what he is capable of doing (!!?) but we think of him as being sincere by the will of Allaah and we do not praise him above Allaah (!!) and even if these things he does or that are related about him (!!) we do not agree with them and we do are not pleased with them as is known from our methodology and the methodology of our scholarsý

And here is the speech of Al Halabees buddy these days, with whom he made his first appearance on TV after he left Salafees and began waging his was upon them:

فقد وقفت على لقاء حديث مع محمد عبد الملك الزغبي - هداه الله - يقول فيه عبارات وكلمات عن ابن لادن أسامة لا يستوعبها العقل السلفي المستقيم

فعلى سبيل المثال يقول في اللقاء:

* ليس مثلي يتكلم في الشيخ أسامة أو في غيره

* الشيخ أسامة بن لادن اللي يحب يتكلم فيه لابد أن يكون إمام عالِم

* نختلف مع فضيلة الشيخ لكن لا نقدح فيه ولا نتكلم فيه أبداً ويبقى مسلماً موحداً, يعني أنا يعني يسلم مني اليهود ويسلم مني الصليبيون المتطاولون على الإسلام ولا يسلم مني الشيخ أسامة

I came across a new interview with Mohammad ýAbdul Maalik Az-Zughbee ý may Allaah guide him ý in which he says statements and expressions about Usaamah bin Laadin that cannot please the intellect of a Salafee upon uprightness.

So for example he says in the interview:

*It is not for the likes of me to speak about Ash-Shaykh Usaamah (!!)or about those other than him.

*The one who should speak about Ash-Shaykh Usaamah (!!), it is must that he be an Imaam scholar.

*We differ with the noble Shaykh (!!) but we do not dispraise him (!!), and we do not speak about him ever (!!) and he remains a Muslim Muwahhid(!!?). Meaning ý me ý meaning ý the Jews are safe from me and the oppressive crusaders  upon Islaam are safe from me and Ash-Shaykh Usaamah cannot be safe from me? (!!!???)

Alhamdulillaah for Islaam, Sunnah and intellect.

Az-Zubayr bin Mohammad bin Husayn Abbaasee

17-11-2010 @ 12:38 PM    Notify Admin about this post
no problem (netherlands)
Posts: 35
Joined: Mar 2009
salamu alaikum

when did he say this?

19-11-2010 @ 1:07 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu 'Abdillaah Zubayr bin Mohammad (Ash-Shariqah, U.A.E.)
Posts: 15
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As-Salaamu 'Alaykum,

May Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aalaa preserve us upon Islaam and Sunnah with the understanding of the salaf of this ummah - Ameen.

I just wanted to clarify something about the comments on Al Halabee's speech with regard to the story of Nooh - 'alayhis-salaam - and i would like to quote those ayaat I was referring to from the book of Allaah.

surah Hud, verses 41-47

And Noah called to his Lord and said, "My Lord, indeed my son is of my family; and indeed, Your promise is true; and You are the most just of judges!" [45]

He said, "O Noah, indeed he is not of your family; indeed, he is [one whose] work was other than righteous, so ask Me not for that about which you have no knowledge. Indeed, I advise you, lest you be among the ignorant." [46]

[But] he said, "I will take refuge on a mountain to protect me from the water." [Noah] said, "There is no protector today from the decree of Allah , except for whom He gives mercy." And the waves came between them, and he was among the drowned. [43]

May Allaah forgive me my shortcomings.

And may Allaah reward my beloved brother in faith, Zayd.

Abu 'Abdillaah Az-Zubayr bin Mohammad Bin Husayn Aal 'Abbaas

03-12-2010 @ 12:04 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Zayd Abu Ubayd (Peqin,Albania)
Posts: 795
Joined: Oct 2008
For more info on this topic and to listen to the audio of Halabee click the link:

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15-12-2010 @ 12:42 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified unspecified (Paris, France.)
Posts: 9
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Essalamou aleykoum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatou

Can you upload the audio because I can access to it on sahab ?

BarakAllah ou fik.

15-12-2010 @ 8:38 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Zayd Abu Ubayd (Peqin,Albania)
Posts: 795
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