Aboo Haaroon Husayn Ahmad ibn Jamal
(West Palm Beach, FL USA)
Posts: 141
Joined: Jul 2005
Resources regarding the misguidance taught by the following individuals:
Hasan al-Banna A Soofee and a Mufawwidh (rejector of the Attributes of Allaah). As he himself narrates, he would visit the shrines and indulge in many innovatory practices.
[url=http://www.spubs.com/sps/sp.cfm?secID=NDV&subsecID=NDV11&loadpage=displaysubsection.cfm]Salman al-Awdah[/url] The Ikhwani methodology clothed in the gown of Salafiyyah. The Ulama explain the condition of those erroneously hailed as reformers.
[url=http://www.spubs.com/sps/sp.cfm?secID=NDV&subsecID=NDV09&loadpage=displaysubsection.cfm]`Abdur-Rahmaan `Abdul-Khaaliq[/url] Following in the footsteps of the Surooriyyah - reviling the Ulamaa, revising the understanding of Tawheed, and promoting blind partisanship.
[url=http://www.troid.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=396&Itemid=346]Adnaan `Ar'oor[/url] Caller to the false principles of Qutubiyyah.
[url=http://www.spubs.com/sps/sp.cfm?secID=NDV&subsecID=NDV18&loadpage=displaysubsection.cfm]Abul-Hasan as-Sulaymaanee al-Ma`ribee[/url] Originator of the new manhaj which seeks to silence Ahl us-Sunnah and make ease and lenience for Ahl ul-Bid'ah, by way of false principles.