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» Alone with a woman in public
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18-03-2008 @ 12:25 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Qayla Rasheed bin Estes Barbee (Durham, NC)
Posts: 187
Joined: Sep 2002
Alone with a woman in a public area

The following is a summary translation taken from

Question: Is seclusion with a woman only when a man is alone with a woman in a house (in private), or is it every time a man is alone with a woman even if it is in front of the eyes of the people?

Permanent Committee of Scholars: As it relates to the seclusion that is not permissible according to the laws of Islam, then it is not only when a man is alone in a house with a woman who is a non relative, far away from the sight of the people; rather it includes his being alone with her in a place where she can whisper to him and he can whisper to her, and they can talk back and forth, even if they are in view of the people but the people can not hear what they are talking about. And it is the same whether they are in an open area, or a car, or on a roof top or anything like this.

Therefore seclusion is impermissible because it is a path to fornication and a starting point that leads to it. Therefore everything that has this meaning, even if they promise to keep their distance, then it has the ruling of the physical seclusion that is far from the eyes of the people. And with Allah lies all success and may the prayer and peace be upon our Prophet, his family and his companions.

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27-03-2008 @ 5:53 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu 'Abdirrahmaan Adnaan ibn Salman (Birmingham, UK.)
Posts: 76
Joined: Apr 2005

This is a somewhat similar ruling from Sh Al-Albaanee rahimahullaah:


If a woman rides in a taxi with a driver who is a male stranger to her (i.e. he is not her mahram), is this considered the privacy (khulwah) that is forbidden in the Religion? And what if two women ride together (with this taxi driver)?


A woman riding alone with a taxi driver that is not a mahram to her may encounter herself in privacy (khulwah) in the sense that some of the forbidden matters that occur normally in khulwah (privacy), are likely to occur in such a situation. Furthermore, there is no third person that is with them. But from here, I do not hold that it is khulwah (privacy), but instead it is a motive and an incentive for fitnah (temptation). And this fitnah is not found in the other example in which there is another woman present or another man. Indeed the occurrence of fitnah in this situation is less likely than in the first situation. [Al-Asaalah, Issue #10]

27-10-2008 @ 4:43 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Umm 'Abdullaah al-Haarith (United Kingdom)
Posts: 4
Joined: Oct 2008
asalaamu alaykum

Can I ask, Is this the same when a girl is learning the Qur'an from a male teacher in her home with her family? However, she is alone in a room with hime with the door open and ppl present in the house?

Jzk Allahu khayran.

07-02-2009 @ 5:58 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Umm Asma Umran Haji (France)
Posts: 16
Joined: Feb 2009
is it allowed with her mehram (like brother) even if her father doesnt know?

27-08-2010 @ 9:38 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Ahmad unspecified (New Zealand)
Posts: 53
Joined: Jun 2009
Wa `alaikum assalaam wa rahmatullaah wa barakaatuh. For Asma's question: Question: what class of men from among the family of a veiled woman are allowed to enter her home? Some scholars deemed it permissible that a husband's full brother enters his wives homes.
Answer: The following are those for whom it is permissible for them to enter to women's houses and stay in seclusion with them: A husband and Mahram relatives such as a father, husband's father, son, brother's son, sister's son, paternal and maternal uncle. However, a husband's full, paternal half or maternal half brother is not a Maharm and thus may not stay in seclusion with her or see parts of her body that are unlawful to be seen.

May Allah grant us success! May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and Companions!
- Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta' [ /link: ]

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