Posts: 950
Joined: Nov 2006
Bismillaah Al-Hamdulillaah wa salatu wa salamu 'ala rasulullaah Amma ba'd May Allaah reward our brother Sajid for bringing this important benefit to attention, bi-idhn-illaah. Abu Khadeejah (hafidhahullaah) said: [If a person] says, "I love all of the sahaba, but I don't like what Mu'awiyah did to 'Ali. So as for Mu'awiyah, I don't like Mu'awiyah." This person is a mubtadi', an innovator outside of Ahlus-Sunnah. He's outside of Ahlus-Sunnah. [Even though] he says: "as for the bridge over the hellfire, I believe it. As for the weighing of the deeds, I believe them." So which sect has he fallen into? He has fallen into the ideologies of the Shee'ah. He has entered into Tashayu' (the Shee'ah sect). As for the example I gave about the raising of the sword against a sinful Muslim ruler, he has fallen into the ideology of the Khawarij. Another person comes along and makes an error in the issue of eeman. Where does he fall into? He has fallen into the ideologies of the Murji'ah. So this is how the affair is in reality. But as we mentioned yesterday, this [does not mean] that we go around - with regard to the people - making imtihan (a trial) in this affair, and saying, "Ah, you're a Khariji (from the Khawarij)." No. The issue is that we explain the affair, and if he persists upon that which he is upon, then that individual - he himself - has removed himself from Ahlus-Sunnah. And there is no need for the awwaam, the general folk and the brothers here to go around making tabdee' (calling people "innovators"). No. This is not our affair. Our issue is to convey the da'wah, and if they choose to accept, they accept. And if they don't, then we say this individual has opposed the usool (foundation). There is no need. Some of the people come to the Salafi and [ask him]: "Is he Salafi or is he mubtadi'? Give me the answer." Say, "akhee, he's not"... [The hypothetical questioner might interupt and yell back:] "No, is he Salafi or is he mubtadi'?"
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So we don't enter into these debates with these people. We say: Listen, these are the usool of Ahlus-Sunnah, and he's made a mukhalifa (opposed one of) of the usool of Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jama'ah, so therefore he has fallen into an error. Don't ask me whether I'm going to make tabdi' upon him or not make tabdi' upon him. Rather teach him. If he's upon the Sunnah, teach him to be upon the Sunnah. This is what [Imam] Ahmad was upon. This is what Ibnu Mubarak was upon. This is what Sufyan [Ath-Thawri] was upon. This is what Ibnu Taymiyyah was upon. This is what [Muhammad] ibn 'Abdul-Wahhab was upon. This is what Al-Albani, Ibn Baaz, al-'Uthaimeen were upon. So therefore he should be upon. If he hasn't, then he has fallen into something from bid'ah. Don't expect me to sit here as an 'ammi (layperson), start making tabdi' of the people. We don't do that. Be we say - we can speak in generalities, and this is allowed for us to do - that the one who hates the sahaba, he is a Shee'ee, Rafidi. The one who speaks against the Muslim rulers and calls for their downfall and rebellion, he is a Khariji, and this we can say. And we can say that the one who believes that eeman does not increase and decrease, stays at one level, we can say he's a Murji'. But Ta'yeen, going to a person and saying, "you are a Khariji", "you are so and so", then [this is not allowed] unless the issue is clear-cut as Shaikh Rabee' [bin Hadee al-Madkhalee] mentioned, and the 'ulemma of the Salaf and the 'ulemma of these times have mentioned. If the issue is clear-cut: if fulan comes and says "as for the ruler of the kingdom of Saudia Arabia, he is a kaafir," for example if he says this, then say: "He is a Khariji." What do you want me to say? He made takfeer, he's a takfeeri. But if the issue is something dakik, something that requires some detail to it, then we refrain and we withhold from those affairs. Like for example, Shaikh Rabee' mentioned the statement of Ibnu Taymiyyah and likewise the likes of Ibnu Baaz and others that if you find an individual who makes tafsiq of all the sahaba or he makes takfir of all the sahaba except for a handful, then we consider him to be a kaafir. If he makes tafsiq of one of them or two of them, or he makes takfir of one of them or two of them, then we consider him to be a mubtadi', an innovator who is upon the brink of falling into the hellfire. And this is what the salaf were upon with regard to these affairs. |
Subhanak Allaahuma wa bihamdika ash-hadu anlaa illaaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk If I said anything correct, then it is from Allaah (subhanahu wa taa'ala), and if I erred, then that is from me and shaytan. |