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Topic: Shaykh al-Albaanee on the Ghulaat on the Issue of Taqleed
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This is one of a number of beneficial quotes in which Shaykh al-Albaanee (rahimahullaah) explains the issue of taqleed. Within it (and the other quotes, which I shall translate when I have time inshaa'Allaah) is a refutation of the baatil manhaj of Abul-Hasan al-Bannaawee, and also of some of those who consider the view of taqleed being permissible to be a misguided innovation and who consider it to be making lawful that which Allaah made unlawful. The latter often comes from those who go to extremes in refuting the Hanafee Muqallidah, and who at the same time are not grounded in the details of the Salafee manhaj that relate to this issue, and who do not distinguish between a Sharee`ah ruling, a fatwaa of a scholar, and the tahdheer against Ahl ul-Ahwaa and what it contains of refutations, and disparagement. This was taken from an article on Sahab.Net, I do not have the link details right now, as I have the downloaded file only.
Cassette no. 27 from the "Silsilah Fataawaa Jeddah" Question: We face a difficulty in that it is said that you reject blind following of the Scholars, but you make taqleed of Yahyaa bin Ma`een and Ahmad in their sayings, or [in] the sayings of them both, such as, "So and so is da`eef", "So and so is thiqah", and we want to listen in this manner, so is the acceptance of the saying of the Scholars about a narrator that he is da`eef or thiqah pure taqleed, or is it built upon something knowledge-based that is not to be labelled taqleed for example, and there is another question that is built upon this one. Shaykh al-Albaanee (rahimahullaah): I say that this matter has been treated by as-San`aanee in his risaalah and he tends to the view that this is not taqleed. And personally I am not satisfied with that [i.e. as-San`aanee's view in not calling it taqleed], I am not satisfied with this[1], however, can a person reject taqleed? As for me then I do not reject taqleed, rather I affirm it, rather, I obligate it, even if one besides me might oppose me, then he can, no doubt. So we benefit from this mutual difference in this matter, I believe that the most senior of the Imaams are not saved from [resorting to] taqleed, let alone the lesser ones, let alone their Scholars, let alone the students of knowledge, and finally, let alone the common people. So what is the difficulty then? The basis of the difficulty in my view is something that does not arise in the first place (i.e. there is no difficulty in the first place), because those who make this statement are either those muqallidah (blind followers) who wish to argue against us [by saying] that you claim that taqleed is forbidden so why do you blindly follow (yourself)! Or they are from those Ghulaat (Extremists) from our Salafee brothers who forbid taqleed with an absolute (unrestricted) forbiddence. And both of the two groups are upon error, yes. And based upon this, I am able to answer, if I have an answer... depending on which of the two groups this criticism comes from, so if they are the muqallideen (blind-followers), then it is very clear that we say "you do not have this place...(meaning, this is not your place)", meaning just as the arabic similitude says, "This is not your nest...", this is not the subject of your research!! And if he is from our Salafee brothers who exaggerate in obligating research and ijtihaad until even upon the common people, then we say that this has no evidence for it, rather, it is opposed to what our Salaf as-Saalih said. For this reason, I say that I do not believe that there is any difficulty in this [criticism], regardless of whether it came from them (the muqallidah) or from them (the ghulaat in the matter of taqleed).
NOTE [1] What the Shaykh means, judging by the other quotations, is that he does not agree with as-San`aanee negating that this is taqleed, because he does consider it taqleed, but it is not something blameworthy, rather it is taqleed that is permissible, and that whether you call it Ittibaa` or Taqleed, does not change the reality behind it, namely, that it is only a representation of doing what Allaah commanded when he said, "Ask the people of knowledge if you do not know...", this is the essence of what is found in the other quotations (to follow inshaa'Allaah) that explain what the Shaykh means here, Allaah knows best.
شريط رقم 27 من سلسلة فتاوى جدة سـؤال : نواجه مشكلة بأنه يقال أنكم تنكرون التقليد الأعمى للأئمة وتقلدون يحي بن معين وأحمد في أقوالهم أو أقوالهما مثلا : فلان ضعيف فلان ثقة ، ونريد أن نسمع على هذا ، فهل قبول قول الأئمة في الراوي أنه ضعيف أو ثقة هل هذا تقليد محض أم مبني على شيء علمي الذي لا يُسمَّى تقليدا مثلا ، وعليه وينبني سؤالا آخر؟ الجـواب : أنا أقول هذه المسألة عالجها الصنعاني في رسالته وهو يذهب إلى أن هذا ليس تقليدا ، لكن أنا شخصيا ما اقتنعت بذلك ، هذا ما اقتنعت به ، ولكن هل للإنسان أن ينكر التقليد ؟ ، أمَّا أنا فلا أنكر التقليد ، بل أقرّه ، بل أُوجِبُه ، فإن كان غيري يُخالفني فله ولا شك ، فنستفيد من التباعد في المسألة ، أنا أعتقد أن التقليد لا ينجو منه كبار الأئمة ، فضلا عن صغارهم ، فضلا عن علمائهم ، فضلا عن طلاب العلم أخيراً فضلا عن العامة ، فما هو الإشكال إذن ؟ ، أصل الإشكال عندي غير وارد ، لأنه هؤلاء الذين يقولون هذه القولة إما هم مقلدة يريدون أن يحاججونا نحن بأنكم تدَّعون أن التقليد محرم فلماذا تـقلدون ! ، وإما أن يكونوا من الغلاة من إخواننا السلفيين الذين يحرمون التقليد تحريما مطلقا ، وكلا الفريقين على خطأ ، أي نعم ، وعلى هذا أستطيع أن أجيب إن كان عندي جواب .. من أي الفريقين يصدر هذا الانتقاد فإن كانوا المقلدين فواضح جدا أن نقول ما لكم ولهذا المجال ، يعني كما يقول المثل العربي ( ليس هذا عشك فأدرجي ) ، ما هذا موضوع بحثك !! ، وإن كان من إخواننا السلفيين المغالين في إيجاد البحث والاجتهاد حتى على عوام الناس نقول هذا لا دليل له بل هو خلاف ما كان عليه سلفنا الصالح ، ولذلك أنا لا أعتقد أنه في هذا إشكال سواء صدر من هؤلاء أو من هؤلاء .
أبو عياض أمجد بن محمد رفيق السلفي .-=abu.iyaad=-. -=amjad bin muhammad rafiq=- --as.salafi--
This message was edited by abu.iyaad on 11-5-03 @ 7:20 PM
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Joined: Sep 2002
bissmillahi ar rahmani ar rahim assalam alaykoum This is the clear and concise qawl of Shaykh Al 'Outheymin (rahimahou llah) on this subject, which goes along the one of Shaykh AL Albani rahimahouma Llah:
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اصطلاحا:التقليد هو اتباع قول الغير بلا حخة. و هوجائز لمن لا يصل الى العلم بنفسه لقوله تعالى فاسألوا اهل الذكر ان كنتم لا تعلمون .سورة النحل،اللآية 43
Taken from "Sharh Loum'at al i'tiqaad", page 111 (last chapter) (publication: Daar al watan lin-nashr). " al haqqou min rabbikoum" (Ali 'Imran).
This message was edited by oummou.assia on 11-13-03 @ 3:17 PM
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Shaykh al-Albaanee also said (Silsilah Rihlat an-Noor, Cassette 23): "...And even though he does not understand anything of knowledge, he asks, "Is it permissible or not permissible?!", and then he says, "What evidence do you have?", and yet he is not at the level of knowledge to understand the evidence!! When I said to him, "This hadeeth is saheeh", he says to me, "What is the evidence for its authenticity??". Leave, seek the books of mustalah (hadeeth science and terminology) for years... and then come and ask what is the evidence for the authenticity of this hadeeth. For this reason, taqleed is of two types: Taqleed that is necessary (that cannot be done away with), and regarding this, even the major scholars are not saved from it, and the other type is taking taqleed as a religion, opposing way of it, that which Allaah said and Allaah's Messenger, such as what is done by the partisan (followers) of the madhaahib." Taken from the compilation: "Is Evidence a Condition in the Saying of a Scholar?" by Shakeeb al-Atharee, posted on Sahab.Net
... وإن كان لا يفقه من العلم شيئا يسأل : " يجوز أو لا يجوز ؟! " ، ثم يقول : " لك ما الدليل ؟! " ، وهو ليس في المستوى العلمي أن يفهم الدليل !! ، إذا قلت له : " هذا حديث صحيح " ، يقول لي : " ما الدليل في صحته ؟ " ، روح أطلب كتب المصطلح ....... سنين ثم بعدين تعال أسأل ما الدليل على صحة هذا الحديث . لذلك فالتقليد قسمان : تقليد لا بد منه وهذا لا ينجو منه كبار العلماء ، والقسم الآخر اتخاذ التقليد دينا يخالف به ما قال الله وما قال رسول الله كما يفعل متعصبة المذاهب .( ) اهـ سلسلة رحلة النور ، الوجه الثاني من شريط 23
أبو عياض أمجد بن محمد رفيق السلفي .-=abu.iyaad=-. -=amjad bin muhammad rafiq=- --as.salafi--
This message was edited by abu.iyaad on 11-13-03 @ 8:57 PM
Posts: 182
Joined: Sep 2002
JazaakilLaahu khayran for that quotation from Shaykh Ibn `Uthaymeen: It translates as: "In usage: Taqleed is to follow the saying of another without hujjah (accompanying it)" and it is jaa'iz (permissible) for the one who cannot arrive at knowledge by himself, due to the saying of the Most High, "So ask the people of knowledge if you do not know". (Nahl 16:43)
أبو عياض أمجد بن محمد رفيق السلفي .-=abu.iyaad=-. -=amjad bin muhammad rafiq=- --as.salafi--