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» A Reply to A Doubt Authored by a Follower of the Manhaj Abul-Hasan al-Ma'ribee and the People of Tamyee'
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Posted By Topic: A Reply to A Doubt Authored by a Follower of the Manhaj Abul-Hasan al-Ma'ribee and the People of Tamyee'

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10-02-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 846
Joined: Sep 2002
Alhamdulillaahi Rabbil-Aalameen Was-Salatu Was-Salamu Alaa Rasoolihi. Wa ba'ad

A Reply to A Doubt Authored by a Follower of the Manhaj of Abul-Hasan al-Ma'ribee and Ally of the People of Tamyee'

This is a reply to a shubhah that is being spread by certain people concerning the speech of Shaykh Faalih al-Harbee, and a so called apparent contradiction that appears in his words. It seems that there are many people who are outwardly claiming to be Salafee, yet their walaa and baraa is based upon something other than what it ought to be, and they join the forums of the people of hizbiyyah, like the outright defenders of Abul-Hasan al-Misree al-Ma'ribee, and they use these  platforms to spread doubts about the statements of the Scholars, and to provide the Hizbees with more ammunition to attack the Salafees.

A shubhah that has recently appeared is that there is contradiction in the words of Shaykh Faalih regarding the Jordanian students of knowledge and it is possible that someone is lying (i.e. which means either the Shaykh or whoever transmitted from him his numerous statements).

Here is the text of the shubhah which was posted on a platform run by the people of desires, from the followers of Abul-Hasan al-Ma'ribee:


There seems to be a contradiction in the above post and this article:

"And it is not correct (to say) that we have warned against their books or against reading them or referring to them, nor against their tapes and from taking benefit from them. This is not correct. This may have been falsely attributed to us. "


"So we warn our brothers, and we warn Ahlus-Sunnah, and we warn the Muslims against them so they may be aware of them and take note of them."

Both from Shaikh Faleh?

Surely this is contradiction, someone is lying somewhere ..

Reply to this Shubhah:

ONE: The author of this shubhah has not been able to distinguish between warning from someone on account of an opposition that is found with him with respect to the manhaj or its application, as a result of which he is warned from, from that aspect, and between warning from the sum total of the works and writings of this person.

TWO: If the author of this shubhah had actually looked carefully at the two statements he has quoted from Shaykh Faalih he would have realised that in the first one Shaykh Faalih is negating that he "warned against their books or against reading them or referring to them, nor against their tapes and from taking benefit from them. This is not correct". And as the Shaykh said, "This may have been falsely attributed to us". So if the author of this shubhah had done justice and stopped to think carefully he would have realised that the Shaykh is speaking about the sum whole of their books and tapes in this instance, and not them as individuals. In other words he is negating that he warned from benefiting from their books and cassettes, but he is not negating that he actually warned from them.

THREE: And whoever has followed up the words of the Shaykh, or has listened to the various cassettes of the Shaykh or the numerous tele-links with the Shaykh, or has sat in some of his gatherings when he has spoken on this issue, then he will realise that the Shaykh criticised them from the angle of their weakness in manhaj and walaa and baraa and what they revealed of themselves in the issue of Abul-Hasan al-Ma'ribee and he made it clear that nothing is taken from them in this regard, and he warned from them, from this angle, and explained that they are upon the manhaj of Abul-Hasan al-Ma'ribee. And this is clearly known and manifest, and has been known for a very long while.

So this leaves this person who authored this shubhah in one of a few situations:

1. Either he knew that Shaykh Faalih has warned from them, and hence, he is treating Shaykh Faalih as a liar, when he says, "Both from Shaikh Faleh? Surely this is contradiction, someone is lying somewhere ..".

2. Or he does not know that Shaykh Faalih did warn from them, in which case he is a Jaahil and one who speaks without knowledge, overcome by his jahl and hawaa, and thus can only be driven by his hatred of the Salafees to resort to these types of acts. Since, if one is Jaahil of this matter, then it is not befitting that he start speaking and start spreading these doubts in the first place.

3. Or he is trying to deride and accuse those Salafees who may have transmitted this information from the Shaykh, the information in which the Shaykh warned from them from the aspect of manhaj, and their inhiraaf in that regard. In which case this person is trying to attack those Salafees, and wishes to aid the people of Hizbiyyah against them.

FOUR: As for warning from their books and other than that, then the Shaykh negates this. Listen to what he said in one of his telephone conversations back in October 2002 (this transcript was posted on,


نص المكالمة مع الشيخ فالح ابن نافع الحربي

السائل : نريد منكم نصيحة حول الفتنة ...الآن نسمع أن أهل الأردن يدافعون عن أبي الحسن
نريد منك نصيحة
الشيخ : يا اخي أهل الأردن كلهم كما ذكرنا ونحن تكلمنا عليهم وذكرنا حالهم وأنهم على منهج أبي الحسن على خطه ومن معه أهل الأردن والقوصي أسامة القوص أعني والعيد شريفي في الجزائر وأناس كثير عندنا وفي كل مكان على هذا الخط التمييعي الذي هو ليس منهج أهل السنة والجماعة
السائل : إذن نترك أشرطتهم وكتبهم
الشيخ : تتركون أي شيئ لا يقبل منهم ...هذا كلامهم في المنهج

ليسوا قدوة بأن يأخذ عنهم العلم في هذا الأمر في عقيدة أهل السنة والجماعة .إحذر منهم لأنهم ليسوا بعلماء لهم بعض الكتب وتحقيقات إذا سلمت من المناهج وسلم من أن يوجد فيها أخطاء يؤاخذ عليها أهل العلم يستشار بخصوصها فيمكن الإطلاع فيها والإستفادة منها مع التحذير مع معرفة حال الأشخاص ومنهج الأشخاص والتحذير منهم
السائل : جزاكم الله خيرا ... بارك الله فيكم
الشيخ : حياك الله

Shaykh Faalih: My brother,  the people of Jordan, all of them are how we have described them, and we have spoken about them and mentioned their condition, that they are upon the manhaj of Abul-Hasan, they are upon his way. And whoever is with him from the people of Jordan and al-Qoosee, Usaamah al-Qoosee, I mean (the like of) al-Eed ash-Shareefee in Algeria, and many other people who are around us, and in every place, they are all upon this Tamyee'ee way, which is not from the manhaj of Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah.

Questioner: So should we abandon their cassettes and books?

Shaykh Faalih: You abandon whatever is not acceptd from them, this is concerning their speech in the manhaj. They are not an example (to be followed) such that knowledge is to be taken from them in this matter, in the aqeedah of Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah. Beware of them, because they are not scholars. They have books and verifications, which if free from containing issues of manaahij, and are free from having any errors found in them that the people of knowledge have observations on, then one ought to consult with respect to them (i.e. consult the people of knowledge about them), and hence it is possible to look at them and benefit them, alongside warning, with knowing the condition of the people, and knowing the manhaj of the people, and warning from them."

So in this statement Shaykh Faalih makes the whole issue clear. They are warned against and their condition known, and as for their books then consultation is made with respect to them and what can be benefitted from, without it containing errors, can be benefited from. So here Shaykh Faalih mentions both things at one and the same time (i.e. warning from them, but indicating that their books can be benefited from, if they are free of mistakes). Is this a contradiction then!! Or is it that the author of the shubhah is upon contradiction and could not understand this manhaj? That sometimes we warn from people, and this is from the angle of safeguarding others from their errors and mistakes, and that this does not mean warning from every single thing that relates to them such as books and cassettes. These shubuhaat which are spread by these evil people are often of this nature. Because of their own jahl, they think that they have correctly understood something and have caught out the Salafees, and then they spread it amongst the people, out of great injustice, when the reality of the matter is that they are upon error due to their own ignorance and desires, and they think they are rightly guided! This occurs very frequently.

FIVE: Then Shaykh Faalih  makes this matter more clear in a more recent conversation which is posted on Sahab.Net, and which took place after Eid ul-Fitr 1423H, and it was posted by Khaalid as-Salafee who had this conversation and transcribed it on Sahab.Net. In this conversation the Shaykh generally says that just because we speak about a person and indicate his errors in manhaj and errors that he has fallen into which are to be warned from and avoided, and that we warn from what is with him, lest others be affected, does not mean that we have warned from whatever he may have of defence of the Sunnah in other aspects. It does not follow.

You can view this here:

SIX: So the answer to this is clear, Shaykh Faalih has not contradicted himself, and he has not lied, and no one has lied upon Shaykh Faalih, since Shaykh Faalih began warning from them from the time their weakness in manhaj became clear and their allying with Abul-Hasan al-Ma'ribee became clear, and whoever transmitted this and narrated it from the Shaykh did so faithfully and accurately. However, as the Shaykh himself clarified (in that link from Sahab.Net), this does not mean he has also, warned from every single one of their books, or cassettes. It does not follow that just because you warn from a person on account of an angle of deviation that appears in him, that you have warned from every single one of his books and cassettes as well. Rather, this is yet, another matter.

SEVEN:  These shubuhaat are being spread from the platforms of those who are considered by the people of knowledge,  such as Shaykh Faalih, Shaykh Rabee, Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmee and others, as People of Desires, who are thrown along with Abul-Hasan and are entered into the generality of Ahl ul-Ahwaa, because they continue upon baatil out of choice, and after the truth has become clear. Hence, it is not surprising that childish attempts such as these are made on their platforms so that the Hizbees have more ammunition and gossip against those who stood by the Scholars in the fitnah of Abul-Hasan al-Ma'ribee. Alhamdulillaah every soul is drawn towards its own likes, so perhaps the author of this shubhah, his soul resembles those whom he has gathered with on that Hizbee forum.

EIGHT: Hence, the person who spread this shubhah should apologise, seek forgiveness and seek refuge in Allaah from his  own jahl of the Salafee manhaj, and should stop insinuating evil upon the Shaykh, or upon whoever transmitted his words, and instead of rushing to the Hizbee platforms, should actually give the Salafees husn udh-dhann and clarify matters with them. Certainly,  "tathabbut", and "benefit of the doubt" and "husn udh-dhann" is only for the Hizbees and as for the Salafees, then no such thing exists for them to these Mumayyi'ah. It is tamyee' and every excuse for the people of desires and nothing but shiddah upon the Salafees. May Allaah protect us from this evil.


This message was edited by on 2-10-03 @ 9:11 PM

15-02-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 37
Joined: Aug 2002
Jazakumullaah khayran. The doubts of these people never stop!

16-02-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 67
Joined: Aug 2002
Allahu Akbar! How true is this statement:

SEVEN:  These shubuhaat are being spread from the platforms of those who are considered by the people of knowledge,  such as Shaykh Faalih, Shaykh Rabee, Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmee and others, as People of Desires, who are thrown along with Abul-Hasan and are entered into the generality of Ahl ul-Ahwaa, because they continue upon baatil out of choice, and after the truth has become clear. Hence, it is not surprising that childish attempts such as these are made on their platforms so that the Hizbees have more ammunition and gossip against those who stood by the Scholars in the fitnah of Abul-Hasan al-Ma'ribee. Alhamdulillaah every soul is drawn towards its own likes, so perhaps the author of this shubhah, his soul resembles those whom he has gathered with on that Hizbee forum.

EIGHT: Hence, the person who spread this shubhah should apologise, seek forgiveness and seek refuge in Allaah from his  own jahl of the Salafee manhaj, and should stop insinuating evil upon the Shaykh, or upon whoever transmitted his words, and instead of rushing to the Hizbee platforms, should actually give the Salafees husn udh-dhann and clarify matters with them. Certainly,  "tathabbut", and "benefit of the doubt" and "husn udh-dhann" is only for the Hizbees and as for the Salafees, then no such thing exists for them to these Mumayyi'ah. It is tamyee' and every excuse for the people of desires and nothing but shiddah upon the Salafees. May Allaah protect us from this evil.

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