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» Very Important Matter: Da'wah to the Disbeliever
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Posted By Topic: Very Important Matter: Da'wah to the Disbeliever

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19-09-2004 @ 10:48 PM    Notify Admin about this post
‎‎‎ ‎‎‎ ‎‎‎‎‎ Zaahir bin Hernandez (Newark,N.J.(Amreekaa))
Posts: 187
Joined: Nov 2002
As salaamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullaah,

I have some questions regarding calling a disbeliever to islam. Also, a question regarding the attending the wake and/or funeral of a disbeliever whether family or other.

1. If a disbeliever is in a state where he can hear you but only in a state like a dream , where he hears you far away, can you still call him to islam?

2. How will you confirm with someone who can not speak but can just listen , that he or she wants to accept islam?

3. Can a muslim attend a disbelieving family member's wake(viewng of the corpse)and/or funeral when he or she knows there will be both men and women attending?

BarakAllaahu feekum ,

A brother needs a speedy answer insha Allaah. I am also going to send the question to al so that the 'Ulemah may answer it but Allaahu 'Alam it will take about a week or more to get the answered(depending on how many questions are in front of these).

His family is ok with him being muslim but he doesn't know how they will handle the situation if he can not attend the wake and funeral , if Allaah wills this family member dies in his present state(a disbeliever). Also, some naseeha if we(muslims) can't go to the wake or funeral would be appreciated as he does not know how to explain it to his mom, mainly.


السلم عليكم ورحمةالله
زاهر(Zaahir Al Buerto Riki)
سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

This message was edited by zaahir.abd on 9-19-04 @ 11:25 PM

20-09-2004 @ 6:28 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu 'Abdil 'Azeez Waseem ibn Abdirraheem Al Peshimaam (Bangalore,India / Al Qaseem , K.S.A)
Posts: 221
Joined: Nov 2003
Assalaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuhu,

The answer to the Question on Visiting Disbelievers when they die --

assalaamu 'alaykum.

Abu 'Abdullaah Waseem Ahmad ibn 'Abd Al Raheem Alhindee

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