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Topic: my dying grandmother
Damilola Sadiq ibn Owodunni
(Lagos, Nigeria || Eastern Province, KSA)
Posts: 338
Joined: Jul 2007
How's your grandmother akhee? May Allah guide the non-Muslims to Islaam.
Mariam bint vicente
(Bournemouth, United Kingdom)
Posts: 17
Joined: Jul 2008
Assalamu alaikoum wa rahmatullah I have gone through the same experience and I can understand your fustration. May Allaah make it easy for you and guide her to Islaam Aameen. Alhamdulillah she is able to read despite her age,ma shaa Allah. My grand mother was very tired to read during her last days. I bought a MP3 and I recorded lectures about tawheed and basics of Islaam. If you grandmother speaks English, that is great! mashaa Allah. There is many lectures you can download, even recordings of conversions to Islaam in Islaam I also sent her a letter explaining to her how to say La illaaha illaah Allaah before dying, so she could have it in case she wanted to say it. She did say it, but she died upon Christian rituals, Allaahu Allam, I did what I could. I personally find listening to lectures very inspiring. you can pray salatul stikhara before chosing the ones to record in the mp3. May Allaah guide her Aameen
Aboo Haaroon Husayn Ahmad ibn Jamal
(West Palm Beach, FL USA)
Posts: 141
Joined: Jul 2005
Also see: The site was made especially for non-Muslims, you can go through the site and find some beneficial articles to email for your grandmother to read inshaa-Allaah. May Allaah guide your grandmother to Islaam.
ibn Ahmad Maher ibn Ahmad
Posts: 950
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Abu Fatimah al engleezi
(sheffield; United Kingdom)
Posts: 172
Joined: Jun 2009
assalamu alaykum My grandmother is dying from breast cancer and she emailed my father to say she feels death is approaching. She lives in south africa so its not possible for me to visit her however she is still able to check emails so i wanted to invite her to islam and i wanted to know if anyone has links to goos sites that do not involve refutations and are more about what comes after death andsomething to make her feel ccomforted that if she takes shahada at this late stage, inshallah she will get paradise in the next life and so she has nothing to fear from death. I strongly need urgent advice on inviting her to islam and time is running short. And good materials are useful. Jazak allahu khair Assalamu alaykum wa rahmah tullah