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» URGENT HELP! is it permissable to seek professional help rather then spiritual help? or is both ok?
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Posted By Topic: URGENT HELP! is it permissable to seek professional help rather then spiritual help? or is both ok?

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08-05-2009 @ 1:31 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Bint Abu-bakr Abu-bakr (london)
Posts: 6
Joined: Mar 2009
Asalamu alaykum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatu.

I am in desperate need of some help regarding certain psychological issues. I am suffering from few diffrent types of disorders but i am not insane and i function well alhamdulilah, i pray and i remember my deen. The problem is that i have always had issues regarding my behaviour towards my family, siblings parents and is getting to much now and since i started to practise i dont know weather seeking help from a doctor for my condition is permissable in our deen. I am really afraid that i am commiting a major sin by relying on a "human" rather then Allah swt. I have done reading about these illnesses and also on jinn's and i am not quite sure what this is,

Please help me as i am alone in this issue and do not know what else to do. My Gp has referd me to a professional and thinks i suffer from biopolar depression amongst other things. I do not want to be a "experiment" and as much as i am trying to stay "normal" it is getting to hard for me, and i dont know weather to take any of the medication the doctors are advising me to take.

Jazzakallah khayr, inshallah may allah swt bless you in everything that you do.

Asalamu alaykum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatu.

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