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22-04-2009 @ 6:10 PM    Notify Admin about this post
ummmaymoona Hawwa bint Robert (Birmingham)
Posts: 9
Joined: Mar 2009
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Ukthi maybe your question needs to be a bit clearer as you didn't mention whether you were asleep or what kind of discharge it was etc.

If you were asleep then the following fatwa by Sheikh 'Uthaymeen may be relevant ıı ııı ıııı

Ruling concerning a wet dream for a woman

Q Does a woman have a wet dream? And if she has one, is it obligatory to take a bath due to it? And if someone had a wet dream but did not take a bath, what is upon them now?

A. Yes, it is possible for a woman to have a wet dream because the women are like men (i.e. they are like their sisters). So just like a man has a wet dream, a woman also has a wet dream.

If a man or woman has a wet dream but when they wake up, do not find any traces of water, then they do not have to take a bath. But if they see some water, it then becomes obligatory to take a bath. This is based on a Hadith reported by Umm Sulaym ııı ıııı ıııı who said to the messenger of Allah ııı ıııı ıııı ı ııı: "O' Messenger of Allah, does a woman have to take a bath if she has a wet dream?" The Messenger of Allah
ııı ıııı ıııı ı ııı  replied to her: "Yes, if she sees water (after waking up)."

Thus based on this Hadith, if a woman sees water (after waking up), it becomes obligatory to take a bath.

As for a woman who had a wet dream in the past, if she did not see any water (after waking up), then there is nothing upon her now. But if she did see traces of water after waking up, she should then try to estimate how many prayers she prayed without having a bath and then pray them again.

Shaykh Muhammad ibn 'Uthaymeen (Fatawa - Essential Rulings for Every Muslim Woman, compiled and translated by Ibn Maqbool Husain, International Islamic Publishing House

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10-04-2009 @ 4:15 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Oum Salmaan Sawsan bint Yousouf (london)
Posts: 1
Joined: Apr 2009
salam alaikum

If a person imagines herself having intercourse and during this and has discharge coming from her private parts.

Is this like a wet dream?
Does she become junub?
Should she make Ghusl?

Should she make up the prayers? Even if she donıt know how many I have to make up?
What should she do?

What can she do to prevent herself from falling into this again?

Please, brothers and sisters in Islam, help me!

Barakaalahoufiq brothers and sisters

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