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» Shaikh Abu yameen al Mansoori
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Posted By Topic: Shaikh Abu yameen al Mansoori

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24-10-2009 @ 9:01 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Mariam bint vicente (Bournemouth, United Kingdom)
Posts: 17
Joined: Jul 2008
Assalamu ALiakoum wa rahmatullah
Could somebody provide references/condition of Shaikh Abu yameen al Mansoori
from Egypt?

He has been mentioned as part of the mashaikh of Egypt (in this forum and
others)and his telephone is in a list of salafi scholars.

I know that he did a telelink in Masjidul Al Bayyan (NJ) in 2008 and there is
some q&a in with this Shaikh.

However, after asking several  students of knowledge and masjeds, it seems
that nobody knows him.

I appreciate your help
Barakallaahu feekum

13-12-2009 @ 12:23 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified Hassan bin Waheed (Teaneck, NJ, USA)
Posts: 54
Joined: Jun 2008
Abu Anisa Abdul-Hakeem, a board member of Masjid al-Bayaan (, forwarded me this e-mail from Abu Abdis-Salaam
Siddiq Al-Juyaanee ([url=][/url]):

Ash-Shaykh Abul Yameen al-Mansooree -may Allaah preserve him-

*Address*: Damyaat


*The Above is his cell phone number*


And the noble shaykh, the father, Hassan bin Abdul Wahhab al-Banna -may
Allaah preserve him- Said: "and I benefited a lot from Shaykh Rabee',
learned from his books, and I am honored to be one of his students, and of the elite students, in egypt, who were taught by the Shaykh and became
Fuqahaa of Ahl as-Sunnah wal Jamaa'ah, brother Shaykh Mahmood Lutfee 'Aamar - head of damhoor branch of Ansaar Al Sunnah, and Shaykh Aboo al Yameen al Mansooree from Ansaar al Sunnah in demyat, and brother Aboo 'Abd al A'laa Khaled Muhammad Otham, and others, May Allah bless everybody. "

Written by Hassan bin AbdulWahhab al Banna , member of Ansaar al Sunnah al Muhamaddiyeh , former teacher at the Islaamic University in Madeenah al Munawwarah, former member of the Islaamic Awareness at Madeenah, Thursday, 30 Rabee' al Awal 1425H.

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