Topic: Apostasy

Jameela    -- 27-09-2007 @ 10:09 PM
  Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu,

I hope you are all well and benefitting from this blessed month, first of all i'd like to apologise to the admin if i have placed this post in the wrong section but i wasn't sure which category it falls under.

My question is regarding apostasy, if someone apostates from Islam why is the punishment death? i'm sorry i have to ask such a question, i agree with the ruling but i have difficulty explaining the need for it so if anyone knows of the wisdom behind it or can get a reply from a scholar or someone with knowledge, i would really appreciate it if u could reply.

If someone commits a sin for which the punishment is death i.e. adultery and they are executed then they have received their punishment for that sin and will not be punished for it in the hereafter, is apostasy like this or not because after all they will have died the death of a disbeliever?

Jazha Khairan

Imaam Aboo ?Amr ?Abdur-Rahmaan Ibn ?Amr al-Awzaa?ee (d.179H) - ?Stick to the aathaar of those who have preceded (man salaf), even if the people reject you.  And beware of the opinions of men, even if they beautify it for you with speech. So the affair is

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