Topic: Is it a pre-requisite to know the proof while doing enjoining the good & forbidding evil

sajid_chauhan_81    -- 31-10-2009 @ 7:14 PM
  Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhaab al-Aqeel (may Allaah preserve him), a professor at the Islamic University of Madinah was asked by Br. Hasan as-Somali (may Allah preserve him),

When enjoining the good or forbidding the evil is it a prerequisite to know the proof and be able to recall it at that exact moment in time, or is it sufficient to know that this matter is evil or good without recalling the exact proof?

"It is not a prerequisite for the one who is enjoining the good or forbidding the evil to recall the exact evidence for what he is enjoining or what he is forbidding. It is sufficient if he is certain that this affair which he is enjoining is good that the person should perform or that the affair which he is forbidding is evil that the person should abstain from. This is contrary to the teacher and caller as they should both know the issues along with the evidences, so that they can call to Allaah upon knowledge."

source: T.R.O.I.D

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