Topic: Imaam Muqbil ibn Haadee On Co-operation with Al-Maktabah As-Salafiyah

Khalil.Karoosi    -- 16-11-2005 @ 10:15 PM

"From Imam Muqbil bin Haadee al-Waadi'ee

Dated 1st of Rabee ath-Thaanee 1419 after Hijrah

Our Brothers for the sake of Allaah, the Salafees, the brothers at the 'Salafi Bookstore and the Islamic Centre' in the city of Birmingham in Britain are mentioned with righteousness and love for the Sunnah and calling to it and making war against innovations and hizbiyyah (partisanship).

... I hope that our brothers from Ahl us-Sunnah agree to co-operate with them financially and spiritually for they are deserving of that..

Verily, Allaah supports His slave as long as he is in support of his brother. May Allaah protect them, for they are facing the call of Christianity and Atheism and the call to nakedness and unveiling as well as the calls of innovation and hizbiyyah. And they protect their brothers from slipping into corruption, calamity and innovations and other than that from the various types of misguidance. May Allaah grant success for all that He loves and is pleased with.

Abu Abdur-Rahmaan Muqbil ibn Haadee al-Waad'iee from Sa'dah in Yemen"

This message was edited by Khalil.Karoosi on 11-17-05 @ 6:32 PM

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