Topic: Any Salafis in Albany, NY

Abu.Hafs.Bilaal    -- 28-06-2005 @ 5:17 PM
  As Salaamu alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh
Dear brothers...I am trying to connect with the Salafis in Albany, NY to assist me in guiding my nephew and our brother who has recently taken shahadah (June 25th 2005). I have not been able to impart to him many of the things necesary upon him as a new Muslim. He needs to learn more about tauheed, the wudhu, and salat. I am expecting him to return to Boston and the Salafi commnunity here in the near future, but I would not want him to stray away in the abscence of good companionship. Please forward any information about a gathering place for the Salafis in Albany. Also if there is a brother skilled in assisting the new Muslims and has time to undertake this endeavor seeking Allah's Pleasure, please PM me. We can establish some communication and I can fill you in on some personal matters that will aid in guiding aright insha'Allah.

Abu Hafs Bilaal ibn Charles McCloud
Boston, MA

Has not the time yet come for the hearts of those who believe to be affected by Allah's Reminder...

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