Mahmoud.Somali | -- 08-05-2003 @ 9:29 PM |
AbuAbdillaah | -- 10-05-2003 @ 7:15 PM |
Assalaamu Alaikum Akhee As far I know Omar Farooq is against salafees in Somalia, he co-oporates with hizbees, he is a member of Somali secular parliament, Supports Sufis in Somali and praises them, he was sponsered by Al Itihaad (Somali Qutubis) in Sweden for many years, he made a lot of lies agains salafi Shaikhs of Somalia such as Mohamed Mooomin, Hassan Habeeb and Abdullaahi Shaikh Hashi, Sor more information on Omar Farooq please contact Dr Uthman Moallim Mahmood of Madina, Wasalaam
Mahmoud.Somali | -- 10-05-2003 @ 8:31 PM |
Jazakllah Khair brother Abu Abdullah, and as for ths shayk in medina, than I do not have his contact info. It would be nice if you can e-mail his info privatly.. Also do you happen to know if the Sumaali Shayks in Medina have audio tapes out. I have some family members who have the tapes of Omar Farooq, so I need to give them the correct types to listen. JazakAllah Khair
AbuAbdillaah | -- 29-05-2003 @ 4:11 PM |
Assalaamu Alaikum Akhee Mohmoud Somali please check your P.M Wasalaam Abdurazzaaq Jeddah
AbuAbdillaah | -- 29-05-2003 @ 4:11 PM |
Assalaamu Alaikum Akhee Mohmoud Somali please check your P.M Wasalaam Abdurazzaaq Jeddah
AbuAbdillaah | -- 29-05-2003 @ 4:11 PM |
Assalaamu Alaikum Akhee Mohmoud Somali please check your P.M Wasalaam Abdurazzaaq Jeddah
AbuAbdillaah | -- 29-05-2003 @ 4:11 PM |
Assalaamu Alaikum Akhee Mohmoud Somali please check your P.M Wasalaam Abdurazzaaq Jeddah
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