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» Prohibition of Sitting with, Listening to, Reading material of People of Innovation
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30-01-2009 @ 12:14 AM    Notify Admin about this post
ibn Ahmad Maher ibn Ahmad (U.S.A.)
Posts: 950
Joined: Nov 2006
Bismillaah Al-Hamdulillaah wa salatu wa salaamu 'ala rasulullaah
Amma ba'd

Prohibition of Sitting with, Listening to, Reading material of People of Innovation    

Ya ikhwan wa khawat, with the scholars' latest refutation of 'Alee al-Halabee (al-Miskeen), it bears reminding each other to avoid listening to, sitting with, or reading the material of the people of innovation. If Falih Al-Harbee, Ibn Jibreen, Fawzee al-Bahraini (formerly "al-Atharee") and 'Alee al-Halabee can stray, then what about us? They had way, way more knowledge than we do. [Of course, there are more examples from the past, but these are examples just in the last decade; some of us knew these men when they were correct. SubhanAllaah!]

May Allaah protect us. Ameen.

The scholars have reminded us not to risk what Allaah has gifted us. Allaah commanded: And when you (Muhammad) see those who engage in a false conversation about Our Verses (of the Qur'an) by mocking at them, stay away from them till they turn to another topic. And if Shaitan (Satan) causes you to forget, then after the remembrance sit not you in the company of those people who are the Dhaalimoon (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.). (Al-An'aam, ayah 68)

And it has already been revealed to you in the Book (this Qur'an) that when you hear the Verses of Allaah being denied and mocked at, then sit not with them, until they engage in a talk other than that; (but if you stayed with them) certainly in that case you would be like them. Surely, Allaah will collect the hypocrites and disbelievers all together in Hell (An-Nisa, ayah 140)

From a manhaj class last year, we learned that Imam At-Tabari (rahimahullaah) said these above ayat refer to people engaged in their batil (falsehood), whether it be shirk, bid'ah or sin.

Also, Yahyaa bin Sa'eed al-Qattaan said:  

When Sufyaan ath-Thawree came to Basrah he began to look into the affair of ar-Rabee' bin Subaih and the people's estimation of him. He asked them, 'What is his madhhab?,' and they said, 'His madhhab is but the Sunnah.' He then asked, 'Who is his companionship?' And they replied, 'The people of Qadr.' So he replied, 'In that case he is a Qadari.' [Al-Ibaanah (2/453)]  

Ibn Battah (after quoting this) said:
Allaah's mercy be upon Sufyaan ath-Thawree. He has indeed spoken with wisdom and he spoke the truth. He spoke with knowledge that is in agreement with the Book and the Sunnah and what is necessitated by wisdom and what the people of sure insight know.

Allaah the Exalted said: O you who believe! Take not as (your) Bitaanah (advisors, consultants, protectors, helpers, friends, etc.) those other than you (outside your religion or upon other than the right way) since they will not fail to do their best to corrupt you. They desire to harm you severely." (Aali Imraan, ayah 118).

And beware of their tricks. From the same manhaj class, we learned that Mufaddal ibn Mahallal (rahimahullaah) warned: "If the companion of the bid'ah were to speak to you about his bid'ah at the beginning of sitting with him, then you would have kept away from him and left. But he will speak to you at the beginning with the Sunnah, then he will put in you his bid'ah and your heart accepts it, so when will it leave your heart?" [Kitab ut-Tafsir, no. 3004]

Ahmad ibn Hanbal (rahimahullaah) said: "So safety - if Allaah has willed - is in abandoning sitting with them to discuss their innovation and misguidance." [Related by Ibn Battah in Al-Ibaanah]

Ibn Battah said:
"So fear Allaah, O Muslims! The good opinion you have of yourself and the knowledge you have that you are on the correct way, should not lead you to risk your Deen by sitting down with some of these people of desires, thinking, 'I will intrude upon them in order to debate with them or to expose their ideas.' However, they are more severe form of Fitnah than the dajjal, and their speech clings to a person more strongly than a severe itch, and can burn the hearts more than a blazing flame can.  And I have seen a group of people who used to curse and revile the People of Desires. Then they went and sat with them in order to contest with them and refute them. Then the cheerful, open attitude, the hidden deception and the subtle disbelief continued until they became inclined towards them."
[Al-Ibaanah (2/470)]  

Also comes this narration. Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn al-Qaasim related to us, saying: Ahmad ibn al-Hasan narrated to us saying: Sulaymaan ibn al-Ash'ath narrated to us, saying: 'Abdullaah ibn Chubbi al-Anteeq narrated to us, saying: Yaws ibn Asbaat narrated to us, saying: I heard Muhammad ibn an-Nadr al-Haarithee say: Whoever listens to a person of innovation - and knows that he is a person of innovation - then protection is taken away from him, and he is left to himself. [al-Imaam al-Haafiz Abul-Qaasim Habatullaah ibn al-Hasan ibn Mansoor at-Tabaree al-Laalikaa' ee (d.418 A.H.) reports in his "Sharh Usool I'tiqaad Ahlis-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah" - Volume 1 Pages 135-136 No. 252]

So we should NOT sit with those who oppose or belittle or mock tawheed, or those who oppose and supress the Sunnah, or those who enjoin the evil and forbid the good, or those who say "Allaah [in His Self] is everywhere" or those who allow making du'aa to the Prophet or 'Ali or a Waly, or those who encourage to speak ill/rebel against the rulers, or worship graves, or say the "Qur'an is created" or the "Qur'an is incomplete", or those who reply to evidence from the Qur'an and Sunnah (upon the correct understanding) with doubts and statements such as "yeah, but" or "my opinion is", etc... [we seek refuge in Allaah from these destructive statements and beliefs].  

Allaah said:
And (all) the Most Beautiful Names belong to Allaah, so call on Him by them, and leave the company of those who belie or deny (or utter impious speech against) His Names. They will be requited for what they used to do.
(Al-A'raf, ayah 180)

The Prohibition of Sitting with People of Bid'ah, Desires, Who Deny Allaah's Ayat  

[url=]Indeed This Knowledge Is Deen, So Look To The One You Take Your Deen From [/url]  

[url=]Judging a Person By His Friends and Companionship[/url]

[url=]Sitting with the People of Innovation[/url]    

[url=]Is it correct for a Salafy Daa'ee to mix with the[/url] by Shaikh Shaikh Rabee' Bin Haadee Al Madkhalee

[url=]Advice to the One Who Sits With the People of Desires[/url] by Shaykh Rabee' Bin Haadee Al Madkhalee

[url=]Can We Sit With the Common Folk from the People of Innovation[/url] by Shaikh Abu 'Amr Al Haajooree
[url=]What is the bid'ah that takes a person outside the Circle of Ahlus-Sunnah?[/url] by Shaikh Rabee' bin Haadee al-Madkhalee
[url=]Hijrah from innovators and evildoers[/url] by Ibn Taymiyyah  

[url=]Taking the Good and Leaving the Bad[/url]

[url=]What Shaikh Muhammad ibn Hadee al-Madkhalee said concerning those who leave Salafiyah, selling their religion for imagined harm[/url]

[url=]An Advice on Keeping Company with the People of Hizbiyyah and Waging War Against the Salafis[/url]

Shaykh Zayd al-Madkhalee was recently asked: Ya shaykh how do we deal with those who left Hizbiyyah recently, and currently attach themselves to Salafiyyah, specifically those who have something of knowledge, shall we put him forward to teach the people immediately?  The shaykh replied,
akkeedoo (confirm), establish what he is upon of the correct 'aqeedah and the correct manhaj.

Subhanak Allaahuma wa bihamdika ash-hadu anlaa illaaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk  

If I said anything correct, then it is from Allaah (subhanahu wa taa'ala), and if I erred, then that is from me and shaytan.

31-01-2010 @ 10:37 PM    Notify Admin about this post
ibn Ahmad Maher ibn Ahmad (U.S.A.)
Posts: 950
Joined: Nov 2006
Bismillaah Al-Hamdulillaah wa salatu wa salaamu 'ala rasulullaah

Amma ba'd

If Scholars can be affected, then what about us?  

While reading from the work of Shaikh Muhammad Bazmool (hafidhahullaah), student of knowledge Moosaa Richardson came across an important benefit regarding the books of the people of innovation. On the heels of mentioning the Mu'tazila and their deviant beliefs, Shaikh Bazmool warned against a dangerously influential, widely-circulated book of tafseer called al-Kashaaf by Zamakhsharee - an adherent to the Mu'tazili 'aqidah. Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullaah) used to warn against this book, telling people to stay away from this deviant book.  

Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullaah) said:
Some of these authors of these tafseers from the Mu'tazila - from whose 'aqidah is to put the 'aql (intellect) above the naql (the text from the Qur`an and Sunnah) - they take their intellect as a source greater than the source of the Deen (the text of the Deen; revelation from Allaah). This tafseer of Mu'tazila called al-Kashaaf is powerful in its expressions, strong in language, but at the same time he [Zamakhsharee] has taken great care to put innovations between the lines, or in the words. So much so that he has spread falsehood to people who did not intend to take any falsehood from him, as much as Allaah ('aaza wa jall) willed.

Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullaah) added:
I've seen in the writings of scholars - scholars in general and scholars of tafseer and other than them [Ibn Taymiyyah is referring to scholars here!] -  who have been affected by the words of Zamakhsharee in his tafseer and have unintentionally ended up agreeing to a principle of falsehood while in general being against that kind of principle, and being someone who would never take that kind of a principle as a form of guidance. But not being aware of every little [deviant] thing that Zumakhsaree put in his tafseer, they put their guard down and some innovation crept into their statements because of that.

That's very important because of the many people today who say, there is no harm in reading the books of the people of innovation so long as you stay away from the bad.

Now think about what Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullaah) said here about scholars of tafseer, and the books that are in our library are a witness to this. Books that are from Ahlus-Sunnah [of tafseer] that have been affected by the likes of Zamakhsharee. They convey the words of Zamakhsharee that have hidden meanings in them and support for falsehood without even knowing it. We are witnesses to the truthfulness of Shaykhul-Islaam's clarification here.

The author Shaikh Muhammad Bazmool says here in a footnote,
Allaahu akbar! [Ibn Taymiyyah's] talking about the 'ulemma and the scholars of tafseer. And [they] convey or quote words of falsehood, not knowing that the words were words of falsehood. Then what about students of knowledge, beginners, and being easy and letting their guards down with the likes of these kinds of books? He said, "I saw scholars and 'ulemma of tafseer and other than them quoting [falsehood] from these books without knowing. So how is it that a scholar who knows about i'tizaal, knows about the bid'ah of Zamakhsharee, would go read his book and then quote words that would support the very foundation of i'tizaal without knowing it?

Inna minal bayaani la sihraa (There are some kinds of speech that are magic)
, because of a powerful expression, because of a precise explanation of an issue. The person says that's a great explanation, something profound; I want to put that quote into my book. So then what about the people who don't reach the level of the 'ulemma, people like ourselves, people who try to study and try to learn, but they are nowhere near the rank of the 'ulemma?

Source: Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah on Reading the Books of the Innovators

Subhanak Allaahuma wa bihamdika ash-hadu anlaa illaaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk  

If I said anything correct, then it is from Allaah (subhanahu wa taa'ala), and if I erred, then that is from me and shaytan.

22-09-2010 @ 9:45 AM    Notify Admin about this post
ibn Ahmad Maher ibn Ahmad (U.S.A.)
Posts: 950
Joined: Nov 2006
Bismillaah Al-Hamdulillaah wa salatu wa salaamu 'ala rasulullaah
Amma ba'd

Shaikh Saalih al-Fawzaan (hafidhahullaah) - in his sharh of Lum'at il I'tiqaad -  quoted the following statement of Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al 'Uthaymeen (rahimahullaah) from the latter's sharh (explanation) of the same work:  

So from abandoning the people of innovations is: abandoning looking into their books, fearing (that he will be put to) trial by them or circulating them (the books) amongst the people.

So staying far from the places of misguidance is obligatory, as per his - salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam - saying about the Dajjaal:

Whoever hears of him, then let him stay far away from him, for by Allaah a man will surely go to him thinking that himself to be a believer but will then follow those false doubts with which he (the Dajjaal) was sent. [Hadeeth reported by Aboo Daawud (4319). And al-Albaanee said: Its chain of narration is saheeh (authentic).]

However if the intent behind looking into their books is to gain knowledge of their innovations in order to refute them, then there is no problem with this - for the person who has that from the correct 'aqeedah which will protect him and who has the ability to refute them. Rather it may be something obligatory because refuting the innovation is obligatory. And that which is necessary for the completion of an obligatory matter is itself obligatory. (Ta'leeq mukhtasar 'alaa kitaab Lum'at il I'tiqaad p.85 to 86)

Explaining the last part of Shaikh al-'Uthaimeen's statement, Shaikh Saalih al-Fawzaan said:

As for the person who is mutamakkin (proficient) and well grounded in knowledge, then he may examine the books of the innovators in order to refute them and to warn the people against what is in these books.

Subhanak Allaahuma wa bihamdika ash-hadu anlaa illaaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk  

If I said anything correct, then it is from Allaah (subhanahu wa taa'ala), and if I erred, then that is from me and shaytan.

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