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» An Intellectual Argument for Those Who do not Think Manhaj Issuea are Important for New Muslims
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Posted By Topic: An Intellectual Argument for Those Who do not Think Manhaj Issuea are Important for New Muslims

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03-05-2003 @ 4:58 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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As-Salaamu 'alaykum

A brother took time to advise a new Muslim about the dangers of some of the people of bid'ah.  Another brother said, "Akhee, this brother has only been a new Muslim for three months.  He needs to learn tawheed, not refutations!"

Shaykh Muhammad Baazmool recently had a telelink with the Salafees in the US.  In it, he stresses the importance of knowing these kinds of affairs for the new Muslims!

Also, I would like to add an intellectual argument for those who may benefit:

We teach our children about the dangers of the electrical sockets on the walls in the house before they can read or write.  We do this to protect them so they are not harmed.  This is a dunyaa thing.

So shouldn't we warn the "babies" in Islaam (the new Muslims), those who do not know how to get around yet, about the dangers that are out there, those that they will likely encounter so they can be aware of their danger?!  

Based on this principle, we have to wait until our children are 5 or 6 years old and understand their aqeedah before we teach them about the danger of the electric sockets!  That's if they live to that age!

Isn't our Deen more important than our dunyaa!?!?

Moosaa Richardson

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04-05-2003 @ 12:19 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Salaam alaikum,
   Barakallahu feeka Yaa Abaal-Abbaas!
This is very beneficial, as we hear all the time, people saying this very thing, that knowing who is salafi and who isn't is not important for the new muslims. subhaanaallah!!
   Is not knowing what is harmful and what is dangerous to us important for the new muslim and for the more experienced? for the old and for the young? for knowledgeable and for the ignorant? but of course it is, it is very important.
   Barakaallahu feeka yaa Abaal-Abbaas! Was the response of the shaykh recorded? if it was maybe someone can post a link to it,inorder that we can all benefit from it.
   Jazakumullahu khairaan
Abu Ibrahim Isaa Al-Meksiki

04-05-2003 @ 9:46 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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as-Salaam 'alaykum wa rahmatullaah,

jazaak Allaahu gayran brother for clearing up this misconception. I see many people saying things like this because they don't like to talk about refutations. They don't want the beginning muslim to be aware of certain issues. That's very bad because they will fall into it sooner or later. You have to know what is bad for you to be prepared for it and not to fall into it.

was-salaam `alaykum,

Iesaa aboo Yoosuf al-Ooroobi

This message was edited by abu.yusuf.iesaa on 5-4-03 @ 9:57 PM

04-05-2003 @ 11:21 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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wa 'alaykumus-salaamu wa rahmatullaah

the tape was recorded I believe, ask the brothers in Philly...

also: I was a new Muslim of only about a few months when a man from the followers of Waarith Ad-Deen Muhammad was giving me his pitch about WDM.  Since no one warned me, I sat there and listened and gained a lot of respect for the "imaam"!  He asked me in that sitting if I would ever drink camel urine.  I said of course not.  He said, "Well, there is a hadeeth in Saheeh Al-Bukhaaree that says we should do that!  This is clear proof that we can not take all hadeeths!"  I was in total agreement since I was ignorant.  Allaah favored me to have people around me to later correct this.  As a new Muslim, I would have much rather preferred that someone just tell me that the guy was on bid'ah from the start!  Don't people see the danger in leaving new Muslims open to the calls of misguidance!?!?

Moosaa Richardson

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05-05-2003 @ 3:41 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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salaam alaykoem wa rahmatoellaahi wa barakaatoehoe,

also I want to add that the prophet (sal Allaahu ²alayhi wa sellem) said "Addienoe Nassihah, addienoe nassihah, addienoe nassiha" and "someone is a real believer when he wishes for his brother that what he wishes for himself"

So if I see a brother making a mistake then I advise him just like when you see someone shaving his beard all the time, you give him the nassiha. So in this case, it is much worse, because it is about AL-BID²AH !!! So just like you give the proof about shaving the beard is not permissable, you also give the proof about it is not permissable to follow this person of al-bid²ah. It is totally true that someone needs tauwheed, because in fact everyone needs tauwheed, but you cannot use this as an excuse. Not saying something about a mistake is the method of the ichwaanul muslimoon.

Aboe Dawoed es-Sadjestaanie said: ?I said to Aboe ?Abdillaah Ahmed bin Hanbal: when I see a person of Ahloes-Soennah sitting with a person of Ahloel-Bid?ah, do I have to leave it like that? He said: ?No, you have to tell him that the person who he hangs out with is a person of bid²ah. When he mleaves the accompignon him, speak then (normally) with him, but when he doesn²t do that, then know that he is one of them like Ibn Mas?oed (radie Allaahoe `anhoe) said: ?You recognize a person by way of his friends!? [Authentic, Ibn Abie J?alaa in Tabaqaat el-Hanaabilah 1/160.]

was-salaam `alaykum,

Iesaa aboo Yoosuf al-Ooroobi

05-05-2003 @ 5:18 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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another point, is this person who says teach him Tawheed and leave of refutation and warning then does he understand tawheed himself such that he should order others to teach it? And what is Tawheed with him. It is like Tawheed is just a science you must learn and memorise and thats it. They dont understand that is something that must be implemented, acted upon and lived by. You are a not a muwahhid because you can pass an exam on Tawheed and become a doctor or have a Phd, no matter how much the lovers of Al hawali and Al Awdah may protest. Tawheed is not mere factual recall or awareness. So from the things which must be implemented and which is undeniably linked to the Aqeedah and rather it is from the affairs of Aqeedah is Walaa and Baraa. So for example this man who has a doctorate in tawheed but he is friends with the depraved Dr Saeed Ramadhaan al Buti al Quboori, or he praises Khomeini the mulhid kaafir, or he calls for loving the despicable and  filthy disbeleiving rawafidhaa or he is one who suggests that we must unite with all the groups and parties and that is despite their waging a war against Tawheed and their waging a war againts the footsoldiers of Tawheed and the foot soldiers of Tawheed are the Salafees the only ones who call to it and implement it in  truth. What Tawheed is it that he has with him? And will it save him from the punishment and enter him into paradise?

So from the plots of the unpaid wrokers of shaitaan (naam ahul bidaa3 work for Shaitaan and he doesnt even pay them and he cannot reward them) is their attempt to try and destroy the Walaa and Baraa of the Mumineen. Since when the Walaa and Baraa is destroyed then the Tawheed of a man comes crumbling down with it.

For how can you be a muwahhid and you are best friends with a brailwee, or a tablighee soofee, or anfrocentrist dishonourable dajjal and you laugh with him while he tells stories, and he lies upon Allah and lies upon the messenger of Allah, and he sacrifices to other then Allah. What Tawheed is this. What Tawheed is the Tawheed thats lets you read a some blackened pages like Tablighee Nisaab, or fidhilaalil fikree al khabeetha of Sayyid Qutb and then when you finish you say Mashallah its a good book!!!!!!!!wallahu mustaan wallahumustaan!

So when we teach the New Muwahhideen inshallah Tawheed isnt it fitting that we teach them it comprehensively and properly rather? And are we so inflexible so as to be unable of teaching a person the details of Tawheed whilst informing him of how he can safeguard it? Is it really so difficult. Or do we want to invite people away from one form of shirk and kufr only to allow them through carelessness and neglect to fall into another.

And indeed ahul bidah did try to break down and destroy the importance of refuting the opposers, so that they may break that which the correct legislated alliance and enmity rests upon but they failed and may they continueto fail. For the ulema walillahil hamd saw them in their hiding places, and took their doubts to pieces when they raised their ugly heads. So may Allah preserve them and us upon this Path of right gudiance. This path of keeping the new muslims and all the muslims away from those who seek their destruction, and if that is not mercy then I do not know what mercy is.

and Allah knows best.

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