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» Shaykh Abdul Qaadir al-Jeelaanee On Who Is Walee Of Allaah
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23-03-2007 @ 11:31 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Abd Ar Rahman Abd Al Adheem Ibn Faheem ibn Zia ibn Ma'een (KSA/ Bangalore, India)
Posts: 305
Joined: Nov 2002

                             بسم الله
                             الحمد لله
                          والصلاة والسلام  
                           على رسول الله    
                             أما بعد

وذكر الشيخ أبو زكريا يحيى بن يوسف الصرصري، الشاعر المشهور، عن شيخه العارف علي بن إدريس: أنه سأل الشيخ عبد القادر، فقال: يا سيدي، هل كان للّه ولي على غير اعتقاد أحمد بن حنبل. فقال: ما كان، ولا يكون.

[ Source: Thabqaatul Hanaabilah Of  Ibn Rajab Volume 1 Page 231]

And it was mentioned by Shaykh Abu Zakariyyah Yahya Bin Yousuf as-Sarsaree, the famous Shaa?ir, on the authority of his Shaykh al-Aarif Alee bin Idrees: that he questioned Shaykh Abd al-Qaadir (al-Jeelaanee) rahimahullaah and said:

O esteemed Shaykh! Has there been any Walee(friend) of Allaah amongst those who hold an aqeedah other than that of Ahmad Ibn Hanbal rahimahullah?

He replied: There has not been (in the past) nor will there be (in the future).

So it should be said to those who claim to follow Shaykh Abd al-Qaadir al-Jeelaanee rahimahullah to seek and find out what the Aqeedah of Imam Ahmed Ibn Hanbal was?

The english speaking Muslims can buy the following book that outlines what the aqeedah of this great Imam was..barakAllaah feekum

Foundations Of Sunnah - Imam Ahmed Ibn Hanbal

Our da?wah and our ?aqeedah is more beloved to us than our own selves, our wealth and our offspring.  So we are not prepared to part with it for gold, nor silver.  We say this so that no one may have hope in buying out our da?wah, nor should he think that  it is possible for him to purchase it from us for deenaar or dirham. Since the politicians already know this about us, so they have despaired of buying it from us with granted positions or wealth..Shaikh, the Allamah, Muqbil ibn Hadee Al Waa'di'ee (Rahimahullah).

18-08-2007 @ 3:18 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Abd Ar Rahman Abd Al Adheem Ibn Faheem ibn Zia ibn Ma'een (KSA/ Bangalore, India)
Posts: 305
Joined: Nov 2002

                             بسم الله  
                             الحمد لله
                          والصلاة والسلام  
                           على رسول الله    
                             أما بعد

Aqeedah Of Deoband - Built Upon Concocted Lies!!!

After mentioning who the Walee Of Allaah is according to Shaykh Abd al-Qaadir rahimahullaah one should beware of those who concoct lies upon the Shaykh and have deviated far away from his path.

Ashraf Alee Thanvee says in his book Malfoozaath Volume 3

# Malfooz Number 41- Para 2

....The third affair of strangeness is that a desciple (mureed)  of Hadhrath Ghaws-al-Aadham ( referring to Shaykh Abd al Qaadir Jeelaanee rahimahullah which means Very Great Helper - This is why they invoke him in the times of need not just at his grave but anywhere, everywhere! Other Awliyaa and Saaliheen and Ambiyaa are considered just helpers but he is considered the greatest aider in the times of distress) narrated a strange incident which is quite astonishing which most probably I have come across in some book of Shaykh Abd-al-Haq Muhaddith Dehlavi.

That once Hadhrath Ghaws-al-Aadham rahimahullah woke up in accordance with his mundane schedule for Salaah at-Thahajjud and stepped out of his monasterial hermitage (Khaankhaah) and this khaadim (desciple) aswell got together with him. After walking for a while they reached a town and soon afterwards entered a house in which there was a congregation and those people stood up after seeing him and he (the Shaykh rahimahullah) seated himself in a position while the desciple also seated himself in a corner.

From a nearby chamber there could be heard a patient's groaning voice and after sometime this voice disappeared and four people exited (the chamber) with a janaazah and accompanied with them was an old person and this janaazah was placed in front of Hazrath (Shaykh Abd al-Qaadir) and he offered janaazah prayer soon after that congregation took the janaazah and left. The Shaykh got back to his previous position.

When the congregation had left, soon after a person who was a Christian appeared. Hadhrath pulled out the cross hanging on his neck and broke its chain and made him recite the Kalimah and then addressed the congregation that he (this new muslim) is (now) such and such headed back to his hermitage.

After reaching his place he became busy in Salaah at-Thahajjud. After the night passed, this mureed (desciple) questioned Hadhrath as to what the issue was concerning the incident the previous night. Hadhrath said,  that the maqaam to which we had been was a town named Mawsil and that congregation was the jamaah of Abdaal ( A soofee terminology; their belief is that all the affairs of this universe are governed by Abdaal who are human beings and whenever one of them dies, there is a replacement and their number remains fixed) and that ailing person was one of them and they communicated to me spiritually (baathinee - soofees believe their saints have super natural ways to communicate that are far above general human abilities)  that he shall be dying very soon and they requested him to be replaced. This is why I had been there and when he died then I requested Allaah to appoint someone in his place. Then there was an Order from Allaah that in Rome, a Christian  is immersed in worshipping the cross, so he should be appointed as a replacement for the dead person.

Then I asked (Allaah) as to how should his appearance here be requested? He then appeared in a strange abnormal miraculous way and immediately he was converted to a Muslim and placed on the position of abdaal and the message was conveyed that no one should be proud of one's class/elegance and everything is restricted to My (Allaah's) Fadhl.

  وذالك فضل الله يؤتيه من يشاء

Check The Following

Calling Shaykh Abd al-Qaadir Ghawth al-A'dham - A Kalima Of Shirk!!!

[url=]Mushrikeen Believed Allaah Controls All Affairs Deobandees Believe Abdaal & Qutub Control All Affairs!!![/url]

[url=]Mushrikeen Of Our Times Are Worse Than Mushrikeen Of Makkah!!![/url]

18-08-2007 @ 11:09 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Abd Ar Rahman Abd Al Adheem Ibn Faheem ibn Zia ibn Ma'een (KSA/ Bangalore, India)
Posts: 305
Joined: Nov 2002

                             بسم الله
                             الحمد لله
                          والصلاة والسلام  
                           على رسول الله    
                             أما بعد

Ghawth-al-A'dham's Laundryman - How He Escaped From Punishment Of Grave!

Ashraf Alee Thanvi says:

When the laundry man of Shaykh Abdul Qaadir Jilaani rahimahullaah [1078-1166] died and was buried: following dialogue took place with the Malaa'ikah [Angels]:

Munker & Nakiir: Who is Your Lord & what is Your Religion?

Laundryman: Sir, I am the laundryman of a great Shaykh!

Upon hearing this simple reply, both Malaa'ikah laughed and, spared laundryman from tribulations of the Grave.

[Taken from Ashraf's Orchard, Page 25, prepared and published by Muhammad Aslam Patel, Praised by Shaykh Mufti Rafee Uthmaanee, Grand Mufti Of Pakistan - Masha Allaah! Excellent Piece Of Work! Masha Allaah!]

19-08-2007 @ 9:08 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Abd Ar Rahman Abd Al Adheem Ibn Faheem ibn Zia ibn Ma'een (KSA/ Bangalore, India)
Posts: 305
Joined: Nov 2002

                             بسم الله
                             الحمد لله
                          والصلاة والسلام  
                           على رسول الله    
                             أما بعد

Soofee Lies Upon Raabia During Her Lifetime! So How Much More After Her Death?

وبإسناد عن محمد بن عبد الله القرشي قال حدثني محمد بن يحيى بن عمرو قال حدثتني زلفي قالت قلت لرابعة العدوية يا عمة لم لا تأذنين للناس يدخلون
عليك قالت وما أرجوا من الناس إن أتوني حكوا عني ما لم أفعل  

And upon the authority of Muhammad Ibn Abd Allaah al-Qurashee who said: Muhammad Ibn Yahyaa narrated to me who said Zulfee narrated to me, she said: I said to Raabi'aa al-Adaweeya, O my aunt why do you not permit the people to enter upon you? She said: And what hopes do I have from these people? These are the very same people who after visiting me concoct and narrate things concerning me that which I do not do.

قال القرشي وزادني غير أبي حاتم أنها قالت يبلغني أنهم يقولون إني أجد الدراهم تحت مصلاي ويطبخ لي القدر بغير نار ولو رأيت مثل هذا فزعت منه
قالت فقلت لها إن الناس يكثرون فيك القول يقولون إن رابعة تصيب في منزلها الطعام والشراب فهل تجدين شيئا فيه قالت يا ابنة أخي لو وجدت في
منزلي شيئا ما مسسته ولا وضعت يدي عليه

al-Qurayshee said: It has reached me from other than Abee Haathim that she said, I hear that they say (concerning me) that I find dirhams underneath my prayer mat (musalla), and my vessels cook (food) without fire and if I see any such things in my home it would have made me dreadful & frightening.

She(Zulfee) said: I said Verily! people say many things concerning you and from their statements is that Raabia gets (miraculously) her food and drink in her home! Do you really find it in your home? She responded: O daughter of my brother! Even if I found anything in my dwelling neither would I touch it nor would I place my hand over it.

قال القرشي وحدثني محمد بن إدريس قال قال محمد بن عمرو
وحدثتني زلفى عن رابعة إنها أصبحت يوما صائمة في يوم بارد قالت فنازعتني نفسي إلى شيء من الطعام السخن أفطر عليه وكان عندي شحم فقلت لو
كان عندي بصل أو كراث عالجته فإذا عصفور قد جاء فسقط على المثقب في منقاره بصلة فلما رأيته أضربت عما أردت وخفت أن يكون من الشيطان

Al-Qurashee said, Muhammad Ibn Idrees narrated to me who said: Muhammad Ibn Umar said that Zulfee narrated to me that Raabiya once kept her fast during a cold season and she said, I desired to eat something warm when I would break my fast and I had some fat with me so I said if I had onion I would mix it when a bird came holding an onion in its beek and as I saw it I felt horrified from what I had desired and feared that perhaps it is from Shaythaan.

[Ibn al-Jawzee In Talbees Iblees Page 127]

19-08-2007 @ 4:37 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Abd Ar Rahman Abd Al Adheem Ibn Faheem ibn Zia ibn Ma'een (KSA/ Bangalore, India)
Posts: 305
Joined: Nov 2002

                             بسم الله
                             الحمد لله
                          والصلاة والسلام  
                           على رسول الله    
                             أما بعد

Raabia Banned People From Visiting Her Home - Deobandee Maulvees Gatecrash Into Her Grave!!! - Amazing Soofee Manners!!!

When the famous Lady Saint of Iraq, Raabi'ah Basria rahmathullaahi alayh passed away and was buried, the Malaa'ikah [Angels] Munkar & Nakir arrived to question her. The following amazing conversation took place....

Malaa'ikah: "Who is Your Lord, what is your Religion?"

Lady Raabi'ah: "I shall, Insha Allah, answer your questions later. First, you answer my questions please. Where have you come from?"

Malaa'ikah: "From the Heavens".

Lady Raabi'ah: "What is the distance between Heaven and earth?"

Malaa'ikah: " A journey of 500 years".

Lady Raabi'ah: "Have you not forgotten Allah Ta'ala having travelled such vast distance?"

Malaa'ikah: "No we have  not forgotten Allah Ta'ala".

Lady Raabi'ah: "When after having sojourned such a long distance you claim not to have forgotten Allah Ta'ala, why...are you seriously contemplating that Raabi'ah would forget her Allah Ta'ala after being lowered just 6 feet below the earth...especially when I had not forgotten him even for a second whilst on earth?

And, another point, why are you asking me 'Who is your Rabb?' Why do you not go and ask my beloved Rabb...'Who is Raabi'ah?' He will reply:
'She is one of Our beloved servants!"

This reply left the Malaa'ikah completely amazed and speechless. Which

Malaai'kah? Munkar and Nakir!

These Malaai'kah have been described in the Hadeeth as being so huge; that the distance from one shoulder to other of theirs is a journey of several days; whose eyes glitter like lightning and; whose voice is loud as thunder; whose mouths emit scorching flames and; to whom tenderness is unknown.

Each carries such a huge and heavy hammer that if all men and jinn were to attempt to lift it, they would not succeed...

End of Ashraf Alee's words as translated by Muhammad Aslam Patel, Page 22, Ashraf's Orchard.

16-02-2008 @ 6:36 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Abd Ar Rahman Abd Al Adheem Ibn Faheem ibn Zia ibn Ma'een (KSA/ Bangalore, India)
Posts: 305
Joined: Nov 2002

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Imam Of Deobandees Is Mansoor al-Hallaaj

In response to a maulvee's question (who asked Ashraf Alee): Honourable (Shaykh), did it not strike Ghulaam Ahmed Qaadiyaanee as to how he could face Allaah, while he claimed Prophethood, and that he would have a grevious end  then Ashraf Alee responded:
You have such level of astonishment at this claim (of Prophethood), whilst there are people who have made claims of Lordship (i.e. claiming to be Allaah).

But neverthless, no one should conceive about Hussain bin Mansoor (al Hallaaj) that (in his statement) Anal Haqq he has claimed Lordship (i.e. he has claimed to be Allaah himself); because he was in a state (soofee state), and otherwise he was also a believer in abdiyyath ( being a slave of Allaah) and therefore he used to perform Salaah. When someone questioned him, that if you are Allaah yourself (as you claim) then why do you perform the Salaah? He answered: I have two positions, one of them is dhaahir (outward position or state), and the other is baathin (inward position or state); my dhaahir makes sajdah (prostrates) to the baathin..

[Taken from Mafoozaath of Ashraf Alee Volume 1, Malfooz #37]

Attached FileMansoorHallaj.JPG (71 Kbytes)

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