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» Brief Notes on the Explanation of al-Aqidah al-Tahaawiyyah
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14-03-2011 @ 12:35 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Zayd Abu Ubayd (Peqin,Albania)
Posts: 795
Joined: Oct 2008
Brief Notes on the Explanation of al-Aqidah al-Tahaawiyyah: Part 1 - Introduction

These are brief notes on this classical text and are based around the explanations of Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzan and Shaykh Saalih Aal al-Shaykh. They should serve as a useful study guide, and we will be adding additional points of benefit where appropriate. These articles may undergo further updates, inshaa'Allaah, to include more and more points of explanation (as time allows) to provide a much better resource for the study of this text.

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