I think akhi you are asking about salat al tasabih . This salat had ikhtilaf between ahul al ilm from the past and the present some saying it is innovation like the four imams and ibn taymiya and ibn alqatim rahimahum allah and from the present like shaykh al fawzan ibn baz ibn uthaymeen but the shaykh al albani graded the hadith as hassan in sahih al taghrib wa tarhib , AND SHAIEK AHAMD SHAKER , AND SHEIK MUBARAKFURI . I will say to you brother like what shaykh saleh alfawzan ahfidahu allah said when he was asked about this salat : he said the the person that asked since you want to do good stick what is known from the sunnah like the rawateb , tahajud , and the duha . Walahu a3lam and for further information look at what lajana had said may allah preserve and have mercy upon the shaiks of the lajna .
The Standing Committee was asked about Salaat al-Tasaabeeh, and they answered:
Salaat al-Tasaabeeh is a bidżah (innovation) and the hadeeth concerning it is not proven, rather it is munkar. Some of the scholars mentioned it among the mawdooż (fabricated) ahaadeeth.