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Topic: Mixed Universities and Schools
Umm Musa bint Muhammad
(New York)
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Asalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh, I've read many fatawaa regarding mixed environments, and all said that they are Haraam. I had a specific question and this involves the parents. If parents are forcing their children to attend the likes of graduate schools, especially medical school, in a country like the US, where there is so much fitnah and mixing of the sexes, what should the children do in this situation? The answer it clear, that we must disobey our parents in this regard, however, can someone bring clear statements from the ulama regarding this just to be sure? Also, would there be a difference between a girl or a boy in this situation, keeping in mind that a man must earn a living to provide for his future family whereas a woman doesn't. So if a man has no choice in a country such as the US but to study in mixed schools, then wouldn't that be permissible? Whereas for a woman, it's the opposite?
Ibn_Umar Abbaas ibn Umar
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Assalaamu 'alaykum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh I have an audio file of a Fatwa by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Haadee hafidhahullaah declaring the impermissibility of freemixing and he elaborates on the issue, saying that hijrah and assisting the muslims is not sufficient for an individual to enter into freemixing. It is in arabic, not translated. Wallaahu a'lam. Can anyone add words of advice regarding how to deal with this issue - an issue that many of the muslims face in the west. Baarakallaahu feekum. Wassalaamu 'alaykum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh.
umaima umaima
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walaikum assalam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh. could you please send the link of the audio file if you have. i would like to hear or read the fatwa of the shaykh. jazakALLAH kher.
Ibn_Umar Abbaas ibn Umar
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Assalaamu 'alaykum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh Sorry for the late reply. I have tried to upload the audio of the fatwa but it isnt allowing me to upload. If anyone can explain how to deal with this it would help, baarakallaahu feekum. Wassalaamu 'alaykum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh
abu nafeesa chuah bin saeed
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i too have the same problem currently with choosing a graduate school. i've been told that universities in saudia arabia dealing with secular education are only for gulf citizens. anyone know universities in the muslim world teaching public policy masters program. wa jazakum allah khair
Damilola Sadiq ibn Owodunni
(Lagos, Nigeria || Eastern Province, KSA)
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wa 'alaikumus-salaam warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh, First, taqabbal Allaahu minnaa wa minkum. JazaakAllahu khayraa akhee Ibn 'Umar, insha'Allah, you can try uploading the audio at Yaa Aba Nafeesa, regarding your question, I believe there are three schools in Saudi that accept non-Saudi for their graduate programs: 1) King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals ( 2) King Saud University ( 3) King Abdullah University of Science and Technology ( Apparently, KFUPM might not have Public Policy as a graduate course, but KSU might have it. You can search both sites insha'Allah. By the way, they both seem to have a good package for foreigners admitted into their programs (but it seems this is based on the fact that the foreigner would actually be a half student and half worker i.e. doing research/teaching or some other work for the University). The benefits KFUPM provides are: | quote: |
# Free tuition. # A monthly stipend to cover living expenses. # Free furnished air conditioned bachelor housing. # Essential medical care. # Free textbooks. # Subsidized meals in the University cafeteria. # A chance to participate along with the University faculty in the Research and Bookwriting # Projects funded by the University. # A prepaid air passage for initial travel to Dammam at the start of the contract, and a return ticket after his completion of the Degree (for RA and Lecturers-B). |
Plus, as a former student told me, 1000 Riyals per month. [Edit: the "monthly stipend" above is the 1000 Riyals for Masters, and about 2500 SAR for Ph.D. students.] He advised me to get good GRE & TOEFL scores. Insha'Allah you can find application materials and/or contact information for the faculty on the website. As for King Saud University (KSU) (which is Riyaadh), I contacted some of the faculty members in one of the departments and what I understand is that they also accept foreigners but apparently on a smaller scale than KFUPM. The benefits I was told KSU would provide are similar to those of KFUPM except that the airline tickets are apparently given every year and the monthly pay is 2000 Riyals. The fact that it is Riyaadh, where, as I understand a number of the Shuyookh are may make KSU preferable to KFUPM. To apply, you might have to search for the e-mail address of the Dean or some other official in the department you are interested in on the website and then contact them personally. Also, there is a third university King Abdullah University for Science and Technology (KAUST) which I understand would be opening in 2009 insha'Allah. From the website: "The University is set to open in September 2009." & "KAUST's core campus is located on more than 36 million square meters on the Red Sea at Thuwal ý approximately 80 kilometers north of Saudi Arabia's second largest city, Jeddah." The benefits they provide (through the "Discovery Scholarship") are even better than the other two as they start supporting future students even in their Undergraduate universities! One thing is that I don't know whether or not it would be mixed (I hope not, insha'Allah, I understand that the above two are not mixed). It seems the deadline for application for the first term in KAUST might have already passed though. See the website: for more information insha'Allah. Maashaa'Allah, I just checked KAUST's website and saw this: | quote: |
The KAUST Discovery Scholarship program is accepting new online applications for financial support for completion of a bachelor's degree and graduate studies at KAUST. Deadline: January 16, 2009 |
BaarakAllahu feekum.
Ibn_Umar Abbaas ibn Umar
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Assalaamu 'alaykum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh Jazaakallaahu khayran Ya Damilola For whoever wanted to hear the fatwa , alhamdulillaah , I have uploaded the file on this link: If anyone can translate the whole fatwa it would be very beneficial. Baarakallaahu feekum. Wassalaamu 'alaykum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh.
Abu 'Aisha Yaqoob bin Michael Amadei
(Toronto, Canada)
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سؤال :أنا طالب من لندن أدرس الطب فى رومانيا والجامعه بها إختلاط ولا أستطيع أن أجعل الجامعه أنتساب لأن هناك دراسات تطبقيه تستدعى التواجد الدائم وأريد أكمل دراستى حتى أتمكن من الهجرة إلى بلاد المسلمين وأنفع المسلمين وعلما أن تركى لدراسة سيغضب والدى والهجره ý..فهل أترك الدراسه علماص بأن المكان الذى أنا فيه مسجد وعدد كبير من العرب Question:I am a student from London but I study medicine in Romania and the University is mixed and I have to be there a lot because of some courses that we take. I want to finish my studies to be able to make hijrah (emigrate) to a Muslim country and benefit the Muslims. If I leave University then my parents will go angry on me. Do I leave the University? Also the University I am in has a Masjid and lots of Arab people. الجواب لشيخ محمدبن هادى المدخلى لا يجوز الدراسه فى مكان فيه أختلاط بين الجنسين وهذة المبررات التى ذكرتها لا تكفى ,أما الأول فلو لم تتمكن من الهجرة هذا سيسره الله لك عزوجل إن علم الله سبحانه وتعالى منك نية الخير سيسره لك.......... فإن لم تكن قادرا على ذلك وكنت قادر على أن تصوم وتزكى وتأمر بالمعروف وتنكر المنكر فتكون الهجرة لست واجبا عليك فإن الله تعالى يعذرك أما التعليل الثانى بأن تنفع المسلمين فإن الله تعالى ما أمرك أن تنغعنا وتضر نفسك فقدم بنفسك أولا قال تعالى ( ياأيها الذين أمنوا قو أنفسكم وإهليكم نارا)لم يقدم أهليكم .فأنت الان تقدم من ليس بآهل النفع وهو عموم المسلمين ý........فالأنسان مأمور أولا بحفظ نفسه ý.قال النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم فى النه الصحيحه (أبدأ بنفسك ثم بمن تعول ).... الشاهد أن الله ما أمرك أن تضر نفسك لتنفعنا نحن فأبدأ بنفسك وأما إن كان المكان فيه مسجد وناس من العرب كثيير فهذا ليس بحجه فأنت مأمور بأ، تقى نفسك من النار Answer by ash-Shaykh Muhammad ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee It is not permissible to study in mixed place and those excuses that you mentioned is not enough. If you are not able to make hijrah then Allah will make it easy for you if you have a good intention. If you can pray and fast and do zakat and do ma3roof (good actions seeking the pleasure of Allah) and deny munkar (evil actions earning the anger and punishment of Allah) then hjirah is not wajib (compulsory) on you and Allah excuse you. I say about benefiting Muslims that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala did not order you to harm yourself and benefit us (the Muslims). Allah said In the Quraan: قال تعالى: ياأيها الذين أمنوا قو أنفسكم وإهليكم نارا ýOh you who believe, protect yourself and your family from the hell fireý So Allah started with yourself and you are putting Muslims before yourself when you are ordered to protect* yourself (from the fire) first. قال: (ابدأ بنفسك ثم بمن تعول) الترمذي In the authentic hadeeth found in Sunan at-Tirmidhi, Prophet Muhammad (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: ýStart with yourself and then who you supportý. So Allah didn't order you to harm yourself to benefit us (the Muslims) but to start with yourself first. Concerning your third excuse that there is a masjid there and lots of Arab people then that is not a excuse because you are ordered to protect* yourself self from hell fire. ------------- Translator's Note: Protecting yourself from the Hell-Fire in the above statements is referring to protecting himself from the evils and fitnah (temptation) of free-mixing and all the munkar (evil) that is in the mixed schools and schools of the non-Muslims nowadays. Translated and Transcribed by Umm Mu'adh and checked by Yaqoob Amadei.
Aboo 'Ubaydah Nishwan bin 'Alee
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Aboo 'Ubaydah Nishwan bin 'Alee
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abu nafeesa chuah bin saeed
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as salamu aleykum jazak allah khair brother dalimola...KSU has the public administration degree for masters, just what i was looking for. wallahi you put some major happiness into my heart and i dont know how to thank you enough...inshallah my duaa for you will be sufficient. i will email the university and inshallah they will respond to me. abu nafeesa
Damilola Sadiq ibn Owodunni
(Lagos, Nigeria || Eastern Province, KSA)
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as-salaamu 'alaikum warahmtullaahi wabarakaatuh, A warning regarding KAUST (mentioned above):
 | quote: |
Allahul-Musta'aan! This is very sad. May Allaah guide us and them to what is correct.
Damilola Sadiq ibn Owodunni
(Lagos, Nigeria || Eastern Province, KSA)
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as-salaamu 'alaikum warahmtullaahi wabarakaatuh, I would appreciate it if anyone could please answer the following questions about Kuwait University correctly. JazaakumAllaahu khayraa. [Perhaps, the brothers who understand 'Arabic well could check the university's website: ] 1) Is it men-only or is it mixed? Or perhaps, they have separate campuses for brothers & sisters? 2) Do they admit International Students? and if they do, do they provide them with Scholarships or paid teaching/research work or the like? 3) Is it located anywhere near where the Shuyookh in Kuwait such as Shaykh Falaah Isma'eel as well as Shaykh Ahmad as-Subay'ee and Shaykh Muhammad al-'Anjaree and their brothers from the Salafee Shuyookh are? I hope some brothers out there would be able to benefit their brothers by answering these questions. Perhaps, this might be a way to hijrah or at least for brothers to live in a Muslim country for some years. JazaakumAllaahu khayraa, Saadiq.
Damilola Sadiq ibn Owodunni
(Lagos, Nigeria || Eastern Province, KSA)
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Also I forgot to add: 4) Links to the application forms, faculty/admission staff contact information and other documents & resources one might need to apply. [the "Admissions & Registration" page is all in Arabic: ]
abu hamza ahmad bin abdul-khalek
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what about open learning ? it is in every country and there is no mix in it here in Egypt the situation is so difficult too Azhar only is unmixed and there is suggestions to make it mixed !!!! plus they are not salafi ofcourse there is one high institution for computer unmixed but it is like rubbish Alhamdulelah there is the Arabian open university and the Egyptian university for e learning and they are private As for public universities there is Cairo university which offers programs of open learning and in it there is dar al olum for Arabic language and islamic studies and I m in the first semester of it Also there is Ain shams university which offers prgrams of open learning . I hope if someone has more info about the open learning and its ability to learn from it without mixing to tell us about it especially fatawa al ulamaa in it
HISN AL SUNNAH (FORTRESS OF THE SUNNAH) for salafi renaissance
Ummu Maryam Miftahur Rizka binti Suryanto
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I tried to quit college because of the free-mixing but my parents are furious at me and they even want me to get out of the house. My question is, is it ok for me (female) to make hijrah (that includes safar without mahrom) in order to save my deen?
Damilola Sadiq ibn Owodunni
(Lagos, Nigeria || Eastern Province, KSA)
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assalaamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh, Does any one know what the Scholars are saying about King Abdullah University of Science and Technology? JazaakumAllaahu khayraa.
Damilola Sadiq ibn Owodunni
(Lagos, Nigeria || Eastern Province, KSA)
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As an answer to my question above: In defending Shaykh Saad Ash-Shathry (حفظه الله), Shaykh Saalih ibn Fawzaan al-Fawzaan (حفظه الله) mentions the position of the 'Ulemaa' regarding mixing between males and females at KAUST and also brings some proofs (from the Qur'aan & the Sunnah) against such mixing, here: (This link was originally posted by brother Rasheed Barbee on SalafiTalk: - جزاه الله خيرا.)
Damilola Sadiq ibn Owodunni
(Lagos, Nigeria || Eastern Province, KSA)
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Alhamdulillaah, it seems King AbdulAziz University (KAU) in Jeddah (different from the new King Abdullaah University for Science & Technology, KAUST) now offers admission & scholarships for Graduate Studies for both males & females (in many more areas than those offered at KFUPM). See more information here: Scholarships at KAU for Applicants from outside Saudi Arabia 2011/2012 Deadline for current application: 8th April 2011.