Because of server problems, the Shaykh's site will be down for about 48 hours.
The site - which is strictly moderated by the Shaykh - will have forums in English, French, Indonesian, Urdu and of course Arabic. So brothers speaking any of these languages are encouraged to participate and post inshaa Allaah.
Sisters will not be allowed to post on the site. The Shaykh moderates another site specifically for them. He is planning on adding an English section for the sisters there as well and I will post the link for that later bi ithnillaah.
Please keep in mind that the site is not meant for fatawa so if you have questions keep them to an absolute minimum. Wa lillaahil Hamd - Our major Scholars and Imaams already have websites with questions and answers on them so there is really no need for another site dedicated to answering questions.
Your brother Aboo Abdillaah
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah said: "The one who does not read the Qur'aan has indeed abandoned it and the one who reads the Qur'aan but does not understand its meaning has indeed abandoned it and the one who reads the Qur'aan and understands its meaning but d
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah said: "The one who does not read the Qur'aan has indeed abandoned it and the one who reads the Qur'aan but does not understand its meaning has indeed abandoned it and the one who reads the Qur'aan and understands its meaning but d