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» Salafi Da'i Held a Meeting About The Disaster That Occured in Nangroe Aceh Darussalam Province
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14-01-2005 @ 5:02 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Ebraaheem Ahmed Franklin (Private)
Posts: 60
Joined: Sep 2002
as Salaamu alaykum

This a meeting held by the salafi da'i in Indonesia regarding the tsunami that affect many of the salafis in Banda Ache and other areas of Indonesia.

This is a Translation from Indonesia Language to English provide by the family of brother Dwight Battle, may Allaah reward his family for the translation ameen.

(In the name of Allah, the most Magnificent and Beneficent)

  Relate to the disaster which occurred in Nangroe Aceh Darussalam Province. The disaster caused many people injured and they lost their treasury, this happening was undergone to Muslims (ikhwan) and Muslimas (akhwat) of Salafy, so the Asatidzah discussed and talked about this with Al-Ustadz Ali Basuki, Salafy's da'i who live in Banda Aceh and they moved to Ma'had As-Sunnah, Komplek Cempaka, Desa Lampeneret, Kecamatan, Darul.
Imarah, Kabupaten Aceh Besar, Naggroe Aceh Darussalam Province. Phone:(0651) 7407 408.
Al Ustadz Ali Basuki, Lc, yesterday on Wednesday, 5 January 2005,
placed in Asy Syariah Magazine Office, Jogjakarta conveyed the latest news through telephone which was recorded by Muslims who attended and conveyed suggestion / warning to ta'awun (to help each other) about this incident which happened in Aceh and he underwent it himself.
People who were present in that meeting were Ustadz Abdul Jabbar ( Jogjakarta), Ustadz Abdul Mu'thi (Jogjakarta), al-Ustadz Abdush Shomad (Pemalang), al-Ustadz Luqman Ba'abduh (Jember), al Ustadz Muhammad Sarbini (Muntilan), al Ustadz Qomar Su'aidi, Lc(Temanggung), etc.
Based on Islamic Aqidah Manhaj Salafus Sholih, the Asatidzah who teach to ta'awun according to goodness and Taqwa (do all Allah's commands and avoid all Allah's prohibitions), considering about ideas from Muslims who were present, finally we agreed to take the following steps:

  1. To warn / concern to all Muslims brotherhood and Muslimas of Salafy for helping our brothers and sisters in Aceh, form of contributions are expected in monetary is a priority which are sent to the saving account named Mr. Armen through BNI Bank Branch East Langsa Aceh (Cabang Langasa Aceh Timur) saving accounts 090000034237901. Please confirm about this transferring money by phoning Mr. Armen at mobile phone +62 811 678 041, +62 813 616 302 26 or +62 641 205 30.
There are contributions such as some adequate clothes, food, instant noodles, etc. are postponed at the moment, those contributions which have already been entered and gathered would be sent by Say Syariah magazine in Medan, on behalf of Mr. Safril Usman, Jl. Pertempuran Link. 8 No. 8E Pulobrayan Medan City Phone +62 61 685 2795 and cell phone +62 813 6177 6023.

2. To confirm that salafiyyun in Aceh have planned to build Ma'had for orphan children in Aceh,  so help is needed from ikhwan salafiyyin and all muslims in order to raise the Ma'had. You can give your fund for this donation to build the Ma'had to the saving account named Mr. Ibrahim No. 037 238 2901 BCA Bank in Jogjakarta.

Now, the office of Say Syariah magazine becomes multi fuction place as a centre of information about Aceh disaster.

Thus, the information from us. Thank You, May you resign yourself to Allah Ta'ala sincerely in helping Muslims who got the disaster.

Wassails 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh...

   Abu Abdillah Ibrahim
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As-salaamu alaykum,
Luqman E-mail me directly at  I currently live in qatar

Abu Ebraaheem Ahmed Ibn Harvey Franklin

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