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» Response of Sheikh Zayd Al-Madkhali to the speech of Abu Usaamah.
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15-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Our Sheikh Zayd Al-Madkhali was asked: "Aboo Usaamah says, " My position concerning him, is that the lajnah of medinah is trying to deal with the issue, and I'm waiting to see what they have to say. The lajnah consist of our Shiekhs and strong students of knowledge who are known for their fairness, knowledge, and taqwa Insha Allah. Until that time, I'm making dua for the Shiekh's return, and I'm not throwing him off of the dawah, speaking bad about him, nor am I going to busy the ppl with his issue Insha Allah. I don't agree with making him an issue of Walaa and Baraa neither. If you don't agree with Shiekh Rab'ee (may Allah protect him) on this issue, then you're against the Dawah and you're astray, and not Salify!"

He answered: "In reality, it is obligatory upon Abee Usaamah to abandon this warning and this method.  And there is no obstacle in reading what Shaykh Rabee' wrote, and what the people of al-Madeenah wrote and what Abul-Hasan al-Ma`ribee wrote.  It is fitting for him that he reads.  So if the truth becomes clear to him, then the praise is for Allaah.  And if not, then he should leave the people alone and not attack them with these manners which do not bring about any benefit.  And the last thing that the people of al-Madeenah wrote, the last thing that they wrote was that if Abul-Hasan does not recant from his errors and his innovations, then it is obligatory to boycott him and to not take lessons from him and to not listen to his lectures.  This was the last thing that the Scholars of al-Madeenah wrote.  So what will Aboo Usaamah say now?  Why does he concentrate upon Shaykh Rabee'?  Clarify this to him.  The last thing that was written by 'Ubayd al-Jaabiree, and as-Suhaymee and Muhammad Ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee, the last thing they wrote was that if Abul-Hasan does not recant from his well known errors and his innovations with which he has opposed the manhaj of Ahlul-Haqq, then he will be boycotted by the people of knowledge, and his lessons will be prohibited and knowledge will not be accepted from him.  So this clarification is sufficient.  So how can one say that he is waiting for the people of al-Madeenah?  This is what the Scholars of al-Madeenah have said.  And it is upon him to ask 'Ubayd al-Jaabiree, Muhammad Ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee and Saalih as-Suhaymee."  

He was also aksed: "Likewise, Aboo Usaamah says, "I saw and heard things from Shiekh Rabee' (ra) that don't allow me to accept everything that he's saying about Abul Hasan, Ali Hasan, and Saleem Al-Hilaaly (may Allah protect them) Wallahi, if Shiekh Rabee' (ra) wanted to destroy QSS, all he has to do is warn against us in one statement..."  So what are your comments upon this statement?"

He responded: "In reality, it is not permissible for Abee Usaamah to speak with the likes of these words. So where is the unjust offence that Shaykh Rabee' has done against these three: Abul-Hasan, Saleem al-Hilaalee and 'Alee Hasan al-Halabee?  So where is the unjust offence that Shaykh Rabee' has done against them which has reached them?  It is inevitable that one must rely upon something that Shaykh Rabee' has written about these people, something that has reached them in a cassette.  As for accusations without without any truth to them and without any evidence, then this type of speech is not permissible, not to mention that it is taking place in a country in which the people there are in need of having the truth clarified and accept it and to have strong ties with Ahlus-Sunnah and enmity towards the Ahlul-Bid'ah.  So convey to him that he should be wary of using this kind of speech."

This is a portion of the Q&A with Sheikh Zayd.The rest of this, the statements of Sheikh Faalih Al-Harbi, and Sheikh Muhammad Al-Banna concerning Abu Usaamah will be posted soon In Sha Allah.

15-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Na'am may Allah bless you Abul Hasaan and correct the affairs of Aboo Usamah or break his back. If the brothers could also have some Sabr with us here in Misr we will also translate shaykh Muhammad Abdul Wahab al-Banna's brief quote on Aboo Usamah also. It's clear that this man is at war with the Salafy scholars and the youth that cling to them so it is upon those who know to warn and advise others to flee for their lives from the madness of Aboo Usamah.

Love for Ahlus-Sunnah wa Haeedth Aboo Zaahid

15-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Al hamdulillahir rabbil aalameen was salaatu was salaamu 'ala nabeeyinaa Muhammad wa 'ala aalihi wa sahbihi ajma'een
Jazakum'allaahu khayran Abul Hassan for bringing this to us from the noble Shaykh Zayd al-Madkhalee(hafidhahullah). The shakiness of this brother(Abu Usaamah) is something quite astonishing! As you pointed out in your previous post, it's as if he did not succeed in his studies at Madinah. It would have been better for him to humble himself, and refrain from putting himself out there throwing no caution to the wind! What I see from him is that he says whatever is on his mind and faces the reprecussions later, subhan'allaah! He's not stable enough to be given ANY platform, and with the ulamaa knowing his condition and speaking on it, the salafees in the west will see the same thing also, insha'allaah! Barakallaahu feekum!

Aboo Shaahir as-Salafee

This message was edited by aboo.shaahir on 10-15-02 @ 10:41 PM

16-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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In a recent taped phone conversation with some of the Salafiyyeen in Toronto, Shaykh Zayd Ibn Muhammad al-Madkhalee answered the following questions:

O Shaykh, with regards to this caller in America, his name is Aboo Usaamah Khaleefah adh-Dhahabee, he says, ?And the Shaykh (Rabee) just to let you all know he is a scholar no doubt, and every scholar gets it right and they get it wrong, we do not make taqleed to any scholar in the religion of Islaam, we make it haraam (forbidden) for people to make taqleed al-a?maa (blind following) and we spoke about the characteristics of the Jews, and from their characteristics is their taqleed al-a?maa, the blind following of their leaders.?

And he also said, ?I asked him (Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhaab Al-Banna) some questions about the Sheikh Abul-Hasan Al-Ma?ribi. What?s your position Sheikh? How do you understand this? And he was very just and in the middle, wanting good for Abul-Hasan Al-Ma?ribi! Wanting good for him! Hoping for good! Saying that he did what he could to try and rectify the problem, he praised the committee in Madinah who are trying to solve the problem, people in Yemen trying to solve the problem, Sheikh Abdul-Azeez Al-Bura?ee, there are trying to solve the problem! Bring people back! Keep people on the haqq!? He also said: ?So let us all back up and let the people of Madinah handle it.? So what are your comments upon this O Shaykh, regarding Shaykh Rabee? and Abil-Hasan al-Ma?ribee?

[A]: The reality is that this speech, this speech is ambiguous.  In it is ambiguity.  And the reality is that no one is saying to make taqleed of anyone in error.  So it is not permissible for anyone to follow anyone in an error that he has fallen into.  And this is blind following.  As for the one who speaks with the correct view and derives evidence from the texts of the Book and the Sunnah, then we are with him.  And this cannot be referred to as taqleed, this is to be referred to as following with evidences.  And whosoever speaks with it, then he is speaking with the truth.  And the truth is more beloved to us to follow.  So there is no escape from having clear speech.?

[Q.2]: And Aboo Usaamah says, ?My position concerning him, is that the lajnah of medinah is trying to deal with the issue, and I'm waiting to see what they have to say. The lajnah consist of our Shiekhs and strong students of knowledge who are known for their fairness, knowledge, and taqwa Insha Allah. Until that time, I'm making dua for the Shiekh's return, and I'm not throwing him off of the dawah, speaking bad about him, nor am I going to busy the ppl with his issue Insha Allah. I don't agree with making him an issue of Walaa and Baraa neither. If you don't agree with Shiekh Rab'ee (may Allah protect him) on this issue, then you're against the Dawah and you're astray, and not Salify!?

[A.2]: In reality, it is obligatory upon Abee Usaamah to abandon this warning and this method.  And there is no obstacle in reading what Shaykh Rabee' wrote, and what the people of al-Madeenah wrote and what Abul-Hasan al-Ma?ribee wrote.  It is fitting for him that he reads.  So if the truth becomes clear to him, then the praise is for Allaah.  And if not, then he should leave the people alone and not attack them with these manners which do not bring about any benefit.  And the last thing that the people of al-Madeenah wrote, the last thing that they wrote was that if Abul-Hasan does not recant from his errors and his innovations, then it is obligatory to boycott him and to not take lessons from him and to not listen to his lectures.  This was the last thing that the Scholars of al-Madeenah wrote.  So what will Aboo Usaamah say now?  Why does he concentrate upon Shaykh Rabee??  Clarify this to him.  The last thing that was written by ?Ubayd al-Jaabiree, and as-Suhaymee and Muhammad Ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee, the last thing they wrote was that if Abul-Hasan does not recant from his well known errors and his innovations with which he has opposed the manhaj of Ahlul-Haqq, then he will be boycotted by the people of knowledge, and his lessons will be prohibited and knowledge will not be accepted from him.  So this clarification is sufficient.  So how can one say that he is waiting for the people of al-Madeenah?  This is what the Scholars of al-Madeenah have said.  And it is upon him to ask ?Ubayd al-Jaabiree, Muhammad Ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee and Saalih as-Suhaymee.  Have you understood O Mu?aadh?

[Q.3]: We have understood O Shaykh.  Likewise, Aboo Usaamah says, ?I saw and heard things from Shiekh Rabee' (ra) that don't allow me to accept everything that he's saying about Abul Hasan, Ali Hasan, and Saleem Al-Hilaaly (may Allah protect them) Wallahi, if Shiekh Rabee' (ra) wanted to destroy QSS, all he has to do is warn against us in one statement...?  So what are your comments upon this statement?

[A.3]: In reality, it is not permissible for Abee Usaamah to speak with the likes of these words. So where is the unjust offence that Shaykh Rabee? has done against these three: Abul-Hasan, Saleem al-Hilaalee and 'Alee Hasan al-Halabee?  So where is the unjust offence that Shaykh Rabee' has done against them which has reached them?  It is inevitable that one must rely upon something that Shaykh Rabee? has written about these people, something that has reached them in a cassette.  As for accusations without any truth to them and without any evidence, then this type of speech is not permissible, not to mention that it is taking place in a country in which the people there are in need of having the truth clarified and accept it and to have strong ties with Ahlus-Sunnah and enmity towards the Ahlul-Bid?ah.  So convey to him that he should be wary of using this kind of speech.  And if he has some issues with Shaykh Rabee?, then why does he not advise him?  So now he can write to him and say that I observed from you such and such.  So if there is an error, then it is obligatory upon Shaykh Rabee? to recant from the error.  However, if it is just something that Aboo Usaamah has seen, and it appears to Aboo Usaamah in his view and understanding, to be an error, yet it is not an error.  Then it is upon Aboo Usaamah to abandon this path and these ways which are not permissible, nor do they bring about any benefit, nor do they unite the people at all.?

The tape is available at the Reign of Islaamic Da'wah Centre...
28-12-2010 @ 6:31 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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