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Topic: Tazkiyyah of Al-Muhaddith Ubaidullah Al-Mubaarakfuree for Al-Muhaddith Ash-Sheikh Rabee
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This is a translation of a post found on: : ?By the Grace of Allah I came upon a tremendous tazkiyyah from Al-Allaamah, Al-Muhaddith, Ubaidullah Al-Mubaarakfuree the author of the book Mir?aatul-Mafaateeh fee Sharh Mishkaat Al-Masaabeeh who died in the year 1414 H. in an Ijaazah of his for Ash-Sheikh Rabee, and here is the text:
And to proceed: Says the servant in need of Allah, Abul-Hasan Ubaidullah Ar-Rahmaanee, As-Salafee, Al-Atharee, Al-Mubaarakfuree, Ibn Al-Allaamah Ash-Sheikh Abdus-Salaam Al-Mubaarakfuree the author of Seeratul-Bukhaaree: Indeed our brother with Allah, the noble scholar, Ash-Sheikh Rabee ibn Haadee ibn Umair Al-Madkhalee from the village of Al-Jaraadiyah on the outskirts of Saamitah in the southern region of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, teacher in the college of Hadeeth at the Islaamic University in Al-Madeenah, requested from me Ijaazah (permission) for the narrating of Hadeeth from me, and his isnaad (chain of narration) reaches the isnaad of the Imaams of Hadeeth from the authors of As-Sihaah and other than them, and he wrote to me that he studied firstly in Al-Madrasah As-Salafiyyah in Saamitah, then in Al-Mahad Al-Ilmee there, then in the Islaamic University of Madinah, and he graduated from it receiving the university?s degree in the year 1385 H., then in the year 1396 H. he received the degree of Masters, then his doctorate in the year 1400 H from the University of Al-Malik Abdul-Azeez in Jeddah, and he mentioned to me also that he heard from Al-Allaamah Ash-Sheikh Ibn Baaz, May Allah preserve him, in the Prophet?s Masjid much of Saheeul-Bukhaaree and Muslim and part of Jaami?ut-Tirmidhee, and was in the constant company of Al-Allaamah, Ash-Sheikh, Naasirud-Deen Al-Albaanee, and benifitted also from Ash-Sheikh Hammaad ibn Muhammad Al-Ansaaree and other than him from the major scholars, and he was sent by the Islaamic University of Al-Madeenah to Al-Jaami?tus-Salafiyyah in Banaaras, India to teach after graduting from the Islaamic University before he received his Masters and Doctorate degrees, and whenever I went to Al-Jaami?tus-Salafiyyah during his stay there he would sit with me and discuss knowledge based issues, and he traveled also to the town of Mubaarakfur many times and met me in my home, and I found him the possessor of abundant knowledge, and great virtue, a possessor of sound understanding, and an upright character, upon the way of the Salifus-Saalih, may Allah be pleased with them, in belief and action, following the Book [of Allah] and the Sunnah, aiding them and defending them, harsh upon the people of innovation and desires, refuting the blind followers whom the greater part of their efforts in the recital of Hadeeth is the conformity of Hadeeth with the madhab of their Imaam, so may Allah bless him in his knowledge, and bless the Muslims with a long life for him?? |
| This was written by the Sheikh the 19th of Dhul-Qa?dah in the year 1401 H. أهل الحديث هم أهل النبي وإن لم يصحبوا نفسه أنفاسه صحبوا
This message was edited by Abul.HasanMalik on 7-8-03 @ 5:27 PM
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Bismillahirrahmaanirraheem! Assalaamuaalaikum wa rahmathullahi wa barakaathuhu! Alhamdulillah , I had a some news with regards to this "Tazkiyyah" last year and All praise is due to Allah, that finally we have some concrete evidence. Jazakallahu khairan katheer for the translation and the post. Our da?wah and our ?aqeedah is more beloved to us than our own selves, our wealth and our offspring. So we are not prepared to part with it for gold, nor silver. We say this so that no one may have hope in buying out our da?wah, nor should he think that it is possible for him to purchase it from us for deenaar or dirham. Since the politicians already know this about us, so they have despaired of buying it from us with granted positions or wealth..Shaikh, the Allamah, Muqbil ibn Hadee Al Waa'di'ee (Rahimahullah).
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Shaykh Ahmad Bazmool brings the biography of Ubaidallah Al-Mubaarakfuree in his book An-Najmul-Baadee, the biography of his Sheikh, al Muhaddith, as Salafi, Yahya ibn Uthmaan Atheem Aabaadee Al-Hindee, Al-Makkee pg.14. He states: "He is As-Sheikh Al-Allaamah, Al-Muhaddith, Abul-Hasan Ubaidallah ibn Abdus-Salaam Ar-Rahmaanee Al-Mubaarakfuree, author of Mir'aatul-Mafaateeh Sharh Mishkaat Al-Masaabeeh, Ar-Rahmaanee is an ascription to Al-Madrasatur-Rahmaaniyyah in Dehli (India). He was born in the month of Muharram, the year 1327 Hijrah. His first studied under his father Ash-Sheikh Abdus-Salaam and completed his studies in five years in Al-Madrasatur-Rahmaaniyyah in Dehli, and studied under Ghulaam Yahya Kanfuree and Sheikh Ahmadullah Al-Hindee, and Arabic literature under Ash-Sheikh Al-Haafidh Abdur-Rahmaan, as he also studied under Ash-Sheikh Abdur-Rahmaan Al-Mubaarakfuree from Jaami'ut-Tirmidhee, and the book Ulumul-Hadeeth by Ibnus-Salaah, and As-Siraajiyyah in Al-Faraa'id. And he passed his studies at Madrasatur-Rahmaaniyyah with honors and graduated in the year 1345 Hijrah, and immediately following his graduation he was appointed by Ash-Sheikh 'Ataar-Rahmaan to Madrasatur-Rahmaaniyyah, the same school he had graduated from. And it is known that Ash-Sheikh Abdur-Rahmaan Al-Mubaarakfuree, the author of Tuhfatul-Ahwadhee [explanation of the Jaami' of At-Tirmidhee], went blind before completing the explanation, and was in need of a scholar who specialized in the sciences of Hadeeth to aid him in the completion of his explanation, so As-Sheikh Ataar-Rahmaan sent Sheikh Ubaidallah Ar-Rahmaanee, from his own money, to Mubaarakfur to help him complete the explanation, so he stayed with him for two years until he completed the explanation of the book then he returned to Madrasatur-Rahmaaniyyah to teach. He authored many works from the most significant of them Mir'aatul-Mafaateeh Sharh Mishkaat Al-Masaabeeh. He died 10/22/1414 Hijrah in Mubaarakfur. This biography was taken from the book: Taraajim Ulemaal-Hadeeth fil-Hind (biographies of the scholars of Hadeeth in India) [1/372], in Urdu, it was translated for me by our Sheikh Waseeullah Abbaas." أهل الحديث هم أهل النبي وإن لم يصحبوا نفسه أنفاسه صحبوا
This message was edited by al.akhdar on 10-21-03 @ 8:08 PM
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Allaamah Ubaidullah Al-Mubaarakfuree rahimahullah said regarding Allamah Rabee hafithahullah
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I found him the possessor of abundant knowledge, and great virtue, a possessor of sound understanding, and an upright character, upon the way of the Salifus-Saalih, may Allah be pleased with them, in belief and action, following the Book [of Allah] and the Sunnah, aiding them and defending them, harsh upon the people of innovation and desires, refuting the blind followers whom the greater part of their efforts in the recital of Hadeeth is the conformity of Hadeeth with the madhab of their Imaam, so may Allah bless him in his knowledge, and bless the Muslims with a long life for him |
Aameen to the duaa of Allamah Ubaidullah rahimahullah.
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