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» Al-Imaam Ibn Baaz advises women about Da'wah
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05-07-2003 @ 12:57 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 97
Joined: Oct 2002
Shaikh Bin Baaz advises the women in reference to giving Da'wah

Question: What do you all say about the invitation (Da'wah) to Allaah in reference to the woman?

Answer: All praise is due to Allaah. She is like the man. It is upon her to invite to Allaah (i.e. give Da'wah), and to command the good and forbid the evil. This is because the texts from the Noble Qur'aan and the purified Sunnah prove that, and the statements of the people of knowledge are clear regarding that. Therefore, it is upon her to invite to Allaah, and command the good, and forbid the evil with the Islaamically legislated ettiquettes (Aadaab), which are expected from the man (as well). And it is upon her, along with this, that she not be deterred from inviting to Allaah by despondance and a lack of patience, because of some people putting her down, or cursing her, or mocking her. Rather it is upon ther that she bear with this and have patience, even if she sees from the people that which is considered a type of mockery and teasing. Then it is upon her to take care of another matter, and that is that she be an example of chastity, and concealing herself from men who are not related to her, and avoiding mixing (with men). Rather, her invitation (Da'wah) should be with giving concern to safeguarding her from everything that would be considered blameworthy upon her. So if she invites men to Islaam, then she invites them while she is covered (i.e. Hijaab) and without mingling and mixing with anyone of them. And if she invites women, she invites them with wisdom. And she should be honorable in her character and her mannerism so that she is not rejected in her calling, such that the women say, "Why doesn't she start with herself?" Also it is incumbent upon her that she stay away from clothing that would cause evil temptation for the people. And she should be far away from all causes of evil temptation, such as exposing her beauty, and being sweet in her speech (to men particularly), from those matters that will cause her to be rebuked or spoken ill of. Rather, the concern should be given to calling to Allaah upon the mannerism which will not harm her religion (Deen) and nor would it harm her reputation.

Source: The website of Shaikh Bin Baaz, also see the link at
Translated by Abu Sumayyah Aqeel Walker

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