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Topic: Is the 'Aql in the Brain or the Heart? - Shaykh 'Uthaymeen
Damilola Sadiq ibn Owodunni
(Lagos, Nigeria || Eastern Province, KSA)
Posts: 338
Joined: Jul 2007
Source: Some parts of the article by the Shaykh, rahimahullaah | quote: |
... هذه مسألة أشكلت على كثير من النظار الذين ينظرون إلى الأمور نظرة مادية لا يرجعون فيها إلى قول الله وقول رسوله صلى الله عليه وسلم وإلا فالحقيقة أن الأمر فيها واضح أن العقل في القلب وأن القلب في الصدر { أفلم يسيروا في الأرض فتكون لهم قلوب يعقلون بها }. وقال { فإنها لا تعمى الأبصار ولكن تعمى القلوب التي في الصدور } ولم يقل القلوب التي في الأدمغة فالأمر فيه واضح جدا أن العقل يكون في القلب ويؤيد هذا قول النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ألا وإن في الجسد مضغة إذا صلحت صلح الجسد كله وإذا فسدت فسد الجسد كله ألا وهي القلب فما بالك بأمر شهد به كتاب الله والله هو الخالق العالم بكل شيء وشهدت به سنة الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم. ... إذا القلب هو محل العقل ولا شك ولكن الدماغ محل التصور ثم إذا تصورها وجهزها بعث بها إلى القلب ثم القلب يأمر أو ينهى ... |
Abu Ilyas unspecified
Posts: 30
Joined: Jun 2009
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This is an issue which has caused confusion for many who examine affairs with a materialistic mindset; they do not refer back to Allah nor His Messenger (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam). The reality of the matter is that Aql is in the hearts, which are in the breasts [of mankind]. ıııııııı ııııııııı ııı ııııııııı ııııııııı ıııııı ııııııı ııııııııııı ııııı ıııı ıııııı ııııııııııı ııııı ? ıııııııııı ııı ııııııı ıııııııııııı ıııı?ııı ııııııı ıııııııııı ııııııı ııı ıııııııııı [22:46] "Do they not travel through the land, so that their hearts may comprehend (ya'qiloon) and their ears may thus learn to hear? Truly it is not their eyes that are blind, but their hearts which are in their breasts. [Al-Hajj]" Note how He did not say "the hearts which are within the brains, but rather, which are within the breasts." Then the Shaykh mentions the well-known hadeeth about the heart being the key part of the body; if it is well, the whole body is well, and if it gets corrupted, the whole body gets corrupted. Therefore, it can be determined that Aql is contained in the heart; the brain simply envisions thoughts, prepares them, and sends them to the heart, which then either orders or forbids. |
How disgusting is poverty after sufficiency, and even more disgusting is misguidance after guidance - Qisasul Anbiya by ibnKathir
Damilola Sadiq ibn Owodunni
(Lagos, Nigeria || Eastern Province, KSA)
Posts: 338
Joined: Jul 2007
BaarakAllaahu feek akhee. Just for clarity, the quote in my post above is just a part of the article and not the whole article on Sahab. (The '...' refers to parts I have left out.) I have now edited the post to reflect this. 1 The full article can be accessed at the link in the post: