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Topic: Ibn Jibreen on a Statement of Sayyid Qutb
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[Note: Shaykh Ibn Jibreen has been refuted by many of the people of knowledge for his defence of the Innovators, such as Hassan al-Banna and Sayyid Qutb and also their contemporary followers. Those who have refuted him extensively, included the Allaamah, Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmee, Shaykh Zaid al-Madkhalee and others, and he was refuted for his unjust and false speech against Shaykh Rabee', something that all the Harakiyyoon employed in their deceitful polemic against Ahl us-Sunnah]
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Questioner: "The questioner says, that if it was to be said Islam was a mixture of socialism and capitalism"? Ibn Jibreen: "There is no doubt that this criticism (i'tiraad) upon Islaam is kufr. Whoever says that it (Islaam) is taken from this and taken from that, and that it is a mixture of the religion of the Christians and their likes, or the religion of the Communists who are the Socialists or the religion of the Jews who are the Capitalists, he has disbelieved" |
There is also the statement of Shaykh Hammad al-Ansaaree (rahimahullaah):
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The Shaykh ? rahimahullaah - was asked about the statement of Sayyid Qutb, "And it is necessary for Islaam to judge, since it is a unique, constructive and positivist aqidah which has been moulded and shaped from Christianity and Communism together, in the most perfect of ways and which comprises all of their (i.e Christianity and Communism?s) objectives and adds in addition to them harmony, balance and justice." (Ma?rakat ar-Ra?samaaliyyah wal-Islaam). The Shaykh replied, "If the one who said these words was alive, then his repentance should be sought, so if he repents (then so) otherwise he is to be killed as an apostate. And if he has died then it is obligatory to explain that these words are falsehood. However we do not perform takfir of him since we have not established the proof against him." Source: From the book of Shaikh Rabee? ?al-Awaasim Mimmaa Fee Kutub Sayyid Qutub Minal-Qawaasim? (p. 24) and who read it out to Shaikh Hammaad himself on the night of 3/1/1415 in order to corroborate it. |
Posts: 67
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This message was edited by alykhan.somani on 7-8-05 @ 11:44 PM
Posts: 265
Joined: Sep 2002
I think this is a typo. "Ibn Jibreen: "There is no doubt that this criticism (i'tiraad) upon Islaam is kufr"... Shouldn't it say Shaikh Ahmad an-Najmee: "There is no doubt that this criticism (i'tiraad) upon Islaam is kufr. For the voice I heard quoting the above sounded like Shaikh Ahmad ibn Yahyaa an-Najmee. Please check again.
كن مستفيدا أو مفيدا أو اسكت بحلم
Posts: 846
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No, it is Ibn Jibreen, though their voices seem similar.
Posts: 265
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Subhaanallaah! Striking resemblance!
كن مستفيدا أو مفيدا أو اسكت بحلم
Posts: 132
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Salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah; I had also been searching for a fatwa that Ibn Jibreen had given at that condoned "suicide bombings", that too has been removed from that webpage.
Abu Na'imah Shamsudden