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» Our disagreement about someone else a cause for disagreement amongst ourselves?
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Posted By Topic: Our disagreement about someone else a cause for disagreement amongst ourselves?

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29-09-2010 @ 11:19 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Zayd Abu Ubayd (Peqin,Albania)
Posts: 795
Joined: Oct 2008
On the first night of Ramadaan, 1429H, Shaykh Rabee' Ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee was asked about the principle, "We must not make our disagreement about someone else a cause for disagreement amongst ourselves." So the noble Shaykh answered:

"It is a corrupt principle, and with it they want to not perform tabdee' (declaring one an innovator) and jarh (criticism, disparagement) of those who deserve the jarh and the tabdee', such as al-Maghraawee, Abul-Hasan al-Ma`ribee and Muhammad Hassaan

Arabic source:

23-11-2010 @ 6:23 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Zayd Abu Ubayd (Peqin,Albania)
Posts: 795
Joined: Oct 2008
Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee on the Principle: Let us not Make our Disagreement about Someone Else a Cause for Disagreement Between Us ý

The Scholar of al-Madeenah is asked about one of the corrupt principles of ýAlee al-Halabee, wherein he says, ýIt is not permissible for us to make our disagreement with someone else besides us into a disagreement between us.ý
The Shaykh clarifies the falsehood of this principle and warns against those who have infiltrated into the ranks of Ahlus-Sunnah today

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