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» Seeking Knowledge In Times of Fitnah - Shaykh Bin Baaz
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27-01-2011 @ 3:39 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified unspecified (Manchester, UK)
Posts: 359
Joined: Dec 2003
  Seeking Knowledge in Times of Fitnah.
  Shaykh Bin Baaz

  Fitnah will always occur, more so when one strives in the way of Allah.

  In this advice to the student of knowledge, the noble Shaykh Bin Baaz (May Allah Have Mercy On Him) sets out guidelines on how one should behave when fitnah comes.

  How should a person react to news, and statements. How a person should deal with his fellow brothers and save himself falling into the fitnah, so much so that it could cause him to fall out from the deen.

  The treatise is translated by our brother Abdulilah Lahmami (May Allah Preserve Him)

  Click Here For Full Download

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