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Topic: Sh. Rabee: Whoever Attacks Sh. Ubaid follows the Path of the Devils
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Zayd Abu Ubayd
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Joined: Oct 2008
Shaykh Uthaymeen: قال الشيخ محمد بن صالح العثيمين - رحمه الله -:" ... وأنصح طلبة العلم وغيرهم أن يتقوا الله وألا يجعلوا أعراض العلماء والأمراء مطية يركبونها كيف ما شاءوا ، فإنه إذا كانت الغيبة في عامة الناس من كبائر الذنوب فهي في العلماء والأمراء أشد وأشد ، حمانا الله وإياكم عما يغضبه ، وحمانا عما فيه العدوان على إخواننا ، إنه جواد كريم ". المصدر : كتاب العلم ، للشيخ محمد بن صالح العثيمين- رحمه الله -
unspecified unspecified
(Manchester, UK)
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Joined: Dec 2003
A Brief Translation
Shaikh Rabee states: By Allaah, the one who speaks ill of/attacks Shaikh Ubaid and says that he is a Jaahil, this (person) is one following the path of the shayaateen; he follows the paths of hizbiyyah in speaking ill of/attacking the scholars of the salafi manhaj. Shaikh Ubaid is from the virtuous salafi scholars and is well known for fear of Allaah, zuhd and speaking truth baarakallaahu feekum. And a man who seeks the face of Allaah does not speak ill of/attack him, and we know of these ways from the hizbiyyeen.
| Abu Mu-aawiyyah Abdullaah Bin Abee Bakr Bin Abdullaah Bin Abee bakr Bin Umar Al-Fulaani Al-Gambi | [url=][/url] The Salafi Centre of Manchester 2 Dudley Street Manchester M89DA
Posts: 846
Joined: Sep 2002
This statement of Shaikh al-Allaamah Rabee' bin Haadee is from a few years ago. However, it still holds true as the Shaikh is still alive (may Allaah preserve him) and he has not changed his view on his brother and companion Shaikh Ubaid al-Jaabiree (may Allaah preserve him), walillaahil-hamd. And we visit Shaikh Rabee' regularly every year, and he has never spoken except good about Shaikh Ubaid al-Jaabiree. And in general, the goodness and trustworthiness of people remains so long as there nothing presented to show that they have opposed the truth. Wallaahu a'lam. And in the case of the Shaikh, the Allaamah Ubaid al-Jaabiree, then he remains upon istiqaamah, clarity and in defense of the haqq. He is an aalim of old age, spending decades in teaching and protecting the Sunnah by Allaah's permission. Furthermore, if anything, the scholars praise of him has increased in recent times. He is a man who is the teacher of some of the scholars of our times! In Madinah, well-known scholars visit him and they are humbled in his presence. We have seen with our own eyes how some Mashayikh visit our Shaikh Ubaid al-Jaabiree and refuse to answer questions in his presence due to their respect for him. From those have praised him and defend him and his honour include: Shaikh Rabee al-Madkhalee Shaikh al-Luhaydaan Shaikh Saalih al-Fawzaan Shaikh Saalih as-Suhaymee Shaikh Muhammad bin Haadee Shaikh Muhammad al-Aqeel Shaikh Abdus-Salaam as-Suhaimee Shaikh Ahmad Baazmool Shaikh Muhammad Baazmool Shaikh Abdullaah al-Bukhaaree Shaikh Muhammad bin Ramzaan al-Haajiree Shaikh Ahmad as-Subay'ee Shaikh Falaah Ismaa'eel Shaikh Muhammadal-Anjaree Shaikh Taariq as-Subay'ee Shaikh Abdul-Azeez al-Bur'ee Shaikh Muhammad al-Imaam Shaikh Ali al-Haddaadee Shaikh Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahhaab al-Wasaabee Shaikh Jamaal al-Haarithee And one could go on and on. The Shaikh (hafidhahullaah) is upon the usool and manhaj of Salafiyyah and the Salafis living around the world should continue to benefit from him and make du'aa for him. And we do not praise anyone over and above Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic. _____________________________