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» not having financial means for a second wife ?!
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28-02-2011 @ 9:53 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Umm Salayum bint Werner Kuhn (Doha, Qatar)
Posts: 25
Joined: Sep 2002

as salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu

I am search for an answer insha allah!
A lot of brothers are seeking to marry a second wife, but don't have the financial means for it.
Non the less , the second wife may  agrees to marry such a man , but the first wife fears for her financial support , do to that !
The brothers say Allah will provide do to them seeking chastity and a means to lower the gaze by that , by getting a second wife!

is there a fatwa that supports that statement of the brothers , is it advised to do so ?

Please help, looking for daleel insha allah, clarification!

jazaka allahu khairan

umsalayum bint werner kuhn  

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