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Topic: Wolverhampton -- Understanding Islam Conference
Saqib Punjaabi
(from Yorkshire )
Posts: 141
Joined: Dec 2006
Wolverhamptons' First All Inclusive Islamic Event Sunday 19th July 2009 Doors open at 2pm (Free Entry) At Wolverhampton Civic Hall: North Street, Wolverhampton, WV1 (next door to the Magistrates Court) 2:30pm Programme 1: The Purpose of Life Followed by Question & Answer Session 4:30pm Programme 2: The True Message of Jesus (peace be upon him)... A Prophet of God, or His only begotten son? Followed by Question & Answer Session 6:30pm Programme 3: Orthodox Islams' condemnation of Extremism, Terrorism, Suicide attacks & Hijacking... Are these acts permissible in Islam & who are the perpetrators of evil? Followed by Question & Answer Session Refreshments provided. Free Literature, Books and CDs. Front of Poster..(click here).. [url=]Back of Poster..(click here)..[/url]
Saqib Punjaabi
(from Yorkshire )
Posts: 141
Joined: Dec 2006
please see the 2 posters... attached Further information, please contact, 07877 311 781 Or Email
Abu Safaa Saqib bin Muhammad
(Wolverhampton England UK)
Posts: 1
Joined: Oct 2008
Bismillah Salaam msaqib2 & Salafi Brothers Is there a Wolverhampton Salafi Circle? I am going through An Nawawi's 40 Ahadith with 2 other brothers, perhaps we could meet up. Sorry I was held back from the Wton conference, but InshAllah see you at the Birmingham one on 14th August. Thaqib (Abu Safaa)
Salaam Thaqib
Saqib Punjaabi
(from Yorkshire )
Posts: 141
Joined: Dec 2006
As-Salaamu AlaiKum akhi, If Allah permitts, then i should be there this year if im not busy, inshallah. With regards to Imaam An Nawawi's 40 Ahadith, then i have the Arabic mtn/txt with recitation by Saad al-Ghamdhi. If you want this, then let me know and inshallah i can get you a copy... it should help you (and the other brothers) memorise the hadith easier inshallah. As-Salaamu AlaiKum wa Rahmatullahi wa Baarakatuhu.
Subhaanaka Allaahumma wa bihamdika, ash-hadu an-laa ilaa'ha illa Anta, Astagh'firuka wa atoobu ilayk (Glory is to You, O Allah, and All praise is to You. I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but You (alone). I seek Your forgiveness and r